Antivirals Effective Against Coronavirus?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Germany has a brilliant healthcare system, ability to respond quickly and culture matters too. Do the people culturally not go to the doctor like the brits "Just get on with it" or do they go at the drop of a hat because their country has the capacity to deal with that and they know that prevention is vital. All this would prevent deaths. Then there's the stats on age, people over 75 are very prone to mortality, as are those in vulnerable groups.


Senior Member
Germany has a brilliant healthcare system, ability to respond quickly and culture matters too. Do the people culturally not go to the doctor like the brits "Just get on with it" or do they go at the drop of a hat because their country has the capacity to deal with that and they know that prevention is vital. All this would prevent deaths. Then there's the stats on age, people over 75 are very prone to mortality, as are those in vulnerable groups.

In France, they said on tv that only severely affected patients will go to the hospital to receive proper treatment.

This means that people over 75, and people who have concurrent disease that makes them more susceptible to have problems, will receive special a treatment only when the virus will have already done severe damages.

Not sure if they already found a good antiviral to fight the virus, but if they found one, we know that the timing is very important to have optimal result.

Our medical system was in very bad shape before the coronavirus, because of the aging population.
Our government is doing exactly as if they had found the solution to this problem: the coronavirus.

They ask people to "protect" themselves just by stoping the hand shakes and kisses, and wash hands with alcool gel, and to stop visiting the olders in order to protect them.

They don't make any mask distribution (they don't have enough of it any way).

Ill and old people need to have a medical prescription by their doc to get some masks!!!!!!

One other question that came to my mind that could explain these strange statistics differences between France and Germany:
How many people got tested in both countries, how many negative people versus positive ones, did they tested only ill people coming from epidemic areas, etc...


Senior Member
United Kingdom
That's another good point. There's such a long list of reasons I mean I could list over 30 if I thought about it long enough. But the number of people tested, when they were tested, under what circumstances, all has a big correlation with cases and deaths. Also we all know that statistics can be skewed not just because they are interpreted differently by different people but also because one group of people may note down the figures under differing reasons than another. It makes it difficult - actually impossible in the modern world I would say - to correlate statistics between location nevermind country. But I do think country to country is definitely a problem area. So one countries stats can be taken into account on there own, but comparison on stats alone is impossible.

I am chuckling at the UK government though, they keep saying "Look we've tested 40,000 people and only 2000 of those have been infected." Of course the majority of people tested were tested before the virus was even in the country, or in such tiny numbers that it was irrelevant. Then there's the simple fact that all these people who tested negative will get sick eventually. Unless someone is housebound, they will in theory get sick with this - it's just a matter of time.

I guess we should all be thankful that the mortality rate is currently so low, but we could all loose an elderly relative to this virus, which is scary in itself.


Senior Member
So one countries stats can be taken into account on there own, but comparison on stats alone is impossible.

Exactly, the results of all countries all with different health-care systems can't be compared at all. This is what I posted 2 days ago on an other forum:

I think it's hopeless containing the virus.

I'm the second day home from an almost 2 month vacation in South-India. The situation there is bizarre, according to media there before I left, only 3 confirmed cases in Kerala. Now I see John Hopkins counts already 30 cases. And that in a country of 1.2 billion bordering to China with upto 480 million migrating workers! For example in a metropolis like Mumbay 106 returners from Wuhan have been in quarantine since middle of January: 104 of them turned out negative, 2 are still waiting for their test-results - after 1 1/2 months! Away from the major airports no testing is done (I even would have paid for, but not available..). If in the countryside of India some ten-thousands die of pneumonia, it wouldn't be mentioned before its too late (approx. 120,000 pneumonia deaths in India a year).

Therefore I wanted to get myself tested for not spreading it unneccesarily at home (as a social worker working with immunity compromised clients). Especially because on 11. Jan. I've slept for 5 hours in transit on Oman Airport in a waiting room with lots of Chinese - a middle aged couple just in 1 meter distance coughing all the time; 3 weeks later had a severe cold for 5 days (coughing, sneezing and running nose), and now since 5 days difficulties in swallowing. And believe possibly being one of the 80% infected will slight symptoms.

However, everyone here follows the rules from the ministry of health, which permits testing only of Individuals returning from China, South Korea, Italy and Iran (allegedly for saving resources..). Nobody seems to give a shit about the lacking health-care system in most of India, and don't think it over themself.

Game over. It just will take its course.

Austrians health-care system (as long as one doesn't come down with an unknown disease, as elsewhere) is actually excellent. However, this situation where they already at the beginning of an epidemic struggle with resources, shows how fragile any system due to the optimizations in previous years has become, and very likely could collapse very soon. Where not enough ICU bets will be available, to treat all the severe.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yep. Also older people in some countries will just stay at home and die. Why? Because there won't be a hospital nearby to go to and they will be too poor to afford to get there. Much like ME patients are invisible to society, the poor have always been invisible, guess we share something in common with them.

And yes fragility in every system is major. I was reading how an Italian doctor went from his 5 ICU beds to creating a further 25 by the 7th of March to cope with the number of people needing ventilator support. If the NHS can cope with this I will literally be amazed. I live with an NHS middle manager, every week people quit or hand in their notice, her last two bosses both committed suicide and they regularly burst into tears on one another. This is NOT a one off, it's a weekly occurrence happening week in week out and relentlessly so. No wonder young nurses are leaving in their droves, who in their right mind would put themselves through that? Even if you are unconditional in your love and care of total strangers.

We'll see how it pans out over the next month or two, that will give us a better picture for sure. My company is 80% airline industry (worldwide) and our boss has just cancelled all flights and travel, which we sort of need in order to be able to do our jobs to some extent. But maybe this will wake people up who have a more right wing thinking, pigs might also fly.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
950 positive for coronavirus in France, 16 deaths
800 positive in Germany, 0 deaths?
What's wrong?

Hi @pattismith -- Though I haven't researched it myself, I think a plausible reason for many of the unknown factors surrounding the coronoavirus could be attributed to the possible variable of 5G radiation. I recently ran across an interesting article which elucidates on this potential connection. Link and abbreviated introduction in snippet below:

5G Wireless Coronavirus Connection Exposed

Is there a connection between the reported outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus in Wuhan and the fact that Wuhan was a model city for demonstrating 5G wireless technology in China?

Is it just a coincidence that the crippling health effects known about 5G wireless technology were in effect in a full scale deployment in Wuhan starting October 31, 2019?

In getting to the meat of this hypothesis it's important to start with what we know that 5G wireless can do to your immune system.
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Senior Member
I guess we should all be thankful that the mortality rate is currently so low, but we could all loose an elderly relative to this virus, which is scary in itself.

The relative long incubation time (2 weeks but could last three weeks) and high contagiosity of the virus will produce a delayed epidemic explosion in most places, so people don't realize for now what is going to happen. It's only when members of their families will die that they will understand. The epidemic will be out of control at that time.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yep @pattismith I have absolutely no idea how my body is going to respond to this. I am trying not to think about it. One 25 year old in Wuhan who is from Wales UK said he had a cold basically for the first 10 days, which then turned into aches and pains, he then got a fever and then became breathless. It was only at this point he went into hospital and after numerous tests they told him he had pneumonia. My Dad had pneumonia twice so I am a bit scared I may end up in a similar situation. Even so this guy was sick for 2 weeks by the sounds of it and it wasn't even clear what he had and he was 25! Also no underlying health conditions.

Then there was the other story of the 35 year old who was discharged as recovered and then died two days later. It's a very scary virus for sure.


Senior Member
Yep @pattismith I have absolutely no idea how my body is going to respond to this. I am trying not to think about it. One 25 year old in Wuhan who is from Wales UK said he had a cold basically for the first 10 days, which then turned into aches and pains, he then got a fever and then became breathless. It was only at this point he went into hospital and after numerous tests they told him he had pneumonia. My Dad had pneumonia twice so I am a bit scared I may end up in a similar situation. Even so this guy was sick for 2 weeks by the sounds of it and it wasn't even clear what he had and he was 25! Also no underlying health conditions.

Then there was the other story of the 35 year old who was discharged as recovered and then died two days later. It's a very scary virus for sure.

from 10 to 39 years of age, mortality risk is very very low, 0.2 %: so it can happen although very rare. I'm sure most of us will be ok, we take a lot of good supplements to fight inflammation, hopefully it will help!
And some with ME/CFS are naturally protected against virus by their over active immune system!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief

(OMNS Mar 3, 2020) The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C. (1) Dosage recommendations vary with severity of illness, from 50 to 200 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day to as much as 200 mg/kg/day.

These dosages are approximately 4,000 to 16,000 mg for an adult, administered by IV. This specific method of administration is important, says intravenous therapy expert Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, because vitamin C's effect is at least ten times more powerful by IV than if taken orally. Dr. Yanagisawa is president of the Tokyo-based Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy. He says, "Intravenous vitamin C is a safe, effective, and broad-spectrum antiviral."

Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, a Chinese-American specialist physician, has been working closely with medical and governmental authorities throughout China. He has been instrumental in facilitating at least three Chinese clinical IV vitamin C studies now underway. Dr. Cheng is presently in Shanghai continuing his efforts to encourage still more Chinese hospitals to implement vitamin C therapy incorporating high oral doses as well as C by IV.

Dr. Cheng and Dr. Yanagisawa both recommend oral vitamin C for prevention of COVID-19 infection.

An official statement from Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Hospital (2) reads:

"On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe new coronaviral pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital. In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. . .

[E]arly application of large doses of vitamin C can have a strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory responses, and improve endothelial function. . . Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. . . [H]gh-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)."

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I've gotten interested in: serrapeptase- and since this corona may result in lung and cough issues-

doing a detox using serrapeptase for the lungs might be a good idea right now..and to have some on hand...

I'm quite concerned about the air hunger symptom, and if the flu gets into the lungs...mine aren't so great.

Here is a link to a small scale study in Japan:

Respirology. 2003 Sep;8(3):316-20.
Effect of the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase in patients with chronic airway disease.
Nakamura S1, Hashimoto Y, Mikami M, Yamanaka E, Soma T, Hino M, Azuma A, Kudoh S.

BELOW IS a personal TESTIMONIAL FROM: somebody named Steve...

I started taking serrapeptase 8 or 9 months ago after some research and self-testing. It is a big part of my daily regimen. Most of this has been shared elsewhere but it is important to understand a few things about serrapeptase.

Serrapeptase is measured in SU so be sure you get a pure form. I started at 120,000 SU split into 2 doses and now take 450,000 SU in 2 doses. It is considered safe up to 1,000,000 SU daily with no suggested rest from taking it like some other supplements recommend. I increased the dosage after returning to the Philippines because I have been using laser therapy successfully in the US but there is no class 4 laser here.

It works fast on phlegm depending on the root cause – starting working on my IPF lung phlegm in 3 days. Today I still have very little lung build-up at all.

Serrapeptase is a blood cleaner so it may help reduce BP slightly but it is not a blood thinner. After 8/9 months a side benefit is many of my capillary varicose veins in my feet are gone because of the serra. I do take several other important supplements but I think serrapeptase is one of the most ones important for us.

Mayor caution – major – Do not take it anywhere close to other pills, especially time release as it sees them as dead protein and that is what serra dissolves/eats. So the same applies to food as it is dead protein too, generally. I try to avoid food and pills at least 3 hours before/after serra. Since I take one of the doses at 10:30 PM that works for me.

Hope this helps you.

Stay well,



Senior Member


Senior Member
3/3/2020 - Case Report from China re Use of Vitamin C for Treatment of Coronavirus

[Edit on 3/13/2020 to link to another channel where this video as of today can still be viewed on Youtube]
Video is 13 minutes long and it was published on 3/3/2020

Background info, about Dr. Cheng who is the individual speaking in this video. Dr. Cheng is a doctor with a practice in the U.S., but he went to China in January and he decided to remain there to offer any assistance he can while China tries to deal with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). He started to make Youtube videos about his stay in China to share information about what he is learning about the virus including treatments. In the comments of his Youtube videos he has been asked to provide more information about who he is, so he posted this link, which identifies his medical background..

@Wayne has provided some additional information in this thread about the suppression/censorship on social media of some of his videos, as well as some more information about Dr. Cheng and about his work helping in China with the virus. See, Reply Nos. 82 and 111
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Senior Member
The replay of a recent interview with Andrew W. Saul on this matter: https://event.webina...9va5i62u52sy6m7
@pamojja - Great link. Thank you for sharing it. I hope that other people will have an opportunity to watch the webinar, if they are interested in learning more about Vitamin C and ihow it is being used and trialed in China ,and other locations, as a treatment for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I made the following post on another forum, which condenses and reviews some of the information from this thread. Thanks @pamojja, @Wally, @Rufous McKinney and others for your great links! :) I incorporated them in my below post.

The first link below is to an article. The second link is to a 13-min. video, which relates the story written about in the first article (plus more information as well). The highlights: A 71-year old chronically ill woman from Wuhan, China was cared for by relatives for many days, before finally being taken to the hospital. It was then that she was successfully treated with IV Vitamin C.​
The children did not wear any protective gear while caring for their mother at home, but did take oral Vitamin C during this time. None of them contracted the coronavirus, even though the "normal" preventative measures were not taken. -- Also, doctors that are streaming to Wuhan to take care of infected people are all taking oral Vit. C to help protect themselves.​
There are two reasons Vitamin C is effective for treating viral infections: 1) Vitamin C is converted to hydrogen peroxide in the body, which kills the virus. 2) Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, which neutralizes the "oxidants" produced by the virus, and which often causes longer lasting lung damage.​
The following 6-minute video describes another way on how to get hydrogen peroxide into lungs that may be infected. After reading a remarkable testimonial by a man who was bedbound from chronic Lyme disease for ten years--and then fully recovered from it by using this method--I tried it myself. I noticed it gave me extra energy, but used it at half the strength recommended in the video. (I make my own with 35% percent food grade hydrogen peroxide).​
Coconut oil is also strongly antiviral:​
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Senior Member
This is soo cool, thx for sharing!
The following 6-minute video describes another way on how to get hydrogen peroxide into lungs that may be infected. After reading a remarkable testimonial by a man who was bedbound from chronic Lyme disease for ten years--and then fully recovered from it by using this method--I tried it myself. I noticed it gave me extra energy, but used it at half the strength recommended in the video. (I make my own with 35% percent food grade hydrogen peroxide).
Can you link the testimonial? Also, if I understand correctly you made 35% hydrogen peroxide witch is half of what the man in testimonial did? But to fight off viruses you only need 3% hydrogen peroxide, right?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Can you link the testimonial? -- But to fight off viruses you only need 3% hydrogen peroxide, right?

Hi @Hipsman -- Below is the link to the video, and the testimonial was in the comments section. It was actually fairly poorly written (and rambling), and so I edited it after I knew I wanted to save it and send to others (pasted below). The original was quite long and extensive, so I condensed it as well.

I'm not sure you need 3% to kill viruses. In the testimonial below, he stresses it needs to be administered often. Since 3% was a bit irritating for my lungs, I decided to start out at 1% and then progressed to closer to 2%. An easy way to make various strength solutions is to put 1 oz. of 35% food grade H2O2 per quart of water for every percent you want in the final solution. Example: 1 oz. gives you 1% solution; 2 oz gives you 2%, etc.

Learn The Right Way To Do Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method For Viruses, COPD, Congestion

I had Lyme/bartinella in my spinal fluid and my doctor treated me with two years straight of IV antibiotics followed by two more years of an oral cocktail of antibiotics before he stoped and gave me a year to live. To make a long complicated story short it came to me that all diseases are common in that they are simply all parasites so I read all about them. I found they live only in low air or oxygen environments and highly acidic bodies.​
Two days later a voice in my head said inhale peroxide so I did and in just under two weeks of me inhaling it with this ecpxat method shown here, about every two or three hours or every twenty minutes day and night. I had the dieoff and I was not only cured of this disease, but apparently something else. I have no idea what it was or to name it that plagued me from birth with nail biting, bad spelling, bad focus, bad math and what we now call ADD and after my use, all that disappeared and was corrected, it just happened instantly by itself.​
The die off of large amounts of bacteria dumping so rapidly Into the kidneys caused it to inflame for two days and that’s when the treatment should be stoped for approximately two days to let the toxins clear and once the pain in the back lower side s gone it’s vital to immediately go back to inhaling to get the residuals before they rapidly breed again. It’s important to let the kidneys clear or the overload will kill the kidneys. If you stop when the pain starts then it’s not at all somthing to worry about. I had both these things happen to me.​
I’m inhaling Store bought 3% peroxide right now once again for almost two weeks because of diseases that hit me after an accident and yet again I’m getting great results and a man that came to me nine years ago that was given two years to live because of his brain tumors is alive today because I had him inhale peroxide and some colloidal silver I made him with distilled water and an agitator to make it nano. This stuff is all awesome and works for real people.​
I’ve helped many more over the years and all had great success except one that had weak breathing and can’t inhale deeply because of a lifetime of smoking. Deep and frequent inhaling is the key here this showed me. Best of luck to you all. You’ve found a gold mine here as it can cure anything as long as the circulation is adequate in the zone of the disease and if not then there is only one way to fix it fast and that is to only eat raw food to bring down the inflammation fast in just days. This also will cure things because of that action alone all by itself.​
To kill the hunger causing parasites use dmso and crystal yellow sulfur or get those things from eating cabbage that’s high in those things three times a day like a medicine and when you get gassy that is the parasites dying and when they are dead the eggs, broccoli and cabbage will not make you gassy anymore because it was just killing the hunger causing parasites that cause hunger and diseases also.​
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