Binaural beats app (android - free) helping with sleep


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
You do grounding also? Whenever we get sun here in the UK, I do the same.
Yes, I just started doing it last year - I was very surprised at how much it helped me with sleep. We've had such a cold spring where I live - usually it's warmer here by now, so I'm anxiously awaiting warm weather so I can do it again!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I've used these beats, but they don't seem effective all the time, but if you've developed the habit of listening them and then getting sleep, then may they can be helpful. I often try many kind of youtube videos to get sleep at night.
@Jeffrey0879797 - they pretty much stop working for me a few months ago. It seemed my body adapted to them! :xeyes: So now I'm doing grounding and also this pose, which are helping a lot for now, as well as citrulline and beet juice/beets as my vasopressin is low, and low vasopressin is linked to insomnia.