Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
May I ask how bad your ME normally is?
Currently it's not too awful, depending on the day. Stress makes it worse, as does lack of sleep. Both lower my PEM threshold and cognitive/focus abilities ....

Previously I was on the verge of suicide I was soooo miserable, so worn out and down with reaching out for answers and help and being told it was all in my head, or variations on that odious theme, so familiar to so many of us, so helpless and defeated.

That started changing gradually, and finding this site 18 months ago was absolutely a life-saver.

So hang in ..... answers come frm the strangest most unexpected places, in the oddest, least predictable ways ...

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Some people obviously need it saying severely. The police have enough to do without herding up the idiots!
And some people need to be hit repeatedly with a 2 x 4, while repeating to them loudly ... 'STAY INDOORS ...DONT GO OUT .... NO MOVIES, PUBS, RESTAURANTS, OR MILLING ABOUT .....STAY INDOORS, DON'T GO OUT ...." etc etc etc
Some people are in holiday mode!
Time to re-read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ....


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Yes. I'm about 100% sure. Been battling it since about the 10th. Am definitely gettng better, a step at a time.
I feel fortunate that I obviously have a 'mild' form, which is unpleasant enough.

I've had something going on for about a week. I thought it was just a ME/CFS flare from taking too many herbs killing bacteria in my gut, now I'm beginning to wonder. Whatever it is, it's fairly mild.

I'm not even spending any time in bed. I don't have a chronic cough but I do cough occasionally. I do "feel" like I need to cough but I can usually suppress it. I'm lowering the amount of herbs I'm taking. So if that's it, I should know by tomorrow if I have "it" or not.

I have also had pretty much of a chronic low grade headache. Which I often have anyway but this is worse than I usually have. No fever but low grade chills very often. I really don't think it's the herbs I'm taking. I started cutting back yesterday but still feel awful today.

I usually feel a big improvement in how I feel, if I have taken too many herbs within 24 hours. I saw that you posted your symptoms somewhere but can't remember where. Could you point me in the right direction?:lol:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Feel so sad and fed up of having a prime minister that doesn’t do a thing to properly stop the spread of our virus.
Welcome to this side of the pond, where it was dismissed as a hoax, a desperate attempt by the opposition party to smear the administration, a problem caused by and largely for China, going to disappear overnight " .... like a miracle ..." :vomit::vomit::vomit:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I saw that you posted your symptoms somewhere but can't remember where. Could you point me in the right direction?:lol:
A couple of pages or less back in this thread ..... too wiped to go back, find, and repost .... maybe around Pg 22?

Thumbnail, and YMMV: onset was diarrhea, intermitent stomach pains, greater than usual fatigue then dry hacking painful cough once it had sandpapered my throat, shortness of breath on the stairs, temp of about 102 when I finally checkd it .... there's more, cant recall .... uh, yeah: nausea, inability to eat and total lack of interest in food ....


Senior Member
i think what we are seeing @AnnieT is what happens when people dont know what to do and have not been given clear and simple instructions by the Gov. The advice is to wordy. They need to keep it short and to the point.

The problem isn’t that the advice is wordy. The problem is there isn’t any proper advice and any advice that is given, is conflicting.

2 days ago: all pubs closed, stay at home
Today: Go out to help your mental health, it’s good to go out oh but also stay 2 feet away from each other?

pubs restaurants closed but other high density areas like beauticians and other shops still open, people crowd into high density areas like national trust parks

2 days ago: Boris Johnson: I’m going to pay my respects to my mum on Mother’s Day.
Next day: Boris Johnson: going to see your mothers on Mother’s Day may mean they will die, make sure you only Skype/video them

2 weeks ago: we will not close schools,
1 week ago: we are going to close schools
Edit: Then, later on: actually key workers children as well as other kids will still be in school, and we don’t know how many that’ll be, and we are going to bring in legislation that means schools can be forced to stay open

A few days ago: we will never go on lockdown
Today: Boris Johnson may initiate lockdown in a few days

Last week: Vallance - herd immunity is our plan
Few days later: Matt Hancock: herd immunity was never our plan
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Senior Member
@Inara i feel so hopeless. I feel like I’m never going to be able to get this surgery that I need to do, as it’s not safe, and I’m in so much pain. I can’t stay calm
Because every day that passes, is another day with me not being able to have surgery.
I am so sorry @rainbowbluebells :(. This is a terrible situation for you. I may have to postpone an ambulant operation end of April, too, but your case sounds so much worse. I wish I could help somehow.
I fear your situation might get worse, and then what? Or does your doctor say it's "just" pain?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
And to think, I used to think bats were so cute in a creepy little walking on their elbows way ....

I still love bats. Its not their fault. People should leave them alone, so they can do their good deeds (eat many millions of mosquitos, for instance). Bats aren't food. They are known to carry viruses.

Its ignorance and desperation in an overpopulated world. Its sad and- we need to get a grip.


Senior Member
Got it. Went to er, intense tachycardia, low fever, nausea, body aches, etc.. cough , shortness of breath

They gave me lots of saline. Couldn't bring heart rate down, i told them I react badly to beta blockers... they eventually gave me ativan plus the saline and tylenol, all of that worked

They did nasal swab test

But they discharged me without ativan , to a moldy airbnb to b quarantined

I definitely hate going to hospitals but think with the intense tachycardia I am glad i went even though my o2 sats turned out to be normal

Heart rate was like 156 going in, it took six hours or more for then to get it down to 100. I think the only reason they weren't total assholes to me was I brought in some medical records in the ambo, from the chiari neurosurgical center, on cci and pots diagnosis... which meant they didn't make me take the collar off and gave me lots of fluids and believed me that beta blockers didn't work

Still tachy and in lots of pain the next day ... hope I don't have to go back in... wish they prescribed me even a short term script of ativan or some pain meds as well