Anxiety, panic, tinnitus, heart, ...


Senior Member
I have often anxiety, panic, heart electricity feelings. Sometimes when my tinnitus gets other tones I am really scared (anxious) etc...
I heard this is not typical ME/CFS ... What could cause this symptoms? I am thinking about neuro-inflammation, maybe certain infections?, gut dysbiosis...


Near Cognac, France
Sounds pretty typical to me Aubry. It would be unusual if 'encephalomyelitis' didn't result in mood and autonomic symptoms.

Having said that have you mentioned the heart symptoms to your doctor? It could be nothing; or something relatively benign like ectopic heartbeats; or something else.

Best to find out.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I have often anxiety, panic, heart electricity feelings. Sometimes when my tinnitus gets other tones I am really scared (anxious) etc...
I heard this is not typical ME/CFS ... What could cause this symptoms? I am thinking about neuro-inflammation, maybe certain infections?, gut dysbiosis...

Hi Aubry- I have a lot of anxiety too, as well as tinnitus that often happens when my anxiety is high. High levels of anxiety, I think are VERY common in cfs. I think neuro-inflammation is certainly a good theory and may very well be exactly what is causing these symptoms.

When I take herbs to kill off dysbiosis, I notice my anxiety is much worse and that's when I usually experience my tinnitus also. So for me, there is a clear connection to my symptoms and my gut dysbiosis. I have also noticed that the longer I treat my dysbiosis, the lower my level of anxiety is!:)



Senior Member
Hmm yes in the 2 years I receive Gut treatments (mainly pulsed antibiotics OR herbals FC Cidal & disbiocide) I do notice changes in mood/anxiety levels. But the antibiotics that helped me most (prescribed for gut) are also very good for Bartonella (which is known also to give anxiety, mood swings, panic ...). Hard to know exactly :/


Senior Member
Yes I have PEM, chronic fatigue too. But it is the anxiety, nausea, panic which keeps me homebound somehow I think.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Hmm yes in the 2 years I receive Gut treatments (mainly pulsed antibiotics OR herbals FC Cidal & disbiocide) I do notice changes in mood/anxiety levels. But the antibiotics that helped me most (prescribed for gut) are also very good for Bartonella (which is known also to give anxiety, mood swings, panic ...). Hard to know exactly :/

I agree that it is VERY difficult to sort through the possibilities of what is causing symptoms. I know the struggle very well!:thumbdown: I spent 9 years trying different treatments for viruses, mitochondrial dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction, methylation dysfunction and others and got very little relief.

I have become convinced the my gut is the core problem and all other symptoms are a result of that. So that's were my treatment focus is and I feel much better than I have in years, treating my gut.

I understand your struggle very well and hope you are able to find the treatment that really helps you improve your health!:) Are you on a low carb diet? A low carb diet, as I understand it, is crucial to beating dysbiosis and equally, if not more important, keeping it from returning.



Senior Member
hey @Aubry

I'll second Hip's tumeric, flaxseed oil and NAG, it worked wonders for me and is pretty easy and cheap.

I also have found that PoTS itself causes a certain degree of anxiety. So keeping up the salt and potassium helps as does taking sufficient rest - before the anxiety hits.

Magnesium can help: I take it as a matter of course, but there have been occasions where I have found a second dose/ reaplication of MgSO4 on my skin has helped.

There have also been some occasions where b group vitamins helped but I have no idea what was going on in these cases, its sort of if all else fails.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
My extreme anxiety was reduced by about 50% as soon as I was gluten-free. And I foundthat my extreme tinnitus was due to adrenal stress. As I did things to relieve that stress, detoxing liver especially, the tinnitus resolved. When it returns, only quiet hissing, I ask what my adrenals need. good luck.


Senior Member
I have often anxiety, panic, heart electricity feelings. Sometimes when my tinnitus gets other tones I am really scared (anxious) etc...
I heard this is not typical ME/CFS ... What could cause this symptoms? I am thinking about neuro-inflammation, maybe certain infections?, gut dysbiosis...

Tinnitus and anxiety are extremely common with ME/CFS - My ears haven't stopped ringing for more than a decade. I also have a heart arrhythmia. A small dose of beta blockers and xanax help a lot.


Senior Member
migraines? sometimes I think yes... My thoughts is my anxiety is from bartonella since I get cat scratches on certain antibiotics that work on bartonella


Senior Member
migraines? sometimes I think yes... My thoughts is my anxiety is from bartonella since I get cat scratches on certain antibiotics that work on bartonella

What your Doctor think about your scratches? Does he believe you can have bartonella?
I showed him some scratches twice but he doesn't believe it can be bartonella. Those marks were pretty similar though, and I have so many symptoms that could be from bartonella (but can be from borrelia as well so dunno)


Senior Member
Does any of this sound familiar?
- All of a sudden there is a feeling of pending doom?
- You might get a hot flash or you feel slightly nauseous?
- Something is just off in your body and it feels like everything is on edge?
- You can feel your heart start to speed up?
- Maybe you can feel the small electric jolt that speeds up the heart?
- Your ears start ringing with the tinnitus or maybe tinnitus proceeded the electric shocks as a warning (like an aura)?
- Afterwards you might be left even more exhausted and have a headache.

When I first started having issues with POTS and autonomic issues, these were my major issues (for the POTS piece). It could happen when I stood up, but it was more likely to happen when I sat at a specific angle (like getting into my car after a long day of work). But it could happen any time. It also seemed to happen when my blood sugar got low.

Now I'm less POTS and more low pulse pressure when I am standing in line or walking too slow.