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Senior Member
There's a typo in the title, I think you may mean BPC-157 (body protection compound 157). This is an injectable product. I tried it briefly, but had to stop as it caused anxiety and agitation side effects in me, so I never really got a chance to test it fully.
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Senior Member
There's a typo in the title, I think you may mean BPC-157 (body protection compound 157). This is an injectable product. I tried it briefly, but had to stop as it caused anxiety and agitation side effects in me, so I never really got a chance to test it fully.
Sorry about that just edited it now. I don't know how comfortable I feel injecting something as I have a phobia for needles. However it said to repair dopaminergic neurons that are down regulating and I've actually seen the most positive reviews for something since piraceam


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I don't know how comfortable I feel injecting something

Hi @HABS93 -- You can take it orally as well. I also see no reason it can't be administered transdermally using DMSO. I made a fairly EXTENSIVE POST a couple of days ago that you'll probably want to check out. I haven't tried BPC-157 yet, but it's high on my priority list. -- Best...

Here's the Gist of My Above LInked Post:

Something that has really fired my imagination recently, is discovering and learning about a bioidentical peptide called BPC-157 that purportedly has a unique ability to initiate some pretty dramatic healing in ligaments. To give you an idea of how powerful this is, I've read numerous testimonials already by people who've been "floxed" [suffered severe ligament damage from taking a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, such as Levaquin, Cipro, etc.], and were able to experience pretty dramatic improvements as a result.

Of course, I immediately thought of its implications for people with CCI/AAI, and whether its utility could possibly correct it--and perhaps even avoid surgery (or safely postpone it). I also thought about its possible utility in helping heal and strengthen ligaments post-surgery.

The more I read about it, the more I became convinced it has the potential to help many people with ME/CFS, not only because of its purported ability to promote healing of ligaments, but of the entire GI tract as well. Interestingly, this peptide is normally made in the body as part of our gastric juices. So people who use this product are often able to heal a wide variety of digestive and absorption disorders.

A simplifed equation that came to mind: -- Better Digestion/Better Absorption = Less Leaky Gut/Better Immune Function. Here's a link to a pretty good article on it: -- BPC 157: An In Dept Review and The Science Behind it
Here's a snippet:

""Research on BPC-157 has been on-going since 1991 and results thereof indicate that the peptide has the ability to repair damaged teeth, bones, muscles, tendons, and even intestines. This data is based on in-vitro lab tests as well as in-vivo studies conducted on both rodents and humans. Some of the human trials involved injecting the peptide under the skin (subcutaneously) and into the muscles (intramuscularly).

SuppVersity published an article on BPC-157 which showed that the peptide has the following healing benefits:
  • Heal’s tendons and bones in a way that rivals conventional surgical methods;
  • Stimulates the healing of the bones and ligaments by promoting improved cell survival and cell migration. These results are based on rodent research on mice that were affected by an Achilles tendon rupture. The mice had the peptide administered to them through drinking water;
  • It has the ability to offset the gut-damaging effects that you get from taking NSAIDs like Advil and Ibuprofen. Scientists were so amazed at the results that they called BPC-157 an antidote to NSAIDs;
  • Mice with inflammatory bowel disease healed within days of orally ingesting the peptide;""
When I started delving into getting some BPC, I noticed a somewhat complex landscape. It's not likely to be extensively tested on humans, as it's not patentable. It's currently available OTC and by prescription. I've noticed it's on Amazon, but it kind of feels like the wild, wild west out there, and don't know whether to trust it.

I ran this by my Physical Therapist, and she immediately saw the potential implications for a number of her clients. I told her I would be interested if she were able to get pharmaceutical grade BPC-157 through her clinic, and at this time is looking into it. My hope is she can secure a high quality product at a reasonable price.

The literature (and videos) I've looked at mostly talk about injecting it directly into ligaments (and muscles and tendons), but it's also mentioned that some people take it orally. It's been believed that injecting it is more effective (and it appears more expensive), but I've also read about surprisingly good results from taking it orally.

With my long-term experience with DMSO (and its remarkable safety profile), I've come to believe applying it transdermally using DMSO would probably be the most effective route for me to go. I've got an appointment with my P.T. next week, and am hoping she has some good news for me on this front.

As I was looking around online for BPC-157 information, I ran across a guy on the RayPeat forum who posted about HIS OWN EXPERIENCE with it. He shared a number of details that would seem relevant to many of us with ME/CFS. -- Since it's just a testimonial, I'll just go ahead and paste a couple of his posts below:

This is a copy and paste of a BPC-157 testimonial that was posted on the RayPeat.com forum

""I’m having great results using BPC 157 for a variety of issues right now. Old lingering muscular injuries, leaky gut and gaba/glutamate issues I.E. anxiety. – So far there’s no doubt it is very effective at accelerating the healing of tendon and ligament.

Old aches and pains have faded quickly. It’s still early but my normal GI issues have been minimal even when getting into stuff I know I shouldn’t because it causes me issues. Dairy, caffeine and grains.

I have had zero negative side effects. I have more energy and honestly havn't felt the mild depression that I experience at times. It usually comes and goes without any reason. I have a good life and nothing to complain about but sometimes just get this down in the dumps feeling.

So far that’s been gone. No risk of toxicity. I don’t see any downsides besides it’s sold as “research purposes only”. I found a US based lab to purchase from. Expensive compared to rest but I trust their product.

However you can find medical centers who will connect you with a doctor and prescribe these peptides. Expensive route to go but great option for those who feel they have tried everything.

Just sharing ""

""I healed my leaky gut. I no longer am suffering from GI issues, brain fog, energy problems and skin issues that I have for years.

Important note: I DO NOT SELL this stuff. – I’m merely sharing my experience because I believe it could help some people. Do your research on this stuff like I did and make an educated decision if you think it could be a game changer like it has been for me.

BPC 157 is a synthetic peptide (peptide is a string of amino acids). This peptide was designed off of our own gastric juices. It has been found to have profound healing benefits. Gut, brain and muscle/tendon.

There are NO side effects reported at all . No toxicity issues at all. This is a bio identical peptide. Synthetic yes but it’s structured like what’s already in our body.

This stuff has blown me away with how helpful it has been with my slew of health issues. It’s completely under the radar, very few health professionals are even aware of it. You can purchase these peptides yourself online. The market is not regulated so that’s where purchasing from a reliable source is important. Again not selling so I won’t even recommend one. Make sure it comes from a 3rd party tested source.

BUT!! – If you have the money you can find medical centers that synthesize this compound and will connect you with a US based doctor. Titan Medical and Tailor Made compounding both do this. I have no doubt it could be pricey.

I’m pretty much sharing this information with all the groups I discuss health with. A number of people have reported similar benefits. Read anecdotal reports on this stuff they are overwhelming positive. Good luck on your health journey everyone!! ""
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Senior Member
I read your post. Unbelievable this could at least reduce symptom's of many of us on this forum. I do have chronic neck pain from headbanging so many years I assume (Metal head ). I'm having trouble finding a reliabl source to buy it though? And I do believe you need BAC to mix it with to Inject it with


Senior Member
I think in the case of BPC-157 you can also administer as a nasal spray.
Does it have to be into the veins or Into th muscle ? I legit have never injected anything into my body before I just don't want to screw it up


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Does it have to be into the veins or Into th muscle ? I legit have never injected anything into my body before I just don't want to screw it up

@HABS93 -- Given your level of concern about injections, why not just choose to try the oral route first? That's essentially what I've decided to do. I'd be surprise if I ever look seriously at doing the injections. It just doesn't make sense to me, at this point anyway.


Senior Member
Does it have to be into the veins or Into th muscle ? I legit have never injected anything into my body before I just don't want to screw it up

You can inject subcutaneously, into the belly area for example, which is easier than intramuscular or intravenous injection.

Yes, you have to use bacteriostatic water for injection, because the peptides are supplied in dry powder form in a tiny sterile vial, and you have to reconstitute them into a liqiud using sterile BAC water before you can inject.

If you look on YouTube for peptide reconstitute, you will see videos on how to reconstitute peptides and hormones. It's a bit of a learning curve; I found the learning curve a little difficult initially, with brain fog.

So you could instead make up a nasal spray, using a nasal spray bottle; or as @Wayne suggests, take it orally. If you take it orally, it will not be absorbed into the body, but will remain in the digestive tract. However if you are aiming to target your intestines, then that should be fine.


Senior Member
You can inject subcutaneously, into the belly area for example, which is easier than intramuscular or intravenous injection.

Yes, you have to use bacteriostatic water for injection, because the peptides are supplied in dry powder form in a tiny sterile vial, and you have to reconstitute them into a liqiud using sterile BAC water before you can inject.

If you look on YouTube for peptide reconstitute, you will see videos on how to reconstitute peptides and hormones. It's a bit of a learning curve; I found the learning curve a little difficult initially, with brain fog.

So you could instead make up a nasal spray, using a nasal spray bottle; or as @Wayne suggests, take it orally. If you take it orally, it will not be absorbed into the body, but will remain in the digestive tract. However if you are aiming to target your intestines, then that should be fine.
Hmm okay the spray sounds alot better. I think my gut bacteria is definitely not healthy and all my brain fog and chronic fatigue I think stems somewhere in the stomach digestive track so I want to try and see if it heals anything along those lines


Senior Member
Oral BPC-157
Use the code "SEED" and get 30 % discount on one time purchase.
Just FYI. This is not the same thing as the BPC-157 peptide.

From their FAQ of the product:
The Dr. Seeds BPC combination contains the protein from which the BPC peptide is extracted. While this is not directly the same thing as BPC-157, the results that come from the Dr. Seeds BPC combination are extremely similar to BPC-157, at a fraction of the price.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
From what i have read and experienced, it needs to be injected close to the site of the injury eg i used it for knee issue and injected it subcut around the knee. Physiologically this didnt really make sense but it does work much better than say a subcut shot in the tummy for a knee injury. Was it a cure, not for me but it does reduce pain within a day or two. Shots need to be daily preferably twice daily.

Used orally it has helped heal the gut lining. But it doesnt seem to work in a systemic way. TB500 another healing peptide works systemically and only requires 2 shots per week.