Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Senior Member
Yeah, there might be some immune activation independent of die-off. On the other hand, TLR4 antagonism should help.

BTW, I had the tick lab tested, and it was positive for rickettsia, but not lyme. Doxy should take care of that as well.

Are your symptoms consistent with rickettsia?


Senior Member
Btw I started myself on soaked chia seeds (forms a gel/mucilage) and it's working very well for the gastritis but my joints are killing me.


PR activist
Are your symptoms consistent with rickettsia?
Yes. I actually put my money on that, because it's incubation period is shorter than lyme, around two days.

I don't have any rash though. Hopefully, I won't get one either, since I started the abc early.
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Senior Member
There seem to be an interesting good side effect from taking Miyarisan.
Some of you may know that we had turned to vodka to lessen the problems we had with fungal die-off.
To counter bad alcohol with good alcohol.
On 15th March I wrote this :
And got chided by I don't remember whom who said drinking vodka was not a good idea for ME/CFS sufferers because one of the signs of the disease is that they cannot stand alcohol.

Now it seems nearly impossible for us to get even dizzy on vodka. At first I thought I had been sold a bottle of glorified tap water.
But look at this study saying that Miyarisan improved non alcoholic fatty liver!

- Could it be that their secret supplementation with Miyarisan helps the Japanese to spend their nights in bars with no after effects in the morning at work?
- Could it be that once you can drink with no problem you do not suffer of ME/CFS anymore? In that case we ARE cured.
- Could it be that Clostridium butyricum is what is missing in the guts of people with ME/CFS?



Fine, thank you
Has anyone else got joint pain who didn't have it before?

A couple of days ago I got intense pain in my left wrist, which lasted about 10 minutes and then went away. Just had a similar thing in my right wrist.

Wrist pain (indeed, any joint pain) is not normal for me (apart from a long-running left knee thing).


Senior Member
I got bad pains in my left wrist too. It left like a ligament issue. It's clearing up now thanks to Boswellia serrata.


Fine, thank you
Ow! Fingers hurting on my left hand now.


Eczema flare-up going on too... so hard to know whether these are good things or bad things...


Revolting Peasant
Well, this is all very interesting..........but I don't want to jump to any conclusions yet.

For the past couple of months my cognitive function has been much worse than it has been at any time in the last 18 months. I've also been waking too early in the morning (about 5am) and not going back to sleep again, not getting out of bed until after 10am and have been desperate to have a couple of mugs of coffee in the morning to try to jolt myself into the day.

I've felt 'sedated' all the time, not quite as bad as on amitriptyline (if that means anything to you) but for brief periods of half an hour or so the sensation has lessened somewhat. I've spent less time on the forum, mostly because I'm finding it harder than usual to take information in.

I took my first tab of CB at about 7pm yesterday. By about 9 the sedated feeling lifted a bit. Didn't think anything of it because, as I mentioned, it does from time to time. I started listening to some music on YouTube and was having quite the little nostalgia trip back to the 80s, really listening to the music rather than it being something that was just on. I made myself go to bed shortly after midnight but would have loved to have stayed up longer.

So, I woke up this morning at about 5am, feeling crappy as usual but with the sense that I had slept well. Instead of resenting not being able to go back to sleep and the relentless movement of the clock I just lay there resting and accepting that I wouldn't go back to sleep again. Got up at around 9:30 and made myself a cup of coffee more out of habit than desperation. I had a light breakfast with a tab of CB and have felt more alert all day than I have for a while. I tried to read for a while but it just went straight in and out of my brain, and I couldn't manage more than five minutes, so no change there then.

I always feel like I'm battling fatigue and/or semi-consciousness but right now I'm pleasantly sleepy, which is rare as hen's teeth, very peaceful.

Of course, this may not be down to the CB at all. I could just have gee'd myself up today with all the excitement. We'll see.


Revolting Peasant
@Sasha Have you had your vitamin D tested recently? I've been getting ever more frequent pains in my fingers, toes, wrists, ankles and elbows. I asked for a test and it came out much lower than it was a few years ago. Not deficient but lower than it should be. (Thank you, fatigue clinic doctor, for the shit advice).

Just a thought. I don't know yet if that's an explanation for my pains because I've only just started supplementing again.


Fine, thank you
@Sasha Have you had your vitamin D tested recently? I've been getting ever more frequent pains in my fingers, toes, wrists, ankles and elbows. I asked for a test and it came out much lower than it was a few years ago. Not deficient but lower than it should be. (Thank you, fatigue clinic doctor, for the shit advice).

Just a thought. I don't know yet if that's an explanation for my pains because I've only just started supplementing again.

Had it done last month and it was normal - can't remember the actual numbers, though. I've been supplementing for a few years now.

Sorry to hear about your pains! So much stuff seems to go wrong with us.


Revolting Peasant
Had it done last month and it was normal - can't remember the actual numbers, though. I've been supplementing for a few years now.
Oh, well, it was a long shot.
Sorry to hear about your pains!
Don't be sorry. It's rarely worse than just annoying. Yours seems to be worse.
So much stuff seems to go wrong with us.
It's not so much the stuff going wrong that bothers me most. It's not having a clue why or what to do about it.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
BTW, I had the tick lab tested, and it was positive for rickettsia, but negative for borrelia, erlichia and babesia. Doxy should take care of the rickettsia as well.
Were you tested for Bartonella as well? That has been my bug of choice--in that I had a positive PCR for it and only equivocals on Borrelia.



PR activist
Were you tested for Bartonella as well? That has been my bug of choice--in that I had a positive PCR for it and only equivocals on Borrelia.

I wasn't tested for anything. I tested the tick. Bartonella wasn't available for testing at this lab. But it's a possibility too, and I don't think doxy works for that. There are even more known and unknown bugs in the ticks.

I'm starting to feel a little better, so hopefully the doxy is biting. It's all a big guessing game and I don't like it. Now I'm terrified of ticks and won't even go to the park.


Senior Member
AOR3 helped constipation too but messed me up, severely, in other ways as I wrote about on the RS thread. I am sure only people with severe ME or specific problems with strep would end up with those complications. I've heard from patients with milder conditions who tolerate AOR3 no problem.

@Sidereal -- I couldn't find your post on the mile-long RS thread. Could you explain the strep hypothesis?

With Miyarisan every ME symptom was improving, that's what's so remarkable about it, until I developed frigging gastritis so I had to go off everything for now. Of course I did over a year of groundwork with RS and other prebiotics before taking this so for those coming to C butyricum with severe leaky guts etc. it could conceivably not work or make things worse, who knows.

Gastritis -- do you mean it increased your gastric acid or hydrochloric acid production? And do you know if anyone w/leaky gut has reported problems with AOR3 or Miyarisan?

Thanks in advance.