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Anyone tried Black Seed Oil?


Ooh I want to know this too, I'm considering munching a teaspoon of the seed daily for various reasons.

I bought some black onion seed but apparently that is not the same thing? Just a misnomer, amiright?

@Hip have you investigated nigella sativa during your many trials?


Senior Member
@Hip have you investigated nigella sativa during your many trials?

Funnily enough, 15 years ago, when my health problems first began (with severe IBS and its associated anxiety symptoms), black seed oil was one of the first supplements that I tried. Not because black seed oil is good for IBS, but simply because I happened to be walking past a shop in London which was advertising: "Black seed oil: a remedy for all diseases except death — the prophet Mohammed".

Always amused by hyperbole, I bought some there and then. It did not really help my IBS much, though it slightly reduced my anxiety levels.

One of the main pharmacodynamic effects of black seed oil is its NF-κB inhibition. That can be useful. For example, when I was experimenting with supplements to decrease my very high anxiety levels (anxiety which I believe may be due to brain inflammation), I discovered that supplements or drugs that potently inhibited NF-κB helped to reduce the anxiety.

This is probably because NF-κB inhibition can reduce inflammation, which in turn I think will reduce anxiety, if neuroinflammation is the cause of your anxiety.

NF-κB has been found to be more activated in ME/CFS, which in turn may induce more inflammatory cytokines.

Black seed oil is not the only NF-κB inhibitor supplement, though, there are many others. Some of more potent ones are: curcumin, alpha lipoic acid, grape seed extract and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

And if you want a really potent NF-κB inhibitor, then consider the drug sulfasalazine. I found that strong NF-κB inhibition noticeably reduce my anxiety levels, so I was taking sulfasalazine for a while for that purpose, and it worked reasonably well. Though eventually I switched to taking a cocktail of several NF-κB inhibitor supplements, which were almost as effective.

After I later discovered the potent anti-anxiety effects of N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), I then mostly dropped the NF-κB inhibition strategy, as NAG and a few other added supplements were sufficient to keep my anxiety in check.

Selfhacked has a page on NF-κB inhibition:

How To Inhibit NF-kB: The Key To Health And Master Control of Inflammation - Selfhacked

Note that black seed oil is also a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, so that is another action it has in the body.
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Senior Member
Has anyone tried a solid dose? Such as 2TBSP a day from a good brand?

Claimed to be a cureall

It's supposedly a strong anti-histamine and is highly recommended by the Low Histamine Chef... I used it, based on her recommendation and I liked it, but not enough to warrant the price.. Also, taking a lot of oil is not good for my digestion..

If lowering histamine is your goal, I recommend Solgar Quercetin Complex (also includes bromelain - which is excellent - rosehips, vitamin c, rutin, etc.) much better results, cheaper and no hit to digestion.


Senior Member
@Richard7 I'm taking one tsp in the morning on an empty stomach, and one tsp at night before bedtime. It's not cheap but I wanted to try something that would help with inflammation and this oil has a lot of references to back it up. I had swollen glands and ears every day for over a year and now they are back to normal.


Senior Member
It's supposedly a strong anti-histamine and is highly recommended by the Low Histamine Chef...

@ebethc Is black seed oil the exact same thing as "Nigella Sativa" or two different products? What do you notice that it does in your own case as far as an anti-histamine? I am still wanting to add other natural antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers (very carefully with my doctors consent) and had been thinking about trying Mangosteen. Am not familiar with black seed oil until Googling it just now and it comes up as Nigella Sativa.

If lowering histamine is your goal, I recommend Solgar Quercetin

I take 2000 mg of Quercetin per day (plus the Quercetin in NeuroProtek) and agree it is a phenomenal antihistamine. My MCAS doc endorses it and he is not that big on supplements but he truly believes in Quercetin. I use the Jarrow version plus Twin Labs Quercetin + Vitamin C which is citrus free (but am sure Solgar is great, too)!


Senior Member
@ebethc Is black seed oil the exact same thing as "Nigella Sativa" or two different products? What do you notice that it does in your own case as far as an anti-histamine? I am still wanting to add other natural antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers (very carefully with my doctors consent) and had been thinking about trying Mangosteen. Am not familiar with black seed oil until Googling it just now and it comes up as Nigella Sativa.

I believe that nigella sativa and black seed oil are the same thing.... or, black seed oil is derived from nigella sativa (which are black seeds) :)

I used the brand Amazing Herbs ... I just checked and it's not that expensive to try... I found that I had to take a LOT, which made it expensive as an ongoing supplement.. plus, too much oil for my tummy ... they make capsules & liquid

BTW - I've found Source Naturals to be the best Mangosteen by FAR... I threw out the Solaray that I bought when S.N. was out of stock... (other Solaray products have been fine). The Source Naturals is also recommended by the Low Histamine Chef


Senior Member
I believe that nigella sativa and black seed oil are the same thing.... or, black seed oil is derived from nigella sativa (which are black seeds) :)

Thanks and that makes sense.

I used the brand Amazing Herbs ... I just checked and it's not that expensive to try... I found that I had to take a LOT, which made it expensive as an ongoing supplement.. plus, too much oil for my tummy ... they make capsules & liquid

Will check out the link and read up more on this product.

BTW - I've found Source Naturals to be the best Mangosteen by FAR... I threw out the Solaray that I bought when S.N. was out of stock... (other Solaray products have been fine). The Source Naturals is also recommended by the Low Histamine Chef

Thanks a lot and had no idea which mangosteen to try. Will check out this link as well!
the Netherlands
For nearly a year I have been using Cinnamon leaf oil from Sri Lanka.
A week ago I started with Nigella sativa oil, a teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day. In the next 12 months I will take a combination of both and see if it will have a further positive effect on my energy level. At the moment there is definitely more energy between the Herxheimer reactions but the progress has been slow.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I just starting trying black seed oil because of the discussion thread about the latest OMF Sympotsium.

@SlamDancin , @LongMacc , @Oliver3 , @borko2100 , @hapi808

It had a strong and unexpected effect on me. I was trying it because of people saying it was an anti-inflammatory. I tried it topically on the jaw joint to try to reduce teeth clenching at night and then another time orally (about a half teaspoonfull).

It did seem to be anti-inflammatory, but a couple days after taking it I found that it caused a big release of mycotoxins internally. I believe that they have been stored in my fat cells. I was absolutely miserable with all the painful symptoms mold toxins cause.

The trick for me is getting the toxins out of my body once they are set loose. If it could be controlled, this effect of toxin release might be helpful in the long run.

This is the only supplement I've ever taken that has caused a release of stored toxins. Wow. Amazing.
excuse me for the text in french. I have difficult with traduction.... because I read here the traduction in french with traductor, after I must to back original here and make a text in french sur google et come her with traduction in english.... sorry...... and my fatigue make me errors. excuse me again. Also, I don't if the informatique system is ok to make that. You understand? (no traductor for the moment, it's me with the error...)
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I try another times. Yes, I started last week after reading a message here. It's @Reve in the subject block that has helped you, but the message is not there for black cumin.) Nigella sativa, black cumin seeds I started grinding it. I put it in a small container and took a little (about 1/16 teaspoon) 2 or 3 times a day.As I did not feel the effect enough, I decided to make some Nigel oil I did a bit like garlic oil, so for not having bacteria (as explained on a university nutrition website, for garlic oil), I put the Nigel powder (about 1 teaspoonful) in 1/4 cup of organic olive oil, covered, put it in the fridge and then I took at least 1 teaspoon per day For the effect on the nervous system, I had to go up to 1 big pick at the table I see change: it has improved intellectual and emotional energy as well as less painful muscles of what I can see The changemen ts surely occur also elsewhere in my body. But the improvement is important enough that today I will buy 2 other 50g sachets (maybe Algerian store) ... But hey, for $ 3, it's really cheap for the improvements that I have right now. But we have to wait to see in time what will happen. Small suggestion: go slowly ....


Senior Member
I try another times. Yes, I started last week after reading a message here. It's @Reve in the subject block that has helped you, but the message is not there for black cumin.) Nigella sativa, black cumin seeds I started grinding it. I put it in a small container and took a little (about 1/16 teaspoon) 2 or 3 times a day.As I did not feel the effect enough, I decided to make some Nigel oil I did a bit like garlic oil, so for not having bacteria (as explained on a university nutrition website, for garlic oil), I put the Nigel powder (about 1 teaspoonful) in 1/4 cup of organic olive oil, covered, put it in the fridge and then I took at least 1 teaspoon per day For the effect on the nervous system, I had to go up to 1 big pick at the table I see change: it has improved intellectual and emotional energy as well as less painful muscles of what I can see The changemen ts surely occur also elsewhere in my body. But the improvement is important enough that today I will buy 2 other 50g sachets (maybe Algerian store) ... But hey, for $ 3, it's really cheap for the improvements that I have right now. But we have to wait to see in time what will happen. Small suggestion: go slowly ....

ca ces tres bon!