The great news is that the tests can't find anything wrong with you! Can't promise anything but would be willing to give you a free session to see if we could find something that could intervene (over Skype).
I have ME/CFS.. Fatigue is my fifth worst symptom of the disorder (and pain is even further out on my symptom list) as other symptoms tend to affect me far worst esp the ones caused by the low blood volume this illness has given me.
You are wrong in saying that tests cant find anything wrong with us. Those who have ME (not the general CFS group) have many abnormalities with show up on tests.. eg Thou there is MANY more abnormalities common in ME patients, I have the following known ME abnormalities
*Postive Rombergs test (for more on that see's_test .. a postive rombergs is indicative of issues in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord). Note that with several who died from ME.. altopsies showed they had abnormalities in the dorsal area.
*abnormal EEGs (abnormal brain wave reactions. ME carries a couple of different abnormalities in these)
* abnormal cortisol (out of normal range low)
* abnormal testosterone (low) (that one hasnt been talked about being a ME abnormality but so many people with ME on this site have it that I think it must be an ME issue)
* abnormal nor adrenaline so high the lab thought 3 of my tests were errors (high... note it goes high due to trying to keep my body in homoeostatis due to another condition I have that being low blood volume and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
* POTS is an extremely common abnormality in ME maybe half or more ME patients have this. My nor adrenaline goes up to make my heart beat faster when Im that I get enough blood to my brain. Ive been unconcious (according to others) up to 5mins due to lack of blood to my brain, on occassions others have rung ambulances.
* I also have orthostatic hypertension (it can go up to 170/138 when I stand but is very low when im laying 80/59). Dr David Bell a well known ME specialist finds this issue in many his ME patients.
* no iron storage thou I eat meat 2-3 times per day due to craving it (my CFS specialist said the no iron storage is a common thing he finds in his ME patients...note.. its just my iron storage which is an issue as I keep my normal blood level up due to eatting meat so often
* I have blood test results which some specialists would say indicate chronic infection.. (my white blood cell count usually sits on the border of low).
* abnormal neurological signs when I ME crash.. eg hyperreflexia (abnormal knee reflexes etc), unequal pupils when I crash
* Abnormality of my D .. (having normal supplementation made my levels go even lower.. I had to be on for a very long time 3 times normal supplementation amount or more..I was on mega doses for a while from hospital etc).
* IBS-C due to the ME which then ended up prolapsing my bowel
* I also have circardian rhythm disorder (all my hormones cycle wrongly) delayed sleep phase syndrome and non-24hr sleep wake syndrome (which are now known to be neurological disorders so no longer come under mental health catagories). These issues shouldnt be confused with the common issue of insomina.
* 2 leaky heart valves which are usually indicative of a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) (hole in heart which opens up at times.. some people are born with these but in my case I wasnt as the leaky valves didnt show up on 2 previous tests and just my last one.. so I must of developed this due to ME. Dr Cheney (famous ME specialist) finds PFOs or dystolic dysfunction if tested for, in almost all in his ME patients.
Note I havent had many of the tests in which ME abnormalities may be found or otherwise I'd have
more on this list. Anyway.. I just wanted you to be aware that if you read the canadian ME/CFS document.. you will find that there are A LOT of abnormalities in ME if doctors know what to look for, so what tests to be running. ME patients DO HAVE abnormalities (and finding some of the common ME abnormalities helps to support that person has been correctly diagnosed and isnt a misdiagnoses).
I do accept that you may be able to help some CFS patients if their issues are anxiety or stressed based.. but for those of us who have immune abnormalities and have ME.. thou there would be areas you may be able to help eg pain.. I'd think that it was be very hard to "cure" many of us (I had severe EBV and still get outbreaks of reactiviting viruses.. which support the recent study that a subgroup of ME/CFS people have an abnormal immune system). Do you really think you could fix my ME by fixing all those areas Ive got abnormalities appearing in and more? (as I said.. pain and fatigue are not the ME issues which bother me a lot, other symptoms fair worst.. I dont even have fatigue or pain right now but are prevented from doing things due to the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).
If you think that people at this site have given you a hard time.. its cause many of us do have abnormalities etc and MANY more symptoms then pain and fatigue (I get sick of hearing those words in relation to ME as they are some of my least concerns.. my main concern when I go out is if I will end up on the ground collapsed or even unconscious.... so when we hear someone say they can fix us.. it dont sound likely. But yes their will be some who dont have what I and many others here dont have which you may well be able to fix.
Its exercise or being upright which are the two huge trigger things for my illness (so I live a life with careful pacing (a government paid support worker helps me to stay below my limits).. also with heat avoidance as that can set off the ME POTS and cause me to pass out. I fyou are doing hypnosis to make people pay more attention to their bodies so they dont over do things are crash.. for many of us that couldnt occur as in life unless one has another to help one by doing things (eg all my dishes are done for me etc).. many have ME so badly that without help there is no way we can even stay below the limits we need to to avoid a crash or worsening of our health issues (all of the health issues.. I have over 90 different symptoms and abnormalities with this disorder).
So please dont relate this illness to just being able to fix some peoples fatigue and pain..... its almost offensive to those of us who have severe dysfunctions eg autonomic dysfunction so bad that our bodies cant regulate things like our blood volume, heart, BP and do things like proper bowel persistalis any more (my body on so many levels is in a complete break down state with my heart eg leaking heart valves, being now affected by the ME). Note.. Im only in my early 40s (developed ME while young, in my mid 20s). I are glad thou if you are able to help "some" who have been lumped into a CFS group in which consists people with all kinds of different things. If you have never worked on a CFS patient who had some abnormal test results showing up ME abnormalities, it is quite possible you have never yet worked on a ME patient.
I thou ARE thinking about trialing hypnosis for my sleep issues thou I dont know if it would help due to my sleep issue being caused circardian issues and by also hormonal issue eg melatonin deficiency . I certainly arent against hypnosis and have had that therapy in the past for another issue.. 6 sessions of it (post natal depression and issues around that.. Hypnosis did work very good for that!). My sleep issue changes at times.. may be very bad for many months then get ok where Im not having to take many drugs for sleep.. Ive no idea why things change (it isnt related to how much stress is in my life at the time).