Make and I began discussing this issue again about a month ago. The most important things:Hi!
Just an idea that dropped on me. I am not sure if such a think exists, but wouldn't it be great if there was a sort of web portal dedicated for ME/CFS sufferers where you could register a profile and provide extensive data about your condition and what measurements has proven helpful, what has not helped, and what made you worse, at what level, how and what it did, and so on.
Thinking of supplements, medications, treatments, activities and just about anything. It would have to be as much data as possible - both of the treatment (like type, amount, length, frequency) and about your condition (severity, length, male/female, age, country, possible contributors to developing the condition and so on and so on).
From there on one could build sort of big data statistics from many users (hopefully) and find common denominators, patterns, and perhaps map out areas of interest to investigate further both for sufferers, and for medical researchers.
The idea dropped on me some minutes ago, and I have not thought through all possibilities, but got a bit exited and just wanted to get some feedback from you![]()
@Leopardtail Those are good points. By saying "To store any test results for each member" - do you meant things like blood values, genetics tests, etc...
Parts that I've thought about that could also be included is:
- Pre-sickness experiences. With myself as an example: stressful life situation, long term antibiotic treatment, lyme, ...
- Short "biography" - explaining in words the situation now and then.
- Smart data comparison system - allowing the user to see how effective Vitamin B12 was for everyone, OR, only for those who struggles with this, this, that and this, but not this, that and this.
- Among those who had success with "B12" - 40% also did this, 63% took this...
- Those who struggle with this, has bad experience with this, this and this...
What I had at the back of my mind but did not say too explicitly (to allow other people's ideas to germiante) was that when we as a group decide to record symptom (e.g. polyyuria) we create a rating scale for that symptom (e.g. waking up at night to wee, weeing more than hourly by day, hourly, etc etc ) so that we can record symptoms before treatment, then record improvement after a supplement (or worsening).While reading this a thought occurred as to something that might be useful as part of the project.
Re-reading Leopardtail's post #22 it may be that my idea is contained in the comment "To allow mapping of symptom improvement for particular treatments"
Just to be certain, does this statement mean that a scale (or something similar that would do the job) would be developed so that when we start rating things we'll all be using the same reference point?
Have not started thinking about technology as yet. I prefer to be crystal clear what we want to achieve first. This is how I usually run a project:Have there been any thoughts on choice of technology to base this system on? PHP, Rails, ...?
I've almost finished reading a book about a new Node based framework called Meteor ( Have you heard abut it? In my opinion, it is really good and I believe it could serve very well for a system like this.
No worries, we all suffer the same issuesI fully agree that good planning is very wise. I am my self a sort of hobby programmer. I have some knowledge of the most common web technologies, but nothing too advanced. My mind is a bit spaghetti like now, so sorry for this not coming out too organized:
Sounds good, perhaps we could come up with some concrete examples that would 'bring it to life' for people reading the discussion?I see two main purposes for the data collected:
- Letting fellow sufferers match their profile with cases similar to themselves, and learning what experiences they had, both good and bad, in order to hopefully find the quickest path to the best treatment plan for their special situation. This is done mainly by different statistics based on the data from the matched profiles.
Two possible approaches to this spring to mind:"Would it be enough simply to have members rate the treatment when they give details of trying it?"
- It will also be a hopefully great tool for researchers and doctors to generate data reports that can help them in their research; say they need data about people with digestion issues - then they could just filter out those.
I believe for this purpose it would perhaps be wise to somehow be able to grade the quality of data provided by each users - perhaps making filters like "Have a diagnose" or "Self diagnosed". So if the researchers only want data from people who has been properly diagnosed by medical staff, they can filter out those...
To secure the quality of data, it should perhaps be required that the user somehow must provide certain details that can help establish trust between PR and the patient.
Yes, my though is that the user rates it - positively or negatively, but the system can at the same time look at the "struggles" the patient has registered on his profile and let the user know that most of the patients who reported this product/treatment as a negative experience also struggled with "these" issues. So then, if I myself do not struggle with the same issues, perhaps the product/treatment could be working for me.
Sounds good."You mention a couple of things in your question. Did you mean all pre-existing medical conditions, and all life experience of just those the member thing triggered their condition?
Quite a lot of the things (triggers) are 'standard items' example infections with XXXX, overwork due to family or career. Do you think we might be able to get this boiled down to some check-boxes plus additional info? How do you see that information being made use of?"
I was thinking about check-boxes yes - that way it is possible to use the data effectively. I was thinking perhaps those that was thought to contribute to developing the condition first or all, but perhaps registering all medical conditions is not a bad idea either?
It looks as though it keeps each patients data separate so it won't replace what we are looking to do. What might be useful would be it's list of symptoms etc, or possibly its printable reports. Please keep us posted when it's released.I don't know if this is relevant but NCNED are releasing an app... Link below.
Thanks for that hip,This will keep you busy reading for some time:
Links to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatments
Ongoing Survey on the Best Supplements for ME/CFS
Immune and Pathogen Resources – Phoenix Rising
Dr. Cheney’s Basic Treatment Plan for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A Great Blog about Treatments for ME/CFS
CFS: The Nutritional Approach
Comprehensive Compendium of Drugs, Herbs and Vitamins for Treating ME/CFS
ME Action UK – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Useful Treatments
DiagnoseMe – ME/CFS Treatments Rated with ✔ To ✔✔✔ Ticks
Excellent List of ME/CFS Herbs and Supplements
List of ME/CFS Doctors’ Protocols
CFS — A Roadmap For Testing And Treatment ME/CFS Treatments
Hormones etc for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
NaturDoctor – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients – ME/CFS Treatments
Drugs for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Medical Insider — ME/CFS Resource
Overcoming ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Gulf War Illness/Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome –
Anecdotal Evidence Of Different ME/CFS Treatments — Maija Haavisto
What I had at the back of my mind but did not say too explicitly (to allow other people's ideas to germiante) was that when we as a group decide to record symptom (e.g. polyyuria) we create a rating scale for that symptom (e.g. waking up at night to wee, weeing more than hourly by day, hourly, etc etc ) so that we can record symptoms before treatment, then record improvement after a supplement (or worsening).
So yes, we would need some form of rating scale that gives fixed reference points in order to provide good quality data and avoid 'good mood' or 'wishful thinking' improving evaluations. Generating those scales would be a good bit of work for us all, but right now, I can't see a way around that issue unless existing scales are available.
What did you have in mind under 'activities' here?Hi!
Just an idea that dropped on me. I am not sure if such a think exists, but wouldn't it be great if there was a sort of web portal dedicated for ME/CFS sufferers where you could register a profile and provide extensive data about your condition and what measurements has proven helpful, what has not helped, and what made you worse, at what level, how and what it did, and so on.
Thinking of supplements, medications, treatments, activities and just about anything. It would have to be as much data as possible - both of the treatment (like type, amount, length, frequency) and about your condition (severity, length, male/female, age, country, possible contributors to developing the condition and so on and so on).
From there on one could build sort of big data statistics from many users (hopefully) and find common denominators, patterns, and perhaps map out areas of interest to investigate further both for sufferers, and for medical researchers.
The idea dropped on me some minutes ago, and I have not thought through all possibilities, but got a bit exited and just wanted to get some feedback from you![]()