Unlike with other diets such as the huge push for Plant-based, raw, vegan diets in films such as ''What the Health'' which demonise fats but impart that sugars are completely fine
I would like to see where you saw that ChrisD. I certainly have not seen it anywhere.
My foray into LCHF began when I read Dr Terry Wahl's book about her recovery from MS. I tried the keto stage but my thyroid could not take it so I added some carbs ie sweet potato but not grains. I did see some improvement in some autoimmunity but ran into problems later on. I blame that diet for my gall stones and severe gall bladder attacks, one of which I now know to have been acute pancreatitis. My pancreas must have sustained damage because I seem to have type 3c diabetes due to nightime hypos.
I also did not sleep too good, and suspect my microbiome suffered. I gained wieght and began to crave sugar.
I am now on the plant based whole food no salt oil or sugar diet, for 7 weeks now and it is going well. Sleep has began to be excellent - deep and satisfying - better than for years. My weight is down and my BP. I enjoy the diet more than HF. There is a whole pile of science behind this diet. There are quite a few ex-cfs sufferers in these communities.
You said that here is no-one to make profit from a meat based diet Chris but what about the farming industry?