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Bhupesh Prusty: "we are on a perfect path for identifying potential transferable factors in ME/CFS blood that can cause mito dysfunction..." GoFundMe

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If you want to fund Prusty you can contact him directly at his email id given at the beginnng of this thread.

I'm really curious about the status of the U.S. Gulf War Syndrome research funding...in this years federal military budget. Did they take any of that for Covid 19? Are the ME researchers pursuing grants? Could we better team up to further our shared goals?

And could some U.S. researchers be teaming up with Dr. Prusty- to further related topics somehow that would then build on- Prusty's work...and others.

And suddenly EXOSOMES are being extensively discussed with COVID-19. That topic, AGAIN.

Some type of overlap and major coordinating is needed on these related viral issues and- seems lacking, still.


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Alcohol intolerance is a sign of impaired liver function (the liver cannot detoxify the body from ethanol).

I very early on (about 20) had to cease and desist all alcohol, as I"d get like IBS issues whenever I had any.

I can tolerate a beer....thats about it. I live with: someone who can drink hard liquor and is entirely unphased...My adult daughter can tolerate alot of alcohol with little effect. She got his genes.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
He wants funds and I have been trying to help him. He himself told me many donors approach him but in the end chickened out. T

Here is the basic document describing the FY 19/20 Gulf War Syndrome research program.


My read of this would suggest that Dr. Prusty might be able to apply as a principle investigator if he could affiliate with a qualifying organization. It was not clear- to me (a self-trained none lawyer) IF one has to be in the U.S. Possibly not.

So work on related disorders like "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and "fibromyalgia" are mentioned several times in the document.

I"m pretty sure they tagged this program for COVID 19 and am trying now to figure that out.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Here is the basic document describing the FY 19/20 Gulf War Syndrome research program

Personal effort to figure out whats up with This Research Funding...this year...well Google did not come thru.

I am really curious if any ME researchers are applying to this program; and if the funding for this year is still in tact.
And how to team up Dr. Prusty with- some of these research $$.


Senior Member


Senior Member
@Wally Somebody from this forum who is watching this thread actively had told Prusty that I was trying to collect funds on his behalf. I had introduced some people on this forum to Prusty who contacted me saying they would like to fund him and I also told them there is nothing in it for me. But whoever this person who told Prusty had told him things like I was trying to make money using Prusty. I have always said and I maintain that I dont get even a penny from Prusty or the donor for what I am doing. I am just helping Prusty so that he can help us find a cure.

I know who that person who is spreading such wrong statements about me. But he or she is hiding under a nickname on this forum. So I dont want to drag this topic any further. If you want to fund Prusty you can contact him directly at his email id given at the beginnng of this thread.

@raghav - Sorry that someone here on the Forum would have made those kinds of misrepresentations about you to Prusty. I always thought you were someone who was excited about the potential of his research for this community and you were just trying to share what you knew. to keep patients in the loop with up to date info. about what he was doing. Without seeing some of your posts, I may not have seen he was continuing to post/tweet updates about his research on Twitter. So, I and I am sure others, appreciate your contributions to the Forum. Hope you don’t let the negative experience get you down. Advocacy for this illness often leaves most of us feeling a bit bruised and battered.

Once, Prusty’s paper is published, I am sure there will be opportunities for people to come together to volunteer for a campaign to help raise funds to support his research. You definitively contributed a lot just making the effort to make contact with him and to let people know where he was providing updates about his research.

Hope you keep sharing information even if it throws you in the hotseat for all the questions Members here on the Forum might have, while anxiously waiting for his paper to be published. Also, I don’t think a lot of people are trying to hide behind a fake name, but maybe some do this. When I was first introduced to another ME/CFS Forum, I was told to use a nickname because that is how the Forum was run except for the Administrator. It was pretty much the same here on the PR Forum, Cort Johnson used his full name and most people used a nickname.

When I am actively involved in advocacy for this illness, I use my full name. Just use my nickname when I am hanging out doing general posts on the Forum. P.S. Wally was the name of one of my devoted, lovable beagles who would stick to me like glue helping me through some really tough times when I have been bedbound with this illness. I still use the name Wally in remembrance of my four legged buddy. FYI - my first name is Susan. Wally’s (the beagle) full name, was Wallace Alvin Cleaver. Wally Cleaver is the name of an American TV Show called “Leave It To Beaver”. Why I picked it for my dog’s name was just for fun and the middle name of “Alvin” was in honor of my Dad’s middle name. He had a great sense of humor and he would have thought it was very funny that a dog received the honor of being named after him. 🐶🤣
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Senior Member
I agree that after the paper is published people will come forward to help in funding the next stage.

Let's hope so. But what might be even better is if his paper inspires pharma companies to invest millions of dollars in developing a treatment. (We can dream, right?)


Senior Member
@MonkeyMan even if, this would mean 5 years and up of development. I would much more prefer it that we use existing drugs and find out what works now. Aka back to Rons abandoned electric assay. Either he doesnt believe in his own invention and words or they dont tell us the whole story.


Senior Member
@MonkeyMan even if, this would mean 5 years and up of development.
That's a really good point, Badpack. I sure don't have 5 years or more to wait.
I would much more prefer it that we use existing drugs and find out what works now. Aka back to Rons abandoned electric assay. Either he doesnt believe in his own invention and words or they dont tell us the whole story.
Agreed. C'mon OMF, what's going on here?!?


Senior Member
That's a really good point, Badpack. I sure don't have 5 years or more to wait.

Agreed. C'mon OMF, what's going on here?!?
It could be due to hardware bugs in the ic chips introduced during manufacturing. I feel that is the most likely reason. Most probably the chips would have been made of the same wafer at one go and hence all the chips might be buggy.


Senior Member
I still think that a lot of the problems with toxicity and gastrointestinal symptoms are due to organic acids produced in bacterial overgrowth such as IBS/D, D-Lactate and an inability to detoxify, which is more about stopping the production or reversing the overgrowths. I would bet that frequent high levels of these organic acids are causing much of the damage to all organs including collagen production, bone, cartilage, muscle and ligaments and disrupting all healing processes.

I can only go on what I experience when my symptoms return, which is much like feeling poisoned, which stops when I use antibiotics.

I have added some abnormal ATP studies and Autonomic Dysfunction investigations, that show that both can be caused by D-Lactic acidosis and possibly a number of other forms of Bacterial Overgrowth.

ATP was found to be low and ADP to ATP Translocator was found to be poor; this was duplicated in ATP investigations performed by the NHS which showed 'surprisingly low complexes' on two occasions four years apart.

In the report Autonomic Dysfunction was found to be caused by Toxic Neuropathy and showed 'significant damage to postganglionic fibres'.

Both studies were performed while I had mild symptoms. I am sure that the findings would be far worse during periods of increased production of D-Lactate, during an exacerbation.

I do not think that the studies show anywhere near all of the symptoms caused by D-Lactic acidosis. After reading about the relationship with Collagen, I now believe that many of the abnormal joint and muscle problems that I am still experiencing may come down to long term damage from D-Lactate (I have two severe shoulder tears (full width), right knee ligament tear, fully collapsed disc with nerve root compression. Pains in all other joints including my neck which becomes abnormally stiff during an exacerbation).


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