I meant that the cartoon should be the issue here, not the valid and honest opinions expressed in posts.
What else is the forum for, if it's not to state opinions and discuss issues, even if perplexed?
No, because any lack of understanding or lack of clarity about the cartoon arises due to the undefined nature of the cartoon, and the undefined intentions of the cartoonist, and not due to the insight of people posting in this thread.
I agree with your point of view about the cartoonist's intentions, but it isn't clearly defined exactly what statement the cartoonist is making, and so it is open to interpretation.
Mr Kite, we are all on the same side here, and all pretty much in agreement on the important issues, as far as I can see.
But exactly what the cartoon is trying to portray is a matter of interpretation for different individuals to make.
Who cares if someone else has a different opinion about what the cartoon is saying? It's not a big deal.
If people can't express their opinions freely on the forum without being asked why they are posting on the forum in a hostile manner, and effectively asked to leave the forum, then people aren't going to come here to discuss the cartoon. Which kind of defeats the purpose of this thread.
All of what you said is a little bit (actually a lot) different than claiming the cartoon isn't about CFS, when that's actually in the title of the cartoon - a cartoon moreover that depicts a person complaining of CFS symptoms. What do you think it's about, cancer?
I never said anyone couldn't express their opinion, and I never asked anyone to "leave the forum." Where you are getting this bullsh!t is beyond me. In fact, I explicitly said that the person who claimed there wasn't anything in it that referred to CFS is free to think whatever they want about it, however wrong they may be.
Because contrary to how you try to depict it here, the person wasn't 'perplexed' about the cartoon, the person was certain it had nothing to do with CFS at all. Which is an opinion that's obviously divorced from reality, but if someone wants to believe that, that's up to them. But in that case, I am also free to express my opinion, right? Whatever that might be, and without getting a bunch of bullsh!t from you about it, just like you are hypocritically complaining to me about. So spare me your hypocritical little "lectures." I don't need them, either here or in your arrogant, patronising PMs.
P.S. If you make one more post making me and/or my rhetorical style the subject of the thread instead of making the cartoon or actual topic the subject, as it properly should be, I'll report you for harassment. If you don't like my posts, don't read them. AFAIK, this forum has an ignore feature. That's what it's for, to ignore people whose posts you don't want to read. I don't come here to be lectured to.