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Cold Cloudy Weather the Worst


As soon as the colder weather sets in I get much worse.

1) Mold spores in my wall cavities--and I have to stop the window fans.
2) It's really cold today--like 51--and I don't use the radiators. I use a quartz ceramic heater but I haven't turned it on yet as I can get kind of sleepy when I use it. It's cold outside and it's cold inside. It's going to be cloudy and rainy all week.
3) Vitamin D from the sun--round about October it gets less and less. I can feel a big difference in my health.

How about others? I just love sun and hot days. But even in winter sunny days are preferable to these cloudy yucky days.w


Senior Member
Western Washington
Yup! Same. :rolleyes:

Though the giant bump in Vitamin D the last couple days is starting to take some of the edge off the cloudy weather for me.

Lisa :)


sun and warmth

As soon as the colder weather sets in I get much worse.

How about others? I just love sun and hot days. But even in winter sunny days are preferable to these cloudy yucky days.w

me too. I wonder if it's a fairly common symptom?

I definitely feel better when it's sunny and warm and lose energy/function at a lower level in the winter (it's quite cloudy and damply cool here then). I try to pull all my tricks out of the bag - focus more on waht's important and do only that with lots of rests. Take vit d supplements. More meditation. Visualize sun and warmth (can one visualize warmth? maybe I sensorize it). Have a sun lamp that may try again. Used to be able to travel to the sun for a while, but can't afford it any more.

For me the warm part is almost as important - I bundle up (in things that are easy to get off when my temperature swings from 96 to 101 or when I get sweats at any temperature). Love baths and saunas but heat intolerance is a bit more active these days so can't use them as much (or at all at times). Also keep the house warm - is there anyway you can keep yourself warm without getting sleepy?


The dank cloudy atmosphere is the worst for me. As long as there's bright sun...sometimes I have taken a 100 watt bulb and put it in a reflector lamp to simulate bright light.


Senior Member
I'm pretty much bedbound, and I got one of Dr. Mercola's natural light bulbs, and that does help me. It's not a complete cure, but before I had it, I could get into some real funks, which is not common for me, even with the DD.


Senior Member

I'm conflicted. Yes, I feel better in the summer when no fronts are rolling through and have always thought of myself as a summer person. However, It gets so hot here that I have to admit the cooler temperatures are a nice change. We can go outside again.