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Colon problems? Bifidobacteria?


Senior Member
A discovery by Dr. Sabine Hazan
Dr. Sabine Hazan: "I was drinking a liter of kefir every day and I couldn't find Bifidobacteria in my gut from that liter of kefir. So I tested the kefir in my fridge and basically noticed there was no Bifidobacteria, even though it said on the label, Bifidobacteria. So I was curious because here I am telling all my patients to drink kefir. Of course it's not going to improve their microbiome with mine didn't even improve.

So I went to my grocery store in Malibu and picked up a whole bunch of yogurts and a whole bunch of drinks that said Bifidobacteria in them. And then out of the drinks, out of the 26 drinks, only three of them had Bifidobacteria. And it was shocking because here I am telling patients, well, go get kefir and improve, go pick up a drink that has Bifidobacteria.

It was shocking to find out that actually so many drinks didn't have Bifidobacteria. It was also shocking to find out that out of the drinks that didn't have Bifidobacteria, not only did the drinks not have Bifidobacteria, but even the probiotics that say Bifidobacteria didn't have Bifidobacteria in there. 16 out of 17 probiotics on the market have zero Bifidobacteria. It's just a gimmick.

They don't put Bifidobacteria in there. So consumer beware because that's the problem. You are thinking you're taking on some probiotics or some drinks that is improving your gut and it's not necessarily improving your gut."


More at: S240 Probiotics Counterfeit! Study Finds Most Labels Mislead Customers


Senior Member
I also notice that they are going off the market slowly and it is more and more difficult to find a good probiotic with them. Some companies that sold good bifidos in regular stores a few years ago are no longer there.

Probiotics can cause a lot of problems if one takes the wrong one, they can alter the microflora for worse for a long time and we can never know for sure if that will not happen. I think it can cause a lot of mess and we will see research about it at some time in the future. I've recently found research indicating that microbiome depends a lot on genes, so probiotics and specific types of bacteria may be contraindicated for some people.

Most probiotics are loaded with Lactobacillus now and it's not always a good idea to take a lot of lactic acid producing bacteria, some can cause d-lactic acidosis, one of possible causes of ME/CFS as well. Bifidobacteria has always been a safer choice.

Maybe the products that should have bifidos but don't, what happened there is that other bacteria with time outnumberd Bifidobacteria. I think the safest way would be to make our own yoghurt with pure bifidos strains starters.


Senior Member
I think the safest way would be to make our own yoghurt with pure bifidos strains starters.
What a good idea. Thanks.
Just let’s be careful. If anybody has too much Bifidobacterium it can also cause invasive infection in patients with low immune function.
A test could bring clarity.
See the 2 example:


Senior Member
What a good idea. Thanks.
Just let’s be careful. If anybody has too much Bifidobacterium it can also cause invasive infection in patients with low immune function.
A test could bring clarity.

You're welcome! I agree, too much of anything is also bad, no matter what strain.

If anyone wants to make their own probiotics, this is a lot of fun. I made it successfully even without a yoghurt maker, it just needs a bit of time, love and proper temperature.

Unpasteurized milk works much better if you can get one, yoghurt comes out thick and nice. With pasteurized it's not the same consistency, not even close but probably it depends a lot on a producer. Homemade yoghurt can be used to make the next yoghurt, but strains would not be exactly the same. Anyways there was a time when I had my fridge filled with yoghurt jars.