Well, now I know what happens if the dose is too high. During my first week my symptoms became worse and worse. More fatigue, malise, body aches, chills, and disrupted sleep. I stopped after the sixth day and took a few days off. During this time I slowly rebounded. Brewer gave me the option to cut down to every other day or every third day on both the Chelating PX and the Ampho B. Alternatively, I can use the medicine daily but reduce the amount.
My wife and daughter are both into their third week and it appears the dose it about right. Their experiences were similar but not as bad as me (although they claim I am just a whimp). The second week was not as bad as the first. Neither are back to baseline, but it looks like they will be able to stay the course. My wife is working full time and it has been difficult, but it looks like she should be able to make it through.
Despite this experience I feel quite positive about it. Brewer said that there would be a die off reaction and there was. He said he'd probably hear from one of us and he did. So it looks like on average about one in three or four will have to adjust the dosage downward.
I should emphasise how bad of idea it is to start out with a higher dosage than Brewer now recommends. Some brave soles have suffered quite severely so he could establish the correct dosage.
One real intersting thing is that we are all having clear elaborate dreams. I have no idea what this means.