I've been brainstorming additional idea's with @Radio for mitochondria repair. I came across a supplement called C60. It has some remarkable results from the (limited) studies I've seen.
This could be a golden mitochondria addition:
I pasted a few of the good quotes, whole article is here
I don't think it's approved by the FDA for human consumption since there hasn't been enough testing yet, but there are a ton of people on some other forums who have taken it with success. I'm curious if anyone here has tried this yet, or even heard of it?
In one study, researchers gave C-60 fullerene dissolved in olive oil to animal test subjects and found that it nearly doubled their lifespans with no chronic toxicity evident. Based on their findings, researchers determined that C-60 fullerene’s effect on lifespan is largely due to the reduction of age-associated increases in oxidative stress.
In another study, scientists used a fullerene enzyme to help break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells. Researchers found that, "Chronic treatment not only reduced age-associated oxidative stress and mitochondrial radical production but significantly extended lifespan.” They also observed improved performance on learning and memory tasks.
This could be a golden mitochondria addition:
I pasted a few of the good quotes, whole article is here
(1) C60 remains in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, doing its ROS-neutralizing work for weeks or months.
Lipofullerenes could act as super-antioxidants on the cellular level, where they remain for a very long time, since they are not “used up” when they act as antioxidants, and they are constantly recycled in the cell.
(2) The C60 physically rejuvenates organisms on the cellular level, for example by DNA demethylation or by otherwise reversing cellular damage on the molecular level.
Interestingly, the size of the Buckyball C60 molecule is such that it fits exactly inside the “minor groove” DNA winding and it indeed binds to it, protecting it against Methyl groups that degrade and neutralize the DNA:
(6) “It is a catalytic radical scavenger – i.e. it is able to re-cycle and repeat its activity over and over. It accumulates in mitochondria. It has antiviral action. C60 has anti-cancer properties. Possibly, as with methylene blue, there might be a hormetic affect – with low dosages having a positive effect, and higher doses a deleterious one.”
(11) “C60 is able to associate with mitochondria and induce a cytoprotective antioxidant effect.”
(12) “C60 might be resetting the mitochondria to a younger age.”
(14) Here’s a sketchy hypotheses of how C60 might work:
(19) It’s very clear that C60 has mitochondrial activities; for example, animals treated with C60 are more resistant to radiation effects, and are far more resistant to the oxidative damage from carbon tetrachloride ingestion. That isn’t just a reset to a youthful state, because youthful animals would be injured by both radiation and CCl4.
- Fullerenes wrapped in oil are transported to mitochondria for burning.
- Once there, the oil is stripped and the naked fullerenes are attracted to other hydrophobic molecules, such as the methyl groups on the mitochondrial DNA, and reacts with them, stripping them from the DNA.
- Demethylation of the DNA thus reverses the epigenetic DNA changes that result in dysfunction of the mitochondria.
(22) Harman, in this 2001 paper posits that fullerene may work in the mitochondria as a blocking agent. Many antioxidants,at therapeutic doses,actually decrease the efficiency of the mitochodria, which is why possibly we do not see increases in the maximum lifespan. If fullerene is indeed a blocking agent, then it acts by stopping oxygen from generating reactive oxygen species and superoxide formation, while having no negative impact on mitochondrial functionality. Other studies posit it is a superoxide dismutase mimetic.
(25) C60 is thought to be a “SOD Mimetic”, SOD is an enzyme that clears out the destructive superoxide ROS in your cells.
(31) A resetting of the Mitochondrial DNA in the gut related to our Innate Anti-Inflammatory mechanisms resets our ability to manage the auto-immune diseases (like cancer) which, increasingly, knock us off as we age.
I don't think it's approved by the FDA for human consumption since there hasn't been enough testing yet, but there are a ton of people on some other forums who have taken it with success. I'm curious if anyone here has tried this yet, or even heard of it?