Fred-my naturopath started me on on 250 mg of methylb12 shot today--it immediately went to my head-made me stutter and felt lightheaded/spacey- (am like that anyway right now and have had the stuttering issues sometimes with no b12)--but definitely gave me an anxious feeling-- when i was relatively well in realtion to where I am ( 2 years ago) i notices the methyl b12 sublinguals would make me anxious so would stop them-- does that make sense? the b12 was red -i hope those are not chemicals! Do I need the other list of supplements listed on the link you posted above-confused on the other supplements you recommend or is b12/a b100 /multi enough to repair nerve damage?
I'm a pretty sensitive person and not sleeping right now-so hopefully this will not make the sleep even worse--
Naturopath wanted me to start at 1X /week shots given how sensitive I am- with the low dose-(she thinks 250 mg is low) and work up from there-
she thought a mult vit was sufficient now for b vitamins and to even add the mult slow given how ill/sensitive I am rightnow- she also wants me to add cod liver oil-again 1 new supplement/week for now-
I'm also on mg malate, ALA. zinc (tested low for zinc), brocolli seed extract (phase i/ii liver), and vitamin d drops4000 is
I'm a pretty sensitive person and not sleeping right now-so hopefully this will not make the sleep even worse--
Naturopath wanted me to start at 1X /week shots given how sensitive I am- with the low dose-(she thinks 250 mg is low) and work up from there-
she thought a mult vit was sufficient now for b vitamins and to even add the mult slow given how ill/sensitive I am rightnow- she also wants me to add cod liver oil-again 1 new supplement/week for now-
I'm also on mg malate, ALA. zinc (tested low for zinc), brocolli seed extract (phase i/ii liver), and vitamin d drops4000 is