Bhupesh Prusty: "we are on a perfect path for identifying potential transferable factors in ME/CFS blood that can cause mito dysfunction..." GoFundMe


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Prusty in one of his tweets said they are working on single cell RNA sequencing.

Some info from google on that
Rapid progress in the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies in recent years has provided many valuable insights into complex biological systems, ranging from cancer genomics to diverse microbial communities. NGS-based technologies for genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics are now increasingly focused on the characterization of individual cells. These single-cell analyses will allow researchers to uncover new and potentially unexpected biological discoveries relative to traditional profiling methods that assess bulk populations. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), for example, can reveal complex and rare cell populations, uncover regulatory relationships between genes, and track the trajectories of distinct cell lineages in development

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Sorry if I missed it, but did / has Prusty identified the “something” in the serum that causes the mitochondria to fission?

Here is a description from a Cort Johnson article....maybe he is on to newer versions of these theories....

In 2018, though, Prusty, produced a controversial paper that roiled the HHV-6 research world. His cell line study suggested he’d identified very small non-coding RNA’s (sncRNA) produced by the virus in the earliest stages of reactivation, but before any virus replication occurred. The production of this sncRNA produced a signal which altered mitochondrial activity in the infected cells and caused the mitochondria to fragment. The study suggested that HHV-6 might be powering down the energy motors of the cells even as it was sitting mostly quietly in the cell. It was as if the virus was putting the cells in stasis.

Article and more info: here


Senior Member
I am sure the CFS brain sample is from a post mortem (well almost sure). If so I hope they would have taken the whole brain intact and taken MRI, CT and whatever other scans possible before it was dissected. I am also eagerly awaiting the 7T MRI and PET brain scan project of Polybio. They had raised almost 180K USD some time back according to their facebook statement.

If Prusty is highlighting astrocytes ( A1 state ) to be found in CFS brain he would have looked at microglia also. Hopefully we will find details in the paper to be published by his grad student.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
@Rufous McKinney, Assuming mitochondrial disfunction causes CFS, why aren't mitochondrial stimulants like Q10 helping?

Thats a good question. Read a bit about it: its a coFactor that facilitates some physiological activity with regard to mitochondrial respiration, maybe some benefits to the membranes etc.

Maybe none of that matters if the mitochondria in some key area of the body (like the brain) are fragmenting due to instructions from viruses.

Its also possible and likely the viruses are. highly localized.

But at the same time, there are the physicalities of all this which play a role- brain stem collapse, collagen breakdown (in me, this has been a lifetime of degrading and i have no fingerprints left).

Nothing like a good mystery to hold our attention.


Senior Member
Here is a description from a Cort Johnson article....maybe he is on to newer versions of these theories....

In 2018, though, Prusty, produced a controversial paper that roiled the HHV-6 research world. His cell line study suggested he’d identified very small non-coding RNA’s (sncRNA) produced by the virus in the earliest stages of reactivation, but before any virus replication occurred. The production of this sncRNA produced a signal which altered mitochondrial activity in the infected cells and caused the mitochondria to fragment. The study suggested that HHV-6 might be powering down the energy motors of the cells even as it was sitting mostly quietly in the cell. It was as if the virus was putting the cells in stasis.

Article and more info: here

So what do you do with / how do you treat Small coding RNA beasties that are sending out the nasty messages to the mitochondria?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Small coding RNA beasties

Well....what ever it is, would need to be awfully specific to the smRNA in question. Seems like.

This paper ....beyond my capacity today to read thru-might delve into- what we can possibly do about it, I assume someday in the future.

Front. Genet., 26 April 2019 |
Small Non-coding RNAs: New Class of Biomarkers and Potential Therapeutic Targets in Neurodegenerative Disease
Callum N. Watson1,2*, Antonio Belli1,2 and Valentina Di Pietro1,2,3


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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If Prusty is highlighting astrocytes ( A1 state ) to be found in CFS brain he would have looked at microglia also. Hopefully we will find details in the paper to be published by his grad student.

What is going on currently with Dr. Prusty and his research? Anyone?

Was he not going to be publishing some journal special issue around now?

Meanwhile: In late March 2021, Dr. Prusty made the following remarks below in Twitter- which I just saw today.

"Once upon a time when a virus attacked a cell..

Cell: You shall not pass!

Virus: I am not here to pass. I am here to stay with you and become your friend forever. But if you ever break my friendship and try to kick me out, I will make your life a living hell. Let’s make a deal.

Cell: Don’t ever threaten me again. I know how to protect myself. But I agree. There is no harm in becoming friends. And with this deal, an invisible ring called Drp1 was created to allow a peace agreement. But only the virus knew how to use this ring to become invisible." (emphasis added)

I assume Prusty didn't really mean- there is no harm becoming friends.

Post Script from Dr. Prusty- he also sent out a tweet that indicated he was very distressed over people out on the streets in crowds, not wearing masks or distancing.

Dr. Prusty voiced concerns for the many generations COVID-19 may affect, and kids.....


Senior Member
Dr. Prusty voiced concerns for the many generations COVID-19 may affect, and kids.....

Maybe like iciHHV-6 covid is also integrating into germ cell line of humans and passing on to their offsprings. Just guessing.