Hmm yes in the 2 years I receive Gut treatments (mainly pulsed antibiotics OR herbals FC Cidal & disbiocide) I do notice changes in mood/anxiety levels. But the antibiotics that helped me most (prescribed for gut) are also very good for Bartonella (which is known also to give anxiety, mood swings, panic ...). Hard to know exactly :/
I agree that it is VERY difficult to sort through the possibilities of what is causing symptoms. I know the struggle very well!:thumbdown: I spent 9 years trying different treatments for viruses, mitochondrial dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction, methylation dysfunction and others and got very little relief.
I have become convinced the my gut is the core problem and all other symptoms are a result of that. So that's were my treatment focus is and I feel much better than I have in years, treating my gut.
I understand your struggle very well and hope you are able to find the treatment that really helps you improve your health!

Are you on a low carb diet? A low carb diet, as I understand it, is crucial to beating dysbiosis and equally, if not more important, keeping it from returning.