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The skin irritation you described maybe doesn't apply to povidone-iodine products made for skin contact.
It does.
Side effects include skin irritation.
The skin irritation you described maybe doesn't apply to povidone-iodine products made for skin contact.
Side effects include skin irritation.
Of those studies you found, the study demonstrating efficacy against H3N2 influenza virus seems the most convincing:
In this study, the silver nanoparticles they used had a mean diameter of around 9.5 nm. So I guess to replicate this, one might need to find a colloidal silver product whose particle diameter is similar.
Usually the product specifications supplied by colloidal silver manufacturer's themselves are highly inaccurate, so you need to find independent lab testing to measure the particle diameter. One such independent lab is here
This lab also points out that the three types of consumer products labeled as "colloidal silver" can be categorized as follows:
I am not yet convinced that silver nanoparticles have any useful clinical effect against viruses in general though. To be convinced, I'd like to see studies showing that silver nanoparticles can reduce the duration of the common cold say; or allow HIV patients to stop their regular antiretrovirals.
- ionic silver solutions — the most common type of colloidal silver sold, but not a true colloidal silver
- silver protein — this is the product that have very large particle size, and can cause argyria
- true colloidal silver1
And note that virucidal effects on surfaces is not the same as antiviral effects in the body.
I think 1 or 2% povidone-iodine may work better as a hand sanitizer, applied before you go out in public, as in theory this should help kill any viruses that contaminate your hands when you are out and about. This is because the iodine remains on your hands for about 4 to 8 hours (see this post). Whereas with alcohol, that evaporates away after a few minutes.
- This should give me that 1% or so, right?
- How much do I use to lather?
- Do I rinse my hands after or just let it rub in and stay on?
- Does it lose potency or degrade by just sitting out in a plastic bottle being diluted by water?
I started yesterday with 1/2 tablet against persistent CBV, and now a day later I notice strong flu-like symptoms (i.e., sore throat, sore muscles, cough, shivering, raised temp. etc.). Don't know the exact mechanism and how it works, but it's certainly doing something.Just to add a question related to the previous post... if equilibrant was to help, would you have to have been taking it for a ages prior to getting the virus? I have the same question for tenofovir...
@Hip and others: could Equilibrant / Oxymatrine in theory be effective against Corona virus as it acts as a immunomodelator and balances out antiviral Th1 and Th2 cytokines?
It does
If this is accurate, then avoiding immunomodulators such as Equilibrant / Oxymatrine is something that I/we should better avoid until things calm down with the coronavirus, correct?I am not sure. But I would be cautious with immunomodulators which ramp up the immune attack on the virus, as its known that death from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus often occurs due to lung damage from a cytokine storm — an immune response which is too strong. See this article.
The article mentions that blocking the cytokine IL-6 is reported to be successful in China. So this may be the sort of immunomodulation which helps: inhibiting IL-6 to reduce the cytokine storm and reduce the ferocity of immune attack on the lungs.
In this post I listed a number of IL-6 inhibitor drugs and supplements (but at the moment I am not clear on which of these might work, and which might be the most appropriate).
In this post I listed a number of IL-6 inhibitor drugs and supplements (but at the moment I am not clear on which of these might work, and which might be the most appropriate).
Do we know enough to suggest that corona-v is NOT like Spanish flu? which strongly affected the young...
If this is accurate, then avoiding immunomodulators such as Equilibrant / Oxymatrine is something that I/we should better avoid until things calm down with the coronavirus, correct?
Thanks for sharing Dr Cheney's current thoughts.I subscribe to Paul Cheney's "concierge service", in which I pay an annual subscription fee in return for occasional emails from Cheney with treatment recommendations and other thoughts about ME/CFS.
Though he usually only sends out an email every few months, Cheney has sent quite a few in the last month about Covid-19. He is concerned that in the US, at least, the healthcare system will be overwhelmed like it is in parts of Italy because there has been little effort here to "flatten the curve" -- i.e. reduce the rate of transmission so that fewer people are sick and in need of intensive medical care at any single point in time. His concern is that in that event, a lot of people might not have access to intensive medical treatment that might be necessary.
He says that he does not know how much risk a SARS-Cov-2 infection poses to ME/CFS patients -- whether we are likely be on the mild or severe end of the severity spectrum.
In the plus column is the evidence that the RNase L antiviral pathway is upregulated in ME/CFS, which could be protective against severe illness. However, this upregulation seems to happen in the early stage of the illness, and seems to fade the longer one is sick. He also theorizes that our apparent hypometabolic state -- Naviaux's "dauer-like" response -- could serve as a protective mechanism.
In the minus column, Hornig showed that immune exhaustion tends to set in after roughly 3 years of illness. In addition, long-term CFS patients seem to be more at risk of developing insulin resistance. Citing the research of Gerald Reaven at Stanford, Cheney hypothesizes that the common link between the conditions -- diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease -- that predispose patients to severe Covid-19 is insulin resistance.
I personally think a lot of the long-term ill, like myself, have developed comorbid conditions -- immune deficiency, autoimmune conditions, neuropathy, etc. -- that might worsen the clinical course of this infectious disease. Also, good luck convincing a doctor that ME/CFS makes you a potentially high risk case in need of close medical monitoring.
In trying to keep the risk of severe Covid-19 as low as possible, Cheney has the following general recommendations:
More recently, he has written about two possible treatment protocols that might help in the event you or a family member end up with Covid-19. I actually think he is getting some of his ideas from daily YouTube videos posted by MedCram, and then reading the scientific literature discussed in these videos on his own. Note that this is not medical advice -- maybe just ideas to discuss with your doctor if you live in an area with widespread community transmission and you cannot fully self-isolate.
- Try if possible to limit eating to an 8-hour window during the day (e.g. 11AM to 7PM), which over time will yield the benefits of calorie restriction;
- Avoid glycemic foods (sugar, most fruits, refined carbs/starches, etc.) to the extent possible to reduce blood sugar fluctuations during the day and to try to gradually reduce HgbA1C to below 5.4.
- Take 400iu of Vitamin D daily. He says to avoid high doses of vitamin D, as some studies suggest that too much vitamin D can worsen viral illness, especially in people with Vitamin D receptor SNPs, which he says are common in ME/CFS patients.
- Try to get adequate, regular sleep to the extent possible.
- Keep a thermometer on hand to monitor if you start running a fever, as well as a pulse oximeter, available online or from a pharmacy. I guess his thinking is that in Covid patients, oxygen saturation starts to fall before shortness of breath becomes severe, so a pulse oximeter might give an early warning sign that more intensive medical care is necessary.
Cheney says that human studies are underway for both hydroxychloroquine and quercetin, so hopefully more will be known about their efficacy soon enough.
- Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil). An anti-malarial prescription medication that appears to act as a zinc ionophore, meaning it allows zinc to enter the cell and reduce viral replication. It is also thought to reduce the risk of cytokine storm. Note that there are no double-blind placebo controlled trials proving this drug works against this coronavirus. The evidence supporting its use is from in vitro, not in vivo studies. Still, there have been some papers out of China supporting the use of this drug for Covid. The South Korean CDC yesterday recommended the use of this medication, in addition to antiretrovirals, based on recommendations from a panel of expert physicians on the front lines of the epidemic in Korea. Hydroxychloroquine can have significant negative side effects, so it should definitely not be taken on a whim. It is supposedly widely available, though I have no idea if it can be purchased from a prescription-free online pharmacy.
- Quercetin. Quercetin at a fairly high dose (3-7 grams per day) also may act as a zinc ionophore. Quercetin obviously is a supplement, not a prescription medication, so it is widely available. Nobody has any idea if quercetin is effective for SARS-CoV-2, though it seems to have antiviral effects against Zika and Ebola. Quercetin does not seem to have the negative side effect profile of hydroxychloroquine, though others here would know more about this than I do.
Separately, I was forwarded an email with clinical observations from a Western physician who has been on the front lines of treatment in Wuhan. He noted that gargling with highly diluted Betadine (povidone-iodine) appears to reduce the risk that the SARS-CoV-2 virus will move from the throat into the lungs. I have no idea about the safety of gargling diluted Betadine, but maybe @Hip does. I just flagged this physician's comment because povidone-iodine has been mentioned a few times earlier in this thread.
Of course, I hope none of these treatments are actually needed by anyone in the Phoenix Rising community.
I have no idea about the safety of gargling diluted Betadine, but maybe @Hip does.