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Bhupesh Prusty: "we are on a perfect path for identifying potential transferable factors in ME/CFS blood that can cause mito dysfunction..." GoFundMe


Senior Member
I am not sure if i was mistaken but i think at one point he offered that if anyone in the audience wanted to inquire about the kind of treatment they were looking at they could contact him.
If that is the case he might be bombarded with a lot of inquirers.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@andyman123 How exactly do you cure herpes infections that are dormant? That's got to be incredibly difficult. Also this isn't the root cause either. Why does 95% of the world's population immune systems deal with herpes viruses but our 5% does Not? Assuming herpes viruses are even the cause.

Also at what cost is this to immunological function itself? Not for us but for everyone else. We still don't know why how or what the purposes or viruses are. But biological equilibrium and organisms having a purpose at every level of life dictates that viruses we've been exposed to are highly likely to be there for a very very good reason. Now we might end up in 500 years with a totally eradicated population but as soon as we get to mars new viruses and bacterial infections will emerge very quickly. We also have no idea what dormant infections are useful for. I suspect they play some very important roles in wider immunity, genetic resilience, genetic protection, keeping a species alive, etc. HERV viruses are interesting for these ideas too.

At the same time we do need a cure. But it may not all be tied to immune response.

We all know ME is made up of many subsets. I have many friends who have been sick since they were 5 or 13 or have multiple generations all sick. So these subsets are just as important.


Senior Member
York, England
I think I’ve read that specific proteins could be targeted to produce drugs that eradicate specific viruses.

I think Prusty demonstrated that HHV 6 is not in that case symbiotic. ME/CFS is a disease that is not a symbiotic relationship, why would anyone want to keep it? However I acknowledge the point that indiscriminate attacking of biotic organisms that may provide a symbiotic relationship would not be wise
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Senior Member
small town midwest
Yes, I heard him mention drugs that would target mitochondrial fragmentation, rather than the virus itself. Interestingly, there was a slide in there that showed the a cell culture supernatent (I think, can't quite remember which) that caused mito fragmentation in Me/CFS cells, but not healthy cells. So clearly our cells are reacting abnormally to something that's innocuous to others. that suggests to me that we do not need to get rid of the virus, merely change our reaction to a normal reaction. And I sure thought he suggested that there are already drugs that do this.

At any rate, once this mechanism is elucidated, I think there will be many ways to combat it.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
How about these?
Yes, I heard him mention drugs that would target mitochondrial fragmentation, rather than the virus itself. Interestingly, there was a slide in there that showed the a cell culture supernatent (I think, can't quite remember which) that caused mito fragmentation in Me/CFS cells, but not healthy cells. So clearly our cells are reacting abnormally to something that's innocuous to others. that suggests to me that we do not need to get rid of the virus, merely change our reaction to a normal reaction. And I sure thought he suggested that there are already drugs that do this.

At any rate, once this mechanism is elucidated, I think there will be many ways to combat it.
I treated the viruses for 20 months with Valcyte. Been working on mitos since with nutrients...mito fun too and energy have vasy improved. Challenging but sure beats sitting around for a magic bullet.

The challenge is that if someone is sick for awhile, there ends up being a lot of collateral damage as the body's resources get depleted or imbalanced.

And, according to the researchers who spoke at the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Conference (including Dr. Naviaux) about 75% of pharmaceuticals are toxic to mitochondria.
@andyman123 How exactly do you cure herpes infections that are dormant? That's got to be incredibly difficult. Also this isn't the root cause either. Why does 95% of the world's population immune systems deal with herpes viruses but our 5% does Not? Assuming herpes viruses are even the cause.

Also at what cost is this to immunological function itself? Not for us but for everyone else. We still don't know why how or what the purposes or viruses are. But biological equilibrium and organisms having a purpose at every level of life dictates that viruses we've been exposed to are highly likely to be there for a very very good reason. Now we might end up in 500 years with a totally eradicated population but as soon as we get to mars new viruses and bacterial infections will emerge very quickly. We also have no idea what dormant infections are useful for. I suspect they play some very important roles in wider immunity, genetic resilience, genetic protection, keeping a species alive, etc. HERV viruses are interesting for these ideas too.

At the same time we do need a cure. But it may not all be tied to immune response.

We all know ME is made up of many subsets. I have many friends who have been sick since they were 5 or 13 or have multiple generations all sick. So these subsets are just as important.

I didn't realize that video was older, still good news. Saw it shared on twitter and it's now private.

They've already shown HIV can be cured in mice, HIV integrates into human DNA, why it can't be cured.
Using a combination of Laser-ART and crispr

As such, these proof-of-concept results offer readily defined and realistic pathways toward strategies for HIV-1 elimination. Future studies are designed to improve delivery of agents to viral reservoirs and specifically eliminate residual latent viral infections. This is a first important step towards a longer journey for viral eradication.

Here is the progress of clearing latent virus with crispr, especially hsv1.

Different crispr tools:
The video is down. Does anyone know what the video was about specifically? Any specific proteins or mRNAs or something else?


Senior Member
I haven’t really looked to much into his work, but notice he specifically mentions HHV6. Is he just using that specific virus as an example or is he saying that’s the cause, because I don’t have elevated HHV6 titers, just EBV.


Senior Member
small town midwest
I haven’t really looked to much into his work, but notice he specifically mentions HHV6. Is he just using that specific virus as an example or is he saying that’s the cause, because I don’t have elevated HHV6 titers, just EBV.

He's using that as an example since he's an expert in that type of virus. But he mentions there are a number of viruses that can trigger ME/CFS. Ultimately, it's not really about a virus, nor do (I think) you need to get rid of the virus to get rid of ME/CFS. The problem is in the way our bodies are reacting to the virus. We just need to be able to correct that incorrect reaction and he mentions there are drugs that can do that.