I'm glad Twitterland is responding to this but it's not strictly true is it? It *was* a case we knew PACE was fundamentally flawed years ago because the data they were perversely happy for us to see in their published papers didn't add up in and of itself. That's why people such as yourself, not to mention the monster-tome by Hooper and Williams, were able to dissect PACE to elucidate its faults years before the ICO demanded QMUL to release the specific data Matthees et al had requested. That data is equivalent to the 'belt and braces' to support the contention that the PACE Trial was seriously flawed, (and almost certainly fraud (imo) ) but had anyone outside the ME community listened and believed what they were being told they would have agreed that the alarm signs were there right at its inception. Thankfully some people outside the 'Community' did listen (Tuller and Goldin amongst them) but it's been an uphill struggle for even those individuals with their excellent connections to push through the carapace the PACE PI's built around this Trial.
I was about to say the data that has been released doesn't show PACE was flawed (but does suggest it). What the data shows is that they spun their results to be much better than they would have been in the protocol without making that clear.
To my mind the trial is obviously flawed in that the main measurements are subjective scores when two of the interventions are aimed at changing patients views of symptoms. The data does show some of that in that the 6 minute walking test results were not as good as the subjective measures and less correlated with the subjective scores on 2 interventions (i think). So the data released does support this view. The fitness data would support this view as well but they have only released graphs and refused to release even the numbers behind the graphs.
Of course there are many other issues with the trial and its conduct and the release of the full (anonymised) data set may help show some of the other affects.
But basically the data showed they lied to us and an analysis of the protocol says they ran a meaningless trial.