I'm intrigued by this chelation/detox issue, thought-provoking conversations. Hope to read more.
David and Velha, I want to thank you for your suggestion that more methylfolate might help my situation. And now I'm mostly over the startup effects, I can thank you sincerely. I know that the supplements which cause the most effects are the ones that are likely to be most effective. For me, methylfolin has a brutal quality, a sort of rough edge that none of the other supplements have. I mention this because I'm curious to know if others have stories about the particular character of any one of these supplements. I know my observation is kind of touchy-feely, but sometimes those subtle aspects add something to a description. Methyfolin's more tangible startup qualities for me are an increase in OI, dizziness, PEM, insomnia, eczema, brain fog, depression, uncoordination, neuropathies, nerve pain. I may have forgotten some things, these are the most noticeable. The startup lasted about 2 weeks for me.
However - feels as if I may have turned another corner. My energy level and ability to think are definitely better, I am cautiously playing with the parameters of my new energy. I've also upped my mb12 dose in the last week.
At a little over 3 months into this protocol, I have very significant improvements in OI/dizziness, nausea, brain fog, neuropathies, nerve pain. Although adding methylfolin may have changed this, my energy level until recently has still been pretty bad, though better than my worst periods and better than when I started the protocol, when I had 3 kind of sort of functional days out of 10.
For those who are interested, here's my current list o' supplements and dosages: mb12, 5 mg; adb12, 6mg; methylfolin, 1600 mcg; fish oil 2,000-4,000; vitamin D3 2,000IU; cal/mag 1,000/500 mg; alpha lipoic acid with biotin, 100mg; vitamin A 10,000 IU plus 6,00 IU in the vitamin D; selenium as methylselenocysteine 200 mcg; potassium 99 mg; vitamin E mixed tocopherols 400 IU; zinc 50 mg; vitamin C 2,000 mg. B-Right I take daily but often forget the second dose of the day. I have been taking L-carnitine fumarate 855 mg, but just ran out and I'm going to try going without to see if I notice a difference. Every other day I take 2 mg copper, alternated on the other days with 1200 mg lecithin. I've also recently added homemade kefir from kefir grains to my diet, thought I'd mention because this seems to do significant things to the gut and may change the situation.
I'd be very happy to hear if anyone has thoughts on what I'm taking or the dosages.
An interesting observation: at the beginning of this illness, before I knew what it was, I tried adrenal and thyroid glandular supplements. I was told that thinning hair on the outer side of the eyebrows often indicates low thyroid; by the end of two months on the supplements, the hair on my eyebrows grew in. Subsequently it thinned out again, but I just noticed yesterday that it is growing back in again. Obviously there are a lot of variables here, but I can't help wondering if this might be a sign that getting the methylation going does indeed let the endocrine system do the work it needs to do; i.e., methylation is upstream of endocrine problems. I don't know, but would be curious about comments on this.
Sushi, I'm so glad to hear you've cleared the path that was preventing you from moving on, congratulations.
Dreambirdie, I hope we'll be hearing similar news about you soon. I do so sympathize with feeling like a thing instead of a human being. Every time I come out of crashy, I say that I'm passing as a functional human being.