sueami, I wish I could like your post a couple times more. Love hearing someone call their husband such a sweetie. It's great that you have a good marriage to back you up.
And FWIW, I agree with him! If he's noticing it as positive, then it *is* a positive. I wish someone would call one of my rants a positive.
Seriously, just gotta work through it. I've been moving through some old behavior patterns, myself, one of which includes hyper-irritablity of the same sort that I used to get in my 30's when my hormones started going really awry. I had mega-stress then, and everything was wonky. That period of my life is what burned out my adrenals completely. My life fell apart. I was kind of scary then.
I haven't had super-duper intense volatility like that since then, so a couple of episodes in the past few months has been a little disconcerting.
Anyway, the kind of resiliency you seem to be exhibiting in your last post is what I mean. It may feel like you're not progressing, but isn't the closing of a business one of the most traumatic things that can happen to a person? You seem to be dealing. Was there ever a time in your life that that event would have put you completely into the pit? If so, and you're not in the pit now, then you're doing good.
I think the physical resiliency comes well after the mental resiliency. If I recall the progression of the downturn of my health, physical resiliency also left me first. So it's probably the last thing to "come back". @
Freddd talks about these kinds of patterns in lots of his old posts, too. Not sure if you've read any of that, but it helped me. If I hadn't read what he wrote about weird flare-ups, emotional volatility, etc., I might have been much more worried about some of the rollercoaster I've gone through in the past few months. But since I know what to watch out for, when it starts, I just grab onto something and wait for it to stop or at least slow down.
It always does.
Thanks for the adrenal meditation. I'll look into that. I'm not a fan of Wilson's supplements because he doesn't seem to look out for quality control (there is dicalcium phosphate in his adrenal glandular, for instance, grrrr to every manufacturer who does that), but he does put out a lot of good information.
I've settled on 1000mg LCF. Freddd posted not long ago that that's the max effect dose according to the research done so far. No additional benefit accrued by going beyond it.
It could be that the benefits are only marginal between 500mg and 1000mg, but I do think I saw some benefit from bumping up to 1000. It's worth noting, however, that I had to stay really low (250mg/day or under) for months, then I was able to bump up to 500mg comfortably, and then very quickly bumped up to1000mg. It could be that 500mg would have netted me the same effect and I just didn't stay at 500mg long enough to find out. But I think I'll stay at 1000 for the next year or so to see where that might get me in terms of physical stamina.
Funny you mention about tapping: it drove me crazy. At first I went to a practitioner who performed it on me, and pretty soon I said, you better stop that. I'm starting to want to tap you back, harder.
We both laughed but we didn't do that any more.
Then I thought maybe it was just because it was another person doing it. So I started tapping myself. It still made me want to tap someone else, really hard.
So I quit and moved on to other things. I think it did help, though, in a delayed reaction kind of way. The things I tapped for haven't bothered me quite as much since. Maybe it's time for another go.
Are you still doing Buteyko? Tried Donna Eden energy medicine? I got a lot out of her stuff, although again, it was a delayed reaction kind of thing. Except for a couple of sessions it kind of annoyed me while I was going through it. I'll look into Byron Katie. I've not heard of that.