Hashimoto's thyroiditis is very prevalent in the CFS population. Wikland (2001) reported 40% prevalence by fine needle aspiration. Dr. Byron Hyde in Canada has also reported a high prevalence in M.E.
and then you said
In the clinical study carried out by Dr. Nathan, we had only two or three cases of Hashimoto's in the 30 patients we studied.
Can you explain the difference please?
Dr. James L. Wilson in his book Adrenal Fatigue, on pp. 199-200, recommends supplementing with vitamin B12 as part of nutritional support in treating adrenal fatigue. He suggests use of a B-complex that contains 200 to 400 micrograms of B12.
No-one is questioning this. I have been using Jarrow b12 for years for my endocrine system, whichis another reason why I question what Fredd is saying. It was only when I took a massive dose, not the 200 to 400 mics mentioned that I had adverse effects. It is the
amount that we have taken that we are questioning. I had a normal blood test result and took b12 for quite sometime before I took the huge dose that Fredd advises. I could not have been deficient.
In direct contradiction of both of these studies Fredd claims
As hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's is less than 1% of what many of us have to deal with,
Well this
opinion just shows us how little Fredd knows about hypothyroidism and Hashimotos.
I have no problem with anyone sharing what helped them and answering questions but I do have a very big problem with anyone who is
not medically qualified and who displays a lack of understanding about Hashimotos to the extent that he confuses it with hypothyroidism, and makes the previous statement and when a growing number of
desperate people try his protocol and have a reaction that is beyond detoxing or starting up or anything else (does he think that after years of this we do not know what a Herx is?) and he tells us to
KEEP GOING instead of at that point saying
This is in my opinion
We are being expected to accept that the two people here who are agreeing with each other that cannot be dangerous, know more on the subject than we sufferers do due to their understanding of the views of certain researchers yet the forums which have been mentioned for Hashi sufferers contain warnings about taking b12 supplements slowly. There is a lot of disagrement in the endocrinal world and we sufferers often have to go it alone and listen to our own bodies. So now we have two people telling us who have had a very bad reaction and mine was so bad that I was
suicidal for a few days and I have been ill for a very long time with mercury poisoning and Lyme disease a combination that is hard to beat in terms of suffering, and the reaction to the b12 was more than I could take or had ever experienced before.
All I ask is that when another person like us comes along and reacts like we have that they be told by Fredd that he cannot advise rather than what he is doing encouraging them to go on and telling them that what their body is saying most strongly, that their adrenals and thyroid cannot take the strain, is incorrect instead of
overiding their concerns.
The continuation of this issue which has been going on for quite some time, is causing me serious concerns about what is going on here. The fact that Fredd is actually encouraging people to continue instead of allowing them to do so without any outward pressure with
NO MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS regarding a condition which must be handled with extreme care, is what is being addressed but not emphasised enough.