Hi Sunday,
It came as a complete surprise to me that my near lifelong GI issues turned out to be mb12 and folate related. I had almost 200 symptoms and signs in all affecting every system of the body. My docs all said that there was no way at all that they could all be related. The tendency was to divide me up amongst at least 5 or more specialists. I saw a gastroenterologist for the first time in my 20s along with urologist, internist, neurologist, ENT, psychiatrist, neurosurgeon, orthopedist and I don't remember what else. Most of my symptoms of 7 years ago traced back along a progression to earlier forms in my childhood. My history is a description of how these things develop and progress. At no point did anybody suggest that all my problems were related except for the car crash damages. And nobody had much success in dealing with them. Most of them wanted to say "it's all in your head" except the psychiatrist. He said while I had a not unusual assortment of minor problems that I had a clean psychiatric bill of health and didn't really need to be seeing anybody until I wanted to work on my "mother" (abusive psychotic) issues. She took it personally that I was sick so much and took it out on me. She found other excuses for my sisters.
After about a year on the mb12 I did another ellimination diet after several before. This time, unlike the previous times, one thing only stood out loud and clear, milk and cheese. I was as surprised as anybody. I never expected that at 61 I would have virtually all of my long lasting problems, most dating back to childhood in various forms, clear up. I haven't had a strep, a pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infection, urinary infection, cold, flu or anything else in 6 years. I had one relatively minor allergic episode when traveling to Ohio in hay fever season where the pollen counts can go over 1000. I lost 80 pounds of excess water. My blood pressure dropped so that 106/75 is very common now. I can walk down the detergent aisle at the suppermarket without sufficating. Perfume from 4 rows away doesn't make me retreat from the symphony. My skin is smooth with no infected folicles. I still get ingrown hairs from shaving though. I have exercise tolerance, have rebuilt deteriorated muscles, have arobic endurance and normal skin sensation. I sleep 7-8 hours of restorative sleep a night after 30 years of 5 hours or less of lousy sleep. The change in my life is utterly total. I can't begin to represent it. It doesn't sound real it is so extreme. The doctors and all their interpretations of tests and treatments were 100% wrong except for hypothyroid, antibiotics to fight infection and a couple of broken bones.