brian nicholson detained in psyschiatric unit with me cfs for 3 years


Senior Member
Would you post a like? I'm not sure where to look.

Hi @Little Bluestem . Sorry to confuse you! Bohemian needs to post perhaps a paragraph of it for you as it was viewed behind the scenes. In essence, it makes the accusation that damaging CNS drugs have been and are being used needlessly, inappropriately and excessively to the extent that the prescribing doctor should be subject to criminal charges against him. The psych. just says his case is resistant to treatment and has stated that ME symptoms are a precusor of psychotic illness. ! (The psych. is a fruitloop, if you hadn't already released.) {'Fruitloop' is a euphemism of the century.}

We already have a letter from a professor prior to the first drug given warning the doctor in charge that if he gave the patient this drug it would (and this was put in capital letters): THIS COULD KILL THIS PATIENT. The drug was commenced a few days after the doctor received the letter.

I have the medical notes where a visiting locum raised a concern that B's white cell count was too low to be given the drug and she thought it needed to be discontinued. This was ignored.

I also have the emails from a doctor to me who tried to get B. out (he knew him well as had been his doctor) and he visited the doctor in charge who promised him that B. was about to be released and he agreed with the doctor that B. was not mentally ill. (The visiting doctor told me that just before, he had spoken with B. for two hours and elicited no sign of mental illness.) As soon as the doctor left, the psych. went into B and told him the exact opposite and added that not only did his own previous doctor agree that he was mentally ill but that he was increasing the dose of clozapine. He had told the previous doctor that he was about to wean him off it.

Since then B has accummulated a collection of nasty additional problems that are caused by heavy useage of anti-psychotics.

In case this psych. does serious harm or worse to B. this case is recorded in Hansard in Parliament.


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
It would be hard for a person who has not had a complex chronic illness that has been denied by the health care system to believe that psychiatrists could behave so unethically.

But they do, and this behaviour is not an isolated incident or individual, what is happening to Bohemian is an example of institutionalized medical error and individualized medical abuse.

There should be criminal charges brought against the psychiatrist and the institution that propagates this harm.

I fear what @bohemian's life - and hope - would be like if not for the empathy and action of @Countrygirl


Senior Member
It would be hard for a person who has not had a complex chronic illness that has been denied by the health care system to believe that psychiatrists could behave so unethically.

But they do, and this behaviour is not an isolated incident or individual, what is happening to Bohemian is an example of institutionalized medical error and individualized medical abuse.

There should be criminal charges brought against the psychiatrist and the institution that propagates this harm.

I fear what @bohemian's life - and hope - would be like if not for the empathy and action of @Countrygirl

I agree @ScottTriGuy with the first part of your post, but at the end you are giving me too much credit. I wish I could wave a magic wand for Bohemian, but I can't.


Senior Member
@bohemian has asked me to let you know that he has been diagnosed with Serotonin Syndrome and Parkinsonian Syndrome as a result of the number of anti-psychotics he has been taking.
I recall he was also diagnosed with a stroke a few years ago, which, if I recall correctly, was also a side-effect of the drugs they were giving him.


Senior Member
Dear support

I went down with double pneumonia about 3-4 months ago. After 10 days I was put in cygnet taunton. I was so I'll I could barely cope...I couldn't really get much help...

The doctor did question me about m.e. he said do you believe you have m.e.

Anyway I don't really want to moan buy I can't see a way out of clozapine. Anyway last week I went down with pneumonia was hell and still is.


Senior Member
Dear support

I went down with double pneumonia about 3-4 months ago. After 10 days I was put in cygnet taunton. I was so I'll I could barely cope...I couldn't really get much help...

The doctor did question me about m.e. he said do you believe you have m.e.

Anyway I don't really want to moan buy I can't see a way out of clozapine. Anyway last week I went down with pneumonia was hell and still is.

Hello Brian,

I am very dismayed to learn that you have pneumonia yet again and at this time of the year too. I don't think there can be any doubt that this is the result of taking clozapine. I recall way back just before you were about to be put on it, you had neutropenia and the guidelines for administering clozapine says it must not be given in such a case. Prof Hooper wrote to Dr D and emphatically told him you must not be given it as an ME patient. Dr D ignored the warning of course. Then I recall the female locum raised the issue when she found you had a low white cell count and alerted the ward to the fact that, in your circumstances, clozapine was countra-indicated. There was some record in your notes saying no one on the ward could find any guideline available to them that they could refer to and it was again left unresolved.

I think it might be an idea to ask them to provide you with the written results of your latest blood test to check your blood counts again.

I have found this which confirms that clozapine is associated with pneumonia. I think you have every right to demand to be switched to another drug as it is unconscionable that you continue on this drug.

Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2017 May;32(3):155-160. doi: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000162.
Clozapine usage increases the incidence of pneumonia compared with risperidone and the general population: a retrospective comparison of clozapine, risperidone, and the general population in a single hospital over 25 months.
Stoecker ZR1, George WT, O'Brien JB, Jancik J, Colon E, Rasimas JJ.
Author information

The aim of this study was to determine whether the incidence of pneumonia in patients taking clozapine was more frequent compared with those taking risperidone or no atypical antipsychotics at all before admission to a tertiary care medical center. This was a retrospective, case-matched study of 465 general medicine patients over a 25 month period from 1 July 2010 to 31 July 2012. Detailed electronic medical records were analyzed to explore the association between the use of two atypical antipsychotics and incidence of pneumonia. Of the 155 patients in the clozapine group, 54 (34.8%) had documented pneumonia compared with 22 (14.2%) in the risperidone group and 18 (11.6%) in the general population group. Clozapine, when compared with the untreated general population, was associated with an increased risk of pneumonia (odds ratio=4.07; 95% confidence interval=2.25-7.36). There was, however, no significant increase in the risk of pneumonia associated with the use of risperidone (odds ratio=1.26; 95% confidence interval=0.65-2.45). Clozapine use is associated with increased risk of pneumonia that may be related to immunologic factors or side effects of sedation and drooling that make aspiration more likely, although causative mechanisms require further investigation. These findings suggest that providers should use added caution in choosing candidates for clozapine therapy.
PMID: 28059928 DOI: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000162
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

I am going to inform the two doctors who are concerned about you.

I wish I could get to see you Brian, but am rather unwell as ever and we no longer have Annie to drive to you, of course.

Please keep in close contact.

Where are you in Torquay right now?


Senior Member
Hi .... I need to come off this medicine. For psychological problems associated with cfs ..m.e I do get down but I do not need antipsychotics. They have caused so much trouble....for example historically I should never have been on antipsychotics.....I had a friend 10yrs ago who gave me info on taking l- dopa rather than a dopamine inhibitor psycho drug..

I'm on 4 bp drugs now with the possibility of AF.


Senior Member
Hi .... I need to come off this medicine. For psychological problems associated with cfs ..m.e I do get down but I do not need antipsychotics. They have caused so much trouble....for example historically I should never have been on antipsychotics.....I had a friend 10yrs ago who gave me info on taking l- dopa rather than a dopamine inhibitor psycho drug..

I'm on 4 bp drugs now with the possibility of AF.

Can you list which ones you are on, @bohemian? Are they for hypo- or hypertension.........? Are they for POTS?

Do you mean you do have AF or that the BP drugs have AF as a side effect? Mine do too, so I know it can be a problem.

Yes, I agree, it seems crazy and dangerous that you are on clozapine, given your tendency to neutropenia. Can you not tell them you want to change the drug, if they insist you must take an antipsychotic? After eight years of taking it, it must have convinced them that it isn't curing you of whatever they think you have.


Senior Member

I have a plan, if you agree., but I will need the help of one other person.

I suggest we meet and discuss your situation. I need more details and information from you to give to a professional person who can help. Are you prepared to do this?

You are 34 miles from me, and I would need help to travel that far. There have been people from PR who have suggested in the past that they could drive me and I wonder if any are around now?

Would you be able to leave the premises and meet in, say a cafe, for a private discussion? I would then write up what we could thrash out and send a report to the above helpful professional for the next step in the process.

How do you feel about that?