Oh, Nielk, when I saw this message I almost started crying. I'm so sorry that someone said this to you. I'm sure that a lot of people think this, but to say it out loud,
to your face, is almost beyond belief. It's amazing that people simply cannot see (or don't want to see) all the losses (health, job, social life, income, etc.) that are caused by this illness.
What do folks think disability insurance is for, after all? It's for people who are unable to work! So the comment that it should go "to cancer patients" just doesn't make sense, unless she thinks that all cancer patients are automatically too sick to work.
In fact, I know of several cancer patients who were able to work
while undergoing chemotherapy. These folks recovered and never had to file for either short-term or long-term disability. I don't want to belittle the problems of dealing with cancer -- it can be a very tough thing to fight -- but it does not mean that the person is necessarily unable to work. It all depends on the situation.
The general public seems to be so ignorant about chronic illness, especially invisible ones like ME/CFS.

Sending you some hugs.....