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Anyone tried Black Seed Oil?

@Oliver3 thank you.

And I continue to have improvements every day: better intellectual energy, emotional, less pain ..... I encourage you to try black seed oil. (You make oil : black seed cumin (1/2 theaspoon) in the olive oil (1/4 of cup). You put in frigo (you don't have bacteries) and you take 1 theaspoon by day or more....


Senior Member
I titrated, over a few days, up to one capsule of Nootropics Depot Nigella Sativa 200mg (5% thymoquinone), as of a coule days ago.

Now I have mild flu-like symptoms - very slight: headache, limb soreness, phlem, now shivering so wrapped up extra warm, only 38C (in-ear), resting heart rate elevated from 60 to between 80-100.
[Edit: also amped up tinnitus for last few days and nearly passed out cooking just now, had to lie down on kitchen floor, which is new.🙄]

This would be only my 2nd time with sickness symptoms in the last ~13 yrars or so. Other time from when I raised a monosodium phosphate supplement past a modest amount.

Any ideas? Googling, it's all about how BSO is great *against* cold, flu, etc.

My other possibility could be my first proper time having Covid, since Mum's unsure about her cold.🤷
[Edit2: it was Covid, see below.]

About 45min later i started to feel how i feel from some supplements. Brainfog, dry mouth, fatigue etc.
it I found that it caused a big release of mycotoxins internally
Any developements from here?

How would one assist the elimination of (myco)toxins from the body, if guessing at that? Thanks. 🙂
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Senior Member
Incidentally, one of the reasons I'm trying BSO, aside from it being an acclaimed cure-all I've not taken before, is that there was speculation it might lower TNF-alpha. As a reason it might have helped someone with delayed sleep:
In a Reddit post today (in the Nootroptics sub), about someone who's delayed sleep phase had apparently been fixed by taking black seed oil, a commentor was speculating that it may have been due to thymoquinone reducing oxidative stress and thus TNF-alpha. Which they asserted, when raised, could suppress circadian entrainment. So:
I've not seen any other evidence for this as yet. Or coorberating theorising.
It is powerful for sure. I heard anecdotes it can induce implant rejection (like breast implants in women). For me, I started to get tooth pain in my old root canal teeth. This got me worried about what's in those root canals, and I ended up removing those teeth.


Senior Member
Incidentally, one of the reasons I'm trying BSO, aside from it being an acclaimed cure-all I've not taken before, is that there was speculation it might lower TNF-alpha. As a reason it might have helped someone with delayed sleep:

I've not seen any other evidence for this as yet. Or coorberating theorising.
I think there was a French group working with OMF who were attempting to use thymoquinone . Not sure what happened to them but it had a profound effect on my pots and PTSD


Senior Member
I titrated, over a few days, up to one capsule of Nootropics Depot Nigella Sativa 200mg (5% thymoquinone), as of a coule days ago.

Now I have mild flu-like symptoms - very slight: headache, limb soreness, phlem, now shivering so wrapped up extra warm, only 38C (in-ear), resting heart rate elevated from 60 to between 80-100. [Edit: also amped up tinnitus for last few days and nearly passed out cooking just now, had to lie down on kitchen floor, which is new.🙄]

This would be only my 2nd time with sickness symptoms in the last ~13 yrars or so. Other time from when I raised a monosodium phosphate supplement past a modest amount.

Any ideas? Googling, it's all about how BSO is great *against* cold, flu, etc.

My other possibility could be my first proper time having Covid, since Mum's unsure about her cold.🤷 [Edit2: it was Covid, see below.]

Any developements from here?

How would one assist the elimination of (myco)toxins from the body, if guessing at that? Thanks. 🙂
I wonder if your response to the black seed oil has something to do with it's effect on neurotransmitters.

This study found that it does have an effect on glutamine and glutamate.

And then this study found that glutamine and glutamate are involved in tinnitus.



Senior Member
I think black seed oil has many mechanisms of action mist likely within the body . It's deffo worth trying.
Take with broccoli seed extract, pynagenol z quercetin and it's a pretty good anti viral anti oxidative stress anti inflammatory concoction


Senior Member
Can BSO reverse vaccine damage?
I'm trying cacoa powder at the moment and low dose aspirin...as always one has to listen to the body but apparently cacoa releases stem cells.
Autophagy from intermittent fasting will help too with reversing savage if you can handle it

Fat Viking

Senior Member
I'm trying cacoa powder at the moment and low dose aspirin...as always one has to listen to the body but apparently cacoa releases stem cells.
Autophagy from intermittent fasting will help too with reversing savage if you can handle it
Are there any reputable studies on BSO to show its effects?


Senior Member
There's loads of studies I believe for illnesses such as cancer
I know a French group liasing with the OMF were looking at using THYMOQUINONE which is a massive anti inflammatory and one of the main active ingredients.
Not sure what happened to that.
All I know is it cured my pots overnight but due to side effects I had to stop