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C60 Mitochondria Repair


Senior Member
I've been brainstorming additional idea's with @Radio for mitochondria repair. I came across a supplement called C60. It has some remarkable results from the (limited) studies I've seen.

In one study, researchers gave C-60 fullerene dissolved in olive oil to animal test subjects and found that it nearly doubled their lifespans with no chronic toxicity evident. Based on their findings, researchers determined that C-60 fullerene’s effect on lifespan is largely due to the reduction of age-associated increases in oxidative stress.

In another study, scientists used a fullerene enzyme to help break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells. Researchers found that, "Chronic treatment not only reduced age-associated oxidative stress and mitochondrial radical production but significantly extended lifespan.” They also observed improved performance on learning and memory tasks.

This could be a golden mitochondria addition:
I pasted a few of the good quotes, whole article is here

(1) C60 remains in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, doing its ROS-neutralizing work for weeks or months.

Lipofullerenes could act as super-antioxidants on the cellular level, where they remain for a very long time, since they are not “used up” when they act as antioxidants, and they are constantly recycled in the cell.

(2) The C60 physically rejuvenates organisms on the cellular level, for example by DNA demethylation or by otherwise reversing cellular damage on the molecular level.

Interestingly, the size of the Buckyball C60 molecule is such that it fits exactly inside the “minor groove” DNA winding and it indeed binds to it, protecting it against Methyl groups that degrade and neutralize the DNA:

(6) “It is a catalytic radical scavenger – i.e. it is able to re-cycle and repeat its activity over and over. It accumulates in mitochondria. It has antiviral action. C60 has anti-cancer properties. Possibly, as with methylene blue, there might be a hormetic affect – with low dosages having a positive effect, and higher doses a deleterious one.”
(11) “C60 is able to associate with mitochondria and induce a cytoprotective antioxidant effect.”

(12) “C60 might be resetting the mitochondria to a younger age.”

(14) Here’s a sketchy hypotheses of how C60 might work:

    • Fullerenes wrapped in oil are transported to mitochondria for burning.
    • Once there, the oil is stripped and the naked fullerenes are attracted to other hydrophobic molecules, such as the methyl groups on the mitochondrial DNA, and reacts with them, stripping them from the DNA.
    • Demethylation of the DNA thus reverses the epigenetic DNA changes that result in dysfunction of the mitochondria.
(19) It’s very clear that C60 has mitochondrial activities; for example, animals treated with C60 are more resistant to radiation effects, and are far more resistant to the oxidative damage from carbon tetrachloride ingestion. That isn’t just a reset to a youthful state, because youthful animals would be injured by both radiation and CCl4.
(22) Harman, in this 2001 paper posits that fullerene may work in the mitochondria as a blocking agent. Many antioxidants,at therapeutic doses,actually decrease the efficiency of the mitochodria, which is why possibly we do not see increases in the maximum lifespan. If fullerene is indeed a blocking agent, then it acts by stopping oxygen from generating reactive oxygen species and superoxide formation, while having no negative impact on mitochondrial functionality. Other studies posit it is a superoxide dismutase mimetic.
(25) C60 is thought to be a “SOD Mimetic”, SOD is an enzyme that clears out the destructive superoxide ROS in your cells.
(31) A resetting of the Mitochondrial DNA in the gut related to our Innate Anti-Inflammatory mechanisms resets our ability to manage the auto-immune diseases (like cancer) which, increasingly, knock us off as we age.

I don't think it's approved by the FDA for human consumption since there hasn't been enough testing yet, but there are a ton of people on some other forums who have taken it with success. I'm curious if anyone here has tried this yet, or even heard of it?


Senior Member
Looks interesting. My concern is that those sites are obviously trying to sell you C60. I don't have the energy to look it up, but I'd be interested to see the studies published in 'respected journals'.


Senior Member
There are a few threads about c60 on longecity.org. I really want to try it out sometime because i'm SOD2 +/+ and c60 might help with that.
Are you or radio going to try it out?


Senior Member
I have a few things I'm going to test before that, but once I try all those out I probably will. Looks like intesting stuff!


Senior Member
Midwest USA
BIG price difference between the two companies...$19.99 vs $99.99.

I don't know why but that seems like a big red flag to me.


Senior Member
Yeah I agree. I'm not recommending buying from any certain company. I really haven't studied which company people have used, I'm just looking at the efficacy at this point.
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Senior Member
Ventura, CA
From most sources I read on it there are incredibly positive reviews and almost unheard of testing results. The issue is why have no idea how much of this info is absolutely true added to the fact it is currently banned in supplement form, I just don't know if there are any potential adverse effects. It looks extremely promising but there is a lot of weird things going on from different sources and producers of the product.

I think I will keep my eyes on it and wait until more details are revealed or they get an idea on the safety value in using this in humans, I mean we aren't rats after all. ;) All in all it looks pretty sweet and I would normally jump right on it to at least test it out, it just seems like there is not enough known about it with human use to jump into that in the moment. I am also curious as to the dramatic pricing differences from different companies. If there were non biased articles and research done on it where there is no profit to be made this would be ideal!

Thanks for sharing this it looks really damn cool, I just want to wait a bit till we know more about its full spectrum use/side effects. I just want to be sure its not a "too good to be true" kind of thing. Essentially from the rat studies if this functioned the same in humans then they have literally found the fountain of youth lol.


Senior Member
Vic, AU
I meant to update this on here for a few weeks as I have been following it from time to time on longecity, so far from what I can tell nearly all reports are positive or neutral, the only negative I remember was a couple of claims on rogue eye brow hairs growing to excessive lengths lol

This is the most recent reports from people,


Still not enough people using it or reporting on it for my liking, the information is a little lacking. One thing that makes me curious is one of the most respected and senior members on that forum, niner, mentioned recently C60 surpasses all supplements by far; some of the reversals in some medical issues by some also seems quite remarkable, especially for people a little older. Reversal of grey hair and regrowth of balding also seems pretty amazing.

Will probably still wait a couple more years myself, I am able to continue to make progress though, if I was not I would more than likely be using it already.

I believe either of these sources are reliable, fairly similar prices,


My understand is there is nothing majorly complicated about production of C60 so it should never be overly priced. I believe there actually people making their own C60oo at home, likely those with some kind of a chemistry/lab skills though.

When and if the establishment comes out and tires to ban this I will definitely order some.
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Senior Member
Thanks this is the first time for me to hear about c60. Every time I read anything about mitochondria I become quite interested because in my view Mitochondria are the foundation of our health and many diseases like cfs and also aging.

But on the other hand anything that is powerful enough to restore much of the mitochondria would be too good to be true and it would be almost like the secret to be invincible. The government surely wouldn't accept a discovery like that to be in the hands of the people.

Anyway I still have some hope that this turns out to be of value, let's wait and see.


Senior Member
Radio: Please check out these links. :thumbsup:

Update on C60 fullerenes in olive oil :


Vince Giuliano says:

Jim Watson has bought an additional piece of research to my attention suggesting that an additional health producing function of C-60 could be the enhancement of mitophagy. In the article above I pointed out how depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane is likely to be an impact of C-60, and this can lead to decrease or elimination of the production of superoxide with all its damaging impacts. The following publication suggests that a second benefit of such depolarization could be an enhancement of mitophagy. If this applies, C-60 might have three different positive effects: 1. direct antioxidant effect once it enters a mitochondrion, 2. reduction of the production of superoxide, and 3. enhancement of mitophagy. See Proteasome and p97 mediate mitophagy and degradation of mitofusins induced by Parkin at

As explained in the blog entry, the same benefits might be realized from MitoQ.

MitoQ is a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant designed to accumulate within mitochondria in vivo in order to protect against oxidative damage. It is the first molecule specifically designed to decrease mitochondrial oxidative damage to have undergone clinical trials in humans.[1][2][3] Mitochondria are an essential organelle within most cells that use oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fat to release energy in a form the cell can use. In doing this mitochondria release disruptive free radicals that contribute to oxidative damage in a wide range of diseases and pathologies. MitoQ is being evaluated as a therapy for some of these disorders. The molecule comprises a positively-charged lipophilic cation that drives its extensive accumulation within the negatively-charged mitochondria inside cells. The active antioxidant component of MitoQ is ubiquinone, which is identical to the active antioxidant in Coenzyme Q10. The lipophilic cation enables MitoQ to be accumulated selectively and extensively by mitochondria, in contrast to other antioxidants which distribute evenly throughout the cell. It is this approximately thousand-fold greater concentration of MitoQ within mitochondria that makes it more effective at preventing mitochondrial oxidative damage when compared to untargeted antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10



New-form-of-CoQ10 / MitoQ


MitoQ 5mg - Dietary Supplement. Capsules 60

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Senior Member
From most sources I read on it there are incredibly positive reviews and almost unheard of testing results. The issue is why have no idea how much of this info is absolutely true added to the fact it is currently banned in supplement form, I just don't know if there are any potential adverse effects. It looks extremely promising but there is a lot of weird things going on from different sources and producers of the product.

I think I will keep my eyes on it and wait until more details are revealed or they get an idea on the safety value in using this in humans, I mean we aren't rats after all. ;) All in all it looks pretty sweet and I would normally jump right on it to at least test it out, it just seems like there is not enough known about it with human use to jump into that in the moment. I am also curious as to the dramatic pricing differences from different companies. If there were non biased articles and research done on it where there is no profit to be made this would be ideal!

Thanks for sharing this it looks really damn cool, I just want to wait a bit till we know more about its full spectrum use/side effects. I just want to be sure its not a "too good to be true" kind of thing. Essentially from the rat studies if this functioned the same in humans then they have literally found the fountain of youth lol.
What concerns me is the description of it 'binding' to DNA and preventing methylation. This would mean that DNA could not be deactivated. DNA related to enzymes is meant to be activated and deactivated as needed. This has the potential to cause metabolic mayhem.

I share Martial's concerns about the quality of science. There are lots of bold claims but the scientific details seems limited and has not been peer reviewed. People feel great when they first take Cocaine, Heroine, Alcohol, the trouble comes later.

I also share the concern of @Ema that having such wide variety of product price seems a bit fishy, as does the higher price. To me it all seems a bit 'marketing led'. I just hope for those with SOD problems that I am proven wrong.


Senior Member
What concerns me is the description of it 'binding' to DNA and preventing methylation. This would mean that DNA could not be deactivated. DNA related to enzymes is meant to be activated and deactivated as needed. This has the potential to cause metabolic mayhem.

I share Martial's concerns about the quality of science. There are lots of bold claims but the scientific details seems limited and has not been peer reviewed. People feel great when they first take Cocaine, Heroine, Alcohol, the trouble comes later.

I also share the concern of @Ema that having such wide variety of product price seems a bit fishy, as does the higher price. To me it all seems a bit 'marketing led'. I just hope for those with SOD problems that I am proven wrong.

Yes, The scientific details are very limited. I need more info on how this supplement actually works in the body. I will be concentrating my research on finding the root cause of the mitochondria damage and addressing that aspect. Does anyone have any thoughts on MitoQ?

Leopardtail, posted: This would mean that DNA could not be deactivated. DNA related to enzymes is meant to be activated and deactivated as needed. This has the potential to cause metabolic mayhem.

Radio: If C60 had a short half life in the body this would limit the possible metabolic imbalances.
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Senior Member
Yes, The scientific details are very limited. I need more info on how this supplement actually works in the body. I will be concentrating my research on finding the root cause of the mitochondria damage and addressing that aspect. Does anyone have any thoughts on MitoQ?

Leopardtail, posted: This would mean that DNA could not be deactivated. DNA related to enzymes is meant to be activated and deactivated as needed. This has the potential to cause metabolic mayhem.

Radio: If C60 had a short half life in the body this would limit the possible metabolic imbalances.
Agreed in principle though it describes binding to the mito ETS in one of the studies hence it remains something I will leave alone for now.... If I had severe problems with SOD then I might feel more 'experimental' about it.


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
I bought some C60 awhile back, tried it once, but haven't tried it since. (I didn't have any bad reactions, I'm just somewhat uneasy about it.) It's important to remember that all of the hype surrounding C60 began because of a single study done on rats.


Senior Member
Bumping this up. I think I have found out the hard way that C60 is not good for me when my mito are already compromised. i.e. the detox has made me exhausted!