Hi Anne,
Thanks much for your fairly extraordinary posts. I was wondering how you went about being assessed. I suspect I have both disorders, so any information would be appreciated. -- Thanks!
Hi Wayne,
We saw someone who assesses (usually children) for neurodevelopmental delays. Lots of tests including - for auditory processing - a Tomatis Listening Test audiogram which measures air and bone conduction thresholds for volume of sound, pitch discrimination, auditory - spacial awareness. My understanding of how the Tomatis method is supposed to work is that if the middle ear muscles aren't well toned this can lead to all kinds of sensory issues, tiredness, overwhelm in severe cases.
My younger child had more obvious problems with lower and highest frequencies. Presenting mostly as tiredness and/or withdrawal in certain settings - familiar to me, as I have it too.
We had the older child tested too, more for curiosity. Presentation is very different - ie no obvious problems with sounds, except maybe pitch discrimination presenting as needing to work harder than average on intonation in music learning. But he has mild vertigo, is very light sensitive, has a negative reaction to some textures...and as it turned out an even more significant auditory processing insufficiency that we never would have anticipated!
I will PM you a couple of further resources so you can learn more if you want to.