brian nicholson detained in psyschiatric unit with me cfs for 3 years


Senior Member
Hi Bohemian,
SamB brought the Chinese Vaccine for Coronavirus to my attention. This post may be useful form both Coronavirus and ME/CFS, due to the antiviral and antibacterial properties of Brewers Yeast (have just purchased a quantity).

I have only just come across the properties of Brewers Yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is being used by the Chinese as part of a vaccine, but it has a lot of other applications and may be useful for Bacterial Overgrowth;

Just look at the properties of Brewers Yeast, which is both antiviral and antibacterial, but has also been used to treat C.Diff and treatment for IBS and diarrhea, and has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus an used for a number of Gastrointesinal problems. It has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms!

Overview Information
Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer's yeast to make medicine.

Holds Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

Dr. Seymour Pomper, an expert in yeast, notes that nutritional yeast is the fourth most prescribed herbal monopreparation in Germany due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Only ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and horse chestnut are consumed at higher levels.

Pomper explains that because nutritional yeast has not been associated with the candida albicans strain related to yeast infections, it has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms, a specific type of yeast infection. It has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

3. Improves Digestion

German monographs indicate nutritional yeast as a medicinal choice for diarrhea and loss of appetite, and studies showcase the digestive system benefits of nutritional yeast. The probiotics in nutritional yeast have shown positive effects on diarrheal patients, and although more research is needed, it may help cure diarrhea.

In addition, nutritional yeast is helpful for those who suffer the symptoms of lactose intolerance since it does not contain any dairy products. The Oxford Journal suggests that Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses significant sucrase and some isomaltase activity but no lactase activity, and it has been proposed to improve malabsorption in patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency who intentionally or unintentionally consume sucrose.

4. Contains Beneficial Protein and Thiamine

Nutritional yeast is a complete protein containing at least nine of the 18 amino acids that your body cannot produce. This is great news, especially for vegans and vegetarians who may struggle to find enough protein sources in the diet.

Brewer's yeast is taken by mouth for respiratory problems, including the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, seasonal allergies, and swine flu. Brewer's yeast is also taken by mouth for diarrhea, swelling of the colon (colitis) due to the bacteria Clostridium difficile, high cholesterol, loss of appetite, acne, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), recurring boils on the skin (furunculosis), type 2 diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has also been used as a source of B vitamins, chromium, and protein.

How does it work?
Due to the chromium content of brewer's yeast, there is interest in using it for lowering blood glucose in people with diabetes. Chromium may help the body use insulin more effectively. This can lower blood sugar levels.

Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to increase enzymes in the intestine that could help relieve diarrhea.

Brewer's yeast might help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine and improve the body's defenses against viral lung infections such as flu and the common cold.

The Antiviral, Antibacterial Immune-Booster

Nutritional yeast, also known as savory yeast or nooch, is an inactive yeast made from sugarcane and beet molasses. In the scientific form saccharomyces cerevisiae, or sugar-eating fungus, yeast cells use the sugar for energy.

Yellow in color, nutritional yeast comes in flakes, granules or a powder-like form and is often found as a condiment due to its savory taste and health benefits. It has a nutty, cheesy flavor and is often used to emulate cheese in vegan dishes, thicken sauces and dressings, and act as an additional boost in nutrients because it’s filled with B vitamins!

Nutritional yeast is grown from fungi, like benefit-packed mushrooms and cordyceps, but much smaller. Despite it’s name, because it’s an inactive form of yeast, it cannot be used for baking.

A perfect addition to any meal — providing nutrition while saving calories — nutritional yeast is one source of complete protein and vitamins, in particular B-complex vitamins. It contains folates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, selenium and zinc, making it a great superfood! It’s low in sodium and fat, gluten-free, and doesn’t contain any added sugars or preservatives.

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins and protein.


Senior Member
Dear group

As a matter of interest has anyone seen gean munroe regarding lyme. I was bitten by tick in oban scotland yr before my serious illness. Also anyone got better taking meds against this and also mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus). Prof gartth nicolson is the good expert.

When taking supplements ir antibiotics many yrs ago i did improve.

Kind regards



Senior Member
@Avenger I assume you know that the manufacturers of Septrim admitted liability to causing ME in people who had taken the antibiotic and paid out compensation. I suspect they had to sign a gagging clause. Doris Jones MA wrote a lot about it in the '90s. I think it was re-marketed under the name bactrim.

Sorry, just saw this post and looking into this. Thank you.


Senior Member
Hi Bohemian,
SamB brought the Chinese Vaccine for Coronavirus to my attention. This post may be useful form both Coronavirus and ME/CFS, due to the antiviral and antibacterial properties of Brewers Yeast (have just purchased a quantity).

I have only just come across the properties of Brewers Yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is being used by the Chinese as part of a vaccine, but it has a lot of other applications and may be useful for Bacterial Overgrowth;

Just look at the properties of Brewers Yeast, which is both antiviral and antibacterial, but has also been used to treat C.Diff and treatment for IBS and diarrhea, and has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus an used for a number of Gastrointesinal problems. It has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms!

Overview Information
Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer's yeast to make medicine.

Holds Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

Dr. Seymour Pomper, an expert in yeast, notes that nutritional yeast is the fourth most prescribed herbal monopreparation in Germany due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Only ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and horse chestnut are consumed at higher levels.

Pomper explains that because nutritional yeast has not been associated with the candida albicans strain related to yeast infections, it has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms, a specific type of yeast infection. It has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

3. Improves Digestion

German monographs indicate nutritional yeast as a medicinal choice for diarrhea and loss of appetite, and studies showcase the digestive system benefits of nutritional yeast. The probiotics in nutritional yeast have shown positive effects on diarrheal patients, and although more research is needed, it may help cure diarrhea.

In addition, nutritional yeast is helpful for those who suffer the symptoms of lactose intolerance since it does not contain any dairy products. The Oxford Journal suggests that Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses significant sucrase and some isomaltase activity but no lactase activity, and it has been proposed to improve malabsorption in patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency who intentionally or unintentionally consume sucrose.

4. Contains Beneficial Protein and Thiamine

Nutritional yeast is a complete protein containing at least nine of the 18 amino acids that your body cannot produce. This is great news, especially for vegans and vegetarians who may struggle to find enough protein sources in the diet.

Brewer's yeast is taken by mouth for respiratory problems, including the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, seasonal allergies, and swine flu. Brewer's yeast is also taken by mouth for diarrhea, swelling of the colon (colitis) due to the bacteria Clostridium difficile, high cholesterol, loss of appetite, acne, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), recurring boils on the skin (furunculosis), type 2 diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has also been used as a source of B vitamins, chromium, and protein.

How does it work?
Due to the chromium content of brewer's yeast, there is interest in using it for lowering blood glucose in people with diabetes. Chromium may help the body use insulin more effectively. This can lower blood sugar levels.

Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to increase enzymes in the intestine that could help relieve diarrhea.

Brewer's yeast might help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine and improve the body's defenses against viral lung infections such as flu and the common cold.

The Antiviral, Antibacterial Immune-Booster

Nutritional yeast, also known as savory yeast or nooch, is an inactive yeast made from sugarcane and beet molasses. In the scientific form saccharomyces cerevisiae, or sugar-eating fungus, yeast cells use the sugar for energy.

Yellow in color, nutritional yeast comes in flakes, granules or a powder-like form and is often found as a condiment due to its savory taste and health benefits. It has a nutty, cheesy flavor and is often used to emulate cheese in vegan dishes, thicken sauces and dressings, and act as an additional boost in nutrients because it’s filled with B vitamins!

Nutritional yeast is grown from fungi, like benefit-packed mushrooms and cordyceps, but much smaller. Despite it’s name, because it’s an inactive form of yeast, it cannot be used for baking.

A perfect addition to any meal — providing nutrition while saving calories — nutritional yeast is one source of complete protein and vitamins, in particular B-complex vitamins. It contains folates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, selenium and zinc, making it a great superfood! It’s low in sodium and fat, gluten-free, and doesn’t contain any added sugars or preservatives.

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins and protein.

Have you noticed that India has far lower rates of Coronavirus and deaths many western developed countries.

This is not the first time that this has occurred either! During the Collara outbreak of the 1890's there were also less deaths in India than European countries, possibly due to Bacteriaophage Viruses found in the Ganges, that could be used to target not only bacteria giving rise to Bacterial Overgrowth and D-Lactic acidosis (related to a subset of ME/CFS), but Bacteriophages can also target Viruses.
The Ganges, India's sacred river has a number of guardian's that thrive in the excrement and may be the reason for their continued protection against Coronavirus. See BBC article;

''It was the early 1890s, and Ernest Hankin was studying cholera outbreaks along the banks of the Ganges. As the locals dumped their dead in the holy water, the river should have quickly transformed into a poisonous spring of the disease, with an epidemic sweeping through towns and villages down the valley.
He had seen this across Europe as water supplies became infected with the bacteria, yet here, on the banks of the Ganges, the disease remained relatively tame; the new outbreaks simmered and then died out rather than spreading like wildfire.
Hankin concluded that something mysterious within the water was killing the germs before they could wreak havoc, but it took another 20 years for a French scientist to suggest that their guardian angel was a type of virus known as a bacteriophage. Harmless to humans but deadly to the cholera bacteria, the virus appeared to be purifying the water before it could infect the local bathers.
Long ignored by scientists, it is now thought that these “ninja viruses” may one day save millions of lives, far beyond the banks of the Ganges, as they offer us a new arsenal of weapons against deadly disease.''



Senior Member
Dear phoenix

My troubles continue. Im still trying to get off clozapine and what its done to my ans and cns.
Doctors belittle ypur condition. Im in trouble with dysautonomia.

With threats of losing housing and homelessness threat by psychiatrist rather than listening to my situation regatding business issue (i.e insurance) and helping he will just abuse you.

Hope ok.



Senior Member
Dear phoenix

My troubles continue. Im still trying to get off clozapine and what its done to my ans and cns.
Doctors belittle ypur condition. Im in trouble with dysautonomia.

With threats of losing housing and homelessness threat by psychiatrist rather than listening to my situation regatding business issue (i.e insurance) and helping he will just abuse you.

Hope ok.


Hello @bohemian

What is going on with your housing and how are they threatening you with homelessness?

I suggest that it may be best to not mention the insurance issue with them as it just gets their backs up. It has been continuing for years too.

How are they still abusing you?

Are in still in supported living?

Have you seen these new educational videos on ME by Natalie Boulton who made Voices from the Shadows? I suggest that you ask the staff to watch them. Also there is an e-learning module with grants a credit if it is successfully completed which you could give the staff to test their knowledge.

Here is the link to the films:

Keep safe from this horrible virus and take great care.


Senior Member
I am curious guys how does one end up being detained over your will?My understanding is the United States unless you are a danger to yourself or others they can't do this. Perhaps i am mistaken.But this is a concern as a US citizen abroad thay may have to return soon

Thank You

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I am curious guys how does one end up being detained over your will?My understanding is the United States unless you are a danger to yourself or others they can't do this. Perhaps i am mistaken.B

This is pretty unlikely to occur in the US, where mentally ill have very little access to help or treatment. You would most likely have to be a danger to yourself or others.

These tales of being sectioned or institutionalized seem to emanate from the countries which very sadly, have socialized health care and then, the bogus PACE studies in the UK became the Go To None- Treatment.

So this shows the danger of- having the government totally control diagnoses and treatment.

But the opposite, our miscellaneous private insurance companies, are largely providing zero treatment. So that system did not result in- an improvement over the other system. And the FDA functions as an approver of None-treatments. A pill exists that might help, but we can't have it. We aren't allowed.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
But the opposite, our miscellaneous private insurance companies, are largely providing zero treatment. So that system did not result in- an improvement over the other system. And the FDA functions as an approver of None-treatments. A pill exists that might help, but we can't have it. We aren't allowed.

Hi @Rufous McKinney -- I think you make a strong case for being able to opt out of both systems. In the U.S., that seems largely possible because of Medical Savings Accounts, where money that would normally go toward health insurance can instead be put into a savings account + a very high deductible insurance policy. I would guess that probably 90%+ of that money would be freed up for alternative health care that's more in line with an individual's needs and personal orientations.


Senior Member
I am curious guys how does one end up being detained over your will?My understanding is the United States unless you are a danger to yourself or others they can't do this. Perhaps i am mistaken.But this is a concern as a US citizen abroad thay may have to return soon

Thank You

Hello @Davsey27

Sadly, a number of people with ME are sectioned in the UK, especially children.

If you have, in the view of the doctor, the delusion of having an illness that doesn't, according to them, exist, that is grounds for sectioning if your reaction to your delusional belief interferes with your functioning to a marked degree.

ME in these cases is regarded as a delusional, therefore psychotic, belief.

For example, some people with ME experience excessive thirst. This has been regarded as grounds for sectioning. Excessive drinking of water, of course, can be dangerous.

Once you have a diagnosis of ME, other conditions that you develop are ignored and medical treatment refused unless you have an enlightened doctor. Certain areas of the UK are worse than others.

Others, like our Bob Courtenay here on PR, was sectioned and very cruelly treated under section as he could no longer eat and required a feeding tube in order to survive. After long months and his eventual release following a very traumatic year, he deteriorated but was informed that if he sought medical help, he would be sectioned again. He died rather than be traumatised further.

ME children here are being seized from their homes and taken from their loving parents. Once admitted they are forced to exercise until some are paralysed. They may walk into the hospital but are stretchered out. One six year old a couple of months ago was dragged out of his home by the police and a smiling consultant who appeared to be enjoying her power to break up a family. This is a growing problem in the UK under the influence of one, and now two, influential women consultants, one a paediatrician and the other who tours the country lecturing on FII. The paediatrician has built quite an empire for herself across the country as UK paediatricians bow to her authority. She is suspected of being the shadowy figure in the background of a number of cases where the ME child has been removed from their home and the parent accused of FII. She does not recognise severe ME and claims it is PAWS or FII.

In the UK, unless you are fortunate to find a doctor who is willing to learn and believe you, you are wise to avoid the medical profession.

Once the NICE guidelines are changed, this will make a huge difference.

It is a brutal system for some people.


Senior Member
Dear phoenix

I hope for a better new year to all.

I am trying to get off clozapine slowly. The psychos are still trying to stop me. They cant apparently. Im still suffering from psychosis schizophrenia. I am unsure how tp explain what 11 yrs of antipsychotics such as clozapine (3yrs) done to me. I have no clue about agenda. I have no clue how you can you be sectioned for drinking water due to insipidus.

After that i used to be taken from flat because of m.e - being sparkedd out on floor and not being able to eat or drink.

I am a patient of a prof of neurology. I have been unwell. I now have to see gastro and kidney bladder doctors.

I have a pots doctor at royal devon exeter. I also now have a prof regarding autoimmune encephalitis a prof lennox. I am being told by the psycho that anything im experiencing is due to psychosis. Also ive veen involved in genome study but no significance. Also mitochondrial disease has been mentioned. Are the insurance and psychos covering backsides

If there is an insurance agenda going on - which way is it going on.

I was tested positive for lyme disease in america. I believe that has taken its toll on me. Plus mycoplasma test positive.

Anyway i hope everbody ok. Countrtgirl id l9ke to hear from you.

Best wishes

Brian nicholson

If you like more info i can provide


Senior Member
Dear members

I am writing to update.

Reading some of posts above about paediatricians and m.e sectioning. I should be fighting my corner with regards psychiatry and m.e and thus it may help the others in menral hospitals. I try and get publicity but no hope. All newspapers do t want to know.

Regarding my situation im off to see pots dr at the exeter hospital. Im not been well.

My crp level keeps coming back elevated in regionmof 25 -44 mg/l. Anyone habe any ideas.

If you can let me know how i can help the young and vulnerable with m.e then pleaer get back to me.



Senior Member
Dear members

I am writing to update.

Reading some of posts above about paediatricians and m.e sectioning. I should be fighting my corner with regards psychiatry and m.e and thus it may help the others in menral hospitals. I try and get publicity but no hope. All newspapers do t want to know.

Regarding my situation im off to see pots dr at the exeter hospital. Im not been well.

My crp level keeps coming back elevated in regionmof 25 -44 mg/l. Anyone habe any ideas.

If you can let me know how i can help the young and vulnerable with m.e then pleaer get back to me.


Sorry to hear this and having to put up with this medical abuse.There are some that shouldn't be practicing medicine.

Hopefully you will get some more respect with the long covid research


Senior Member
Dear members

I am writing to update.

Reading some of posts above about paediatricians and m.e sectioning. I should be fighting my corner with regards psychiatry and m.e and thus it may help the others in menral hospitals. I try and get publicity but no hope. All newspapers do t want to know.

Regarding my situation im off to see pots dr at the exeter hospital. Im not been well.

My crp level keeps coming back elevated in regionmof 25 -44 mg/l. Anyone habe any ideas.

If you can let me know how i can help the young and vulnerable with m.e then pleaer get back to me.


Dear Bohemian,
I am with you all the way and fully understand your position; many adults and children are being abused by Doctors who are just not trained! This is why it took 18 years for me to gain a diagnosis after my symptoms had been deemed Psychological by a Neurologist because there were so many!

This is abuse and there is no other way to put this! My own illness (D-Lactic acidosis) was dismissed very quickly as Somatization and I was then sent to see a Psychiatrist, when I had very real symptoms that are very similar to ME/CFS (my belief is that at the very least a subset of ME/CFS with Gastrointestinal symptoms have ME/CFS due to dangerous levels of Bacterial Overgrowth).

I am now being put in an impossible position and hassled at every turn by the NHS Chief Executive; I became ill from D-Lactic symptoms after surgery due to being given medication that contained Sugars contraindicated for D-Lactic acidosis. This was only 2 months after diagnosis of D-Lactic acidosis in 2017. The Chief Executive stated that it was not necessary to take my diagnosis of D-Lactic acidosis into consideration during or after surgery because it had not been clinically verified at the time. Which is ridiculous; after the Hospital Doctor refused to believe my diagnosis, even though it had been given by a consultant Gastroenterologist who has expertise in D-Lactic acidosis.

They are still doing everything to stop my diagnosis being taken seriously and will not put my diagnosis down on reports or discharge summary; My last two discharge reports state 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' with no other active problems or Co-Morbidities.

The abuse continues; I am beginning to suspect that they are afraid that this will open up a can of worms that they will not be able to deal with, so they are prepared to continue to put me through hell.
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Senior Member
Hi Bohemian,
SamB brought the Chinese Vaccine for Coronavirus to my attention. This post may be useful form both Coronavirus and ME/CFS, due to the antiviral and antibacterial properties of Brewers Yeast (have just purchased a quantity).

I have only just come across the properties of Brewers Yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is being used by the Chinese as part of a vaccine, but it has a lot of other applications and may be useful for Bacterial Overgrowth;

Just look at the properties of Brewers Yeast, which is both antiviral and antibacterial, but has also been used to treat C.Diff and treatment for IBS and diarrhea, and has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus an used for a number of Gastrointesinal problems. It has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms!

Overview Information
Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer's yeast to make medicine.

Holds Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

Dr. Seymour Pomper, an expert in yeast, notes that nutritional yeast is the fourth most prescribed herbal monopreparation in Germany due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Only ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and horse chestnut are consumed at higher levels.

Pomper explains that because nutritional yeast has not been associated with the candida albicans strain related to yeast infections, it has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms, a specific type of yeast infection. It has also shown profound effects on E.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

3. Improves Digestion

German monographs indicate nutritional yeast as a medicinal choice for diarrhea and loss of appetite, and studies showcase the digestive system benefits of nutritional yeast. The probiotics in nutritional yeast have shown positive effects on diarrheal patients, and although more research is needed, it may help cure diarrhea.

In addition, nutritional yeast is helpful for those who suffer the symptoms of lactose intolerance since it does not contain any dairy products. The Oxford Journal suggests that Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses significant sucrase and some isomaltase activity but no lactase activity, and it has been proposed to improve malabsorption in patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency who intentionally or unintentionally consume sucrose.

4. Contains Beneficial Protein and Thiamine

Nutritional yeast is a complete protein containing at least nine of the 18 amino acids that your body cannot produce. This is great news, especially for vegans and vegetarians who may struggle to find enough protein sources in the diet.

Brewer's yeast is taken by mouth for respiratory problems, including the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, seasonal allergies, and swine flu. Brewer's yeast is also taken by mouth for diarrhea, swelling of the colon (colitis) due to the bacteria Clostridium difficile, high cholesterol, loss of appetite, acne, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), recurring boils on the skin (furunculosis), type 2 diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has also been used as a source of B vitamins, chromium, and protein.

How does it work?
Due to the chromium content of brewer's yeast, there is interest in using it for lowering blood glucose in people with diabetes. Chromium may help the body use insulin more effectively. This can lower blood sugar levels.

Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to increase enzymes in the intestine that could help relieve diarrhea.

Brewer's yeast might help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine and improve the body's defenses against viral lung infections such as flu and the common cold.

The Antiviral, Antibacterial Immune-Booster

Nutritional yeast, also known as savory yeast or nooch, is an inactive yeast made from sugarcane and beet molasses. In the scientific form saccharomyces cerevisiae, or sugar-eating fungus, yeast cells use the sugar for energy.

Yellow in color, nutritional yeast comes in flakes, granules or a powder-like form and is often found as a condiment due to its savory taste and health benefits. It has a nutty, cheesy flavor and is often used to emulate cheese in vegan dishes, thicken sauces and dressings, and act as an additional boost in nutrients because it’s filled with B vitamins!

Nutritional yeast is grown from fungi, like benefit-packed mushrooms and cordyceps, but much smaller. Despite it’s name, because it’s an inactive form of yeast, it cannot be used for baking.

A perfect addition to any meal — providing nutrition while saving calories — nutritional yeast is one source of complete protein and vitamins, in particular B-complex vitamins. It contains folates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, selenium and zinc, making it a great superfood! It’s low in sodium and fat, gluten-free, and doesn’t contain any added sugars or preservatives.

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins and protein.

Saccharomyces Boulardii may have very similar properties.


Senior Member
JANUARY 11, 2021
expert reaction to observational study on gut bacteria and body’s response to COVID-19; Report below;

Dear Brian and Phoenix,
these Psychiatrists make me so angry; for many years IBS has been seen by Psychiatrists as caused by psychological stress and I recently read of a Psychiatrist trying to equate early psychological stress down to causing IBS due to stressors on the Gut Brain Axis and hence later Psychological issues due to IBS. Firstly I cannot see how they could have made measurements of these Gut Stressors with evidence based changes to the Gut Microbiome when so little is still known about the Microbiome and many other Scientists are relating changes in Gut Microbiota as the basis of changes such as Seratonin and other neurotransmitters and there may be many forms if SIBO related to IBS including more dangerous ones such as D-Lactic acidosis which can cause serious cognitive problems and anxiety if the symptoms are not recognized. D-Lactate and other Organic acids can affect any organ including the brain due to mitochondrial dysfunction and D-Lactate poisoning in spinal fluid. I had a Seizure during one of the worst bouts and frequent visual hallucinations. I became afraid of talking about the painful symptoms to some Doctors, including one in particular who was not only unsympathetic, but negatively aggressive that my symptoms were not happening and diagnosed Somatization disorder!

I am still disturbed by the way that I was treated by Doctors, Neurologists and Psychiatrists who wrote me off very quickly because I had severe abdominal pain and Gastrointestinal issues which they had stated had no basis, but they had never investigated SIBO as a starting point for the more severe Organic acid poisoning caused by D-Lactate. Many of us will need counselling to get over such long term abuse.

There is already a possibility of common causation such as Virus being implicated in Bacterial Overgrowth; because long term changes in the Microbiome have been found in Long Covid.

IBS/SIBO, Gut Dysfunction and ME/CFS often go hand in hand and I believe that at least a subset may have Organic Acid poisoning from Bacterial Overgrowth that constitutes SIBO/IBS and can cause many of ME/CFS symptoms.

D-Lactic acidosis is just a form of IBS and it is unlikely that anyone would be precluded from developing an overgrowth of D-Lactic producing bacteria just because they have not had 'Short Bowel/Jejunal Surgery'; although it may only appear rare because those with short bowel etc. have very elevated symptoms.

Many Neurologists are not trained in abnormal Neurology caused by Bacterial Overgrowth such as D-Lactic acidosis. I was diagnosed 20 years ago by a Neurologist as having Somatization disorder (Psychological) due to the number of symptoms that I had reported. That diagnosis went a long way in delaying the real cause of my symptoms.

Most Doctors and many Consultants including most Gastroenterologists are not trained to understand D-Lactic acidosis (I have been told this time and time again).

I cannot understand how these Psychiatrists who come under the banner of 'Hippocratic oath' can be paid to abuse us; get caught after fixing the Pace Trials tailored to save the Government from paying disability benefits and then continue to assault us when they do not fully understand the Microbiome which may also be implicated in Long-Covid (Gut Microbiota remains a target for Virus that can benefit advantage some Bacteria and cause Gut Dysbiosis).

Make-up of gut microbiome may influence COVID ... - The BMJ › company › newsroom › make-up-...

Imbalances in type and volume of bacteria may also be implicated in 'long COVID' The variety and volume of bacteria in the gut, known as the microbiome, may ...
JANUARY 11, 2021
expert reaction to observational study on gut bacteria and body’s response to COVID-19

An observational study, published in Gut, looks at gut microbiota composition, COVID-19 severity and immune response.

Prof Daniel M Davis, Professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester, said:

‘Our knowledge of gut microbes has exploded in recent years. Variations have been associated with diseases as diverse as asthma, multiple sclerosis and cancer. So it’s perhaps not so surprising that the severity of COVID-19 also correlates with the composition of a person’s microbiome. But the details here are important. A particularly striking finding was that distinct characteristics in a person’s gut microbes persisted after clearance of the virus. It is possible that these changes could contribute to the symptoms of so-called ‘Long-COVID’. At the moment this idea is still speculative but it demands further investigation, especially given the huge importance of understanding ‘Long-COVID’. Overall, this new research doesn’t yet led to a clear public health message in terms of treatments or therapies, but does set the scene for a hugely important realm of new science.’

If so then, could not any Virus be implicated in ME/CFS which may have much in common with long-Covid. My own symptoms started after Glandular Fever as did many others. Could not long term changes to the Microbiome be a root cause for many of us with ME/CFS with Gastrointestinal symptoms rather than Psychological?

My own belief is that the reason that we cannot get a diagnosis is that none of us have access to the correct investigations which start with Bacterial Overgrowth, IBS and changes to the Microbiome.
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Senior Member
Dear Brian and Phoenix,
How could they [doctors] possibly believe that they have an absolute understanding of Medicine and Bio-Chemistry, because they must do to act as though we are the problem and all our symptoms are Psychological.

Professor Malcolm Hooper wrote a book entitled ME/CFS for Clinicians and Lawyers. It was of great inspiration to me; He also took part in exposing the Pace Trials.
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