MeSci @
- What name/s do we use for supplements: I suppose as general names as possible. I am now taking Vitamin-D3 drops that comes from the fat in the wool of some animal. I suppose in that case we could list "Vitamin-D3 drops (organic)". The user will then have the ability to register amount and frequency.
We must use the generic name whenever possible, but might need also to include brand, that would cover a few issues. We could then use drill down -> effectiveness of supplement -> effectiveness of brand
- What do we do in the case of overlaps (e.g. whole extracts vs. individual ingredients): I think it would be best if the user could extract the amounts and register them individually...
Not sure on this one, could get terribly complicated and many supplements don't declare things with exactitude.
This seems more viable for 'pharmaceuticals.
There would be a similar issue for 'compound supplements' e.g. XYZ energy mix. b-complex, multi-vitamins.
- What do we do about timescales of outcomes (look at short- and long-term outcomes? defined how?): I believe regular reporting would be very beneficial vs. one time feedback. How? dunno yet

I am inclined to reporting every six (variable fatigue) or twelve months to pick up concrete measurable improvement, or beginning and end of therapy.
- Allowing for editing/correction (like a Wiki?): I suppose you mean the supplements list, descriptions, treatments and the like? That could be both a good and a bad thing. If everyone are allowed to edit, I am afraid the quality of that data could easily become a mix of good and poor. It would perhaps be the best if people proved themselves first to be knowledgeable enough before being allowed to edit the database. Perhaps the changes/additions should be reviewed by another user too, before it is included?
Much depends here on what we are talking about.
Supplement details need to be stable & reliable and not duplicated because they are shared - there may be a need for 'approval'. Personal symptoms should be editable, but nor from six years ago (too much chance of bad data.
For some things such as metabolites in test panels, some form of admin function is likely needed.
- How do we define outcomes (symptoms, blood results...): I didn't get that question?
- What about diagnostic criteria: This I touched briefly in a previous post. I believe each profile should be required to registerd if they are self diagnosed, or by professionals, and what diagnose (criteria) if so
I am thinking on this one, it would be complex, but we might be able to calculate which criteria a member meets from the symptoms. That is unlikely to be a phase one function though.
Regarding outcomes, if the users queries supplements for symptoms, use symptom as metric.
If user queries treatment for metabolite (eg. low T3) then use lab results.
not a considered response just my instinctive one.
I am not sure if there exists any open/free databases about supplements and such? I know there are a few for food and nutrition.
Come back to us on that please, not something I had considered.