Amisulpride — A Multipurpose Drug for ME/CFS

Im living in Germany and searching for a few amisulpride samples (fast shipping from europe), my irritability is to the roof and only ritalin helps but only 3 hours.
Would, of course, pay for it.
Please write me.


Senior Member
Im living in Germany and searching for a few amisulpride samples (fast shipping from europe), my irritability is to the roof and only ritalin helps but only 3 hours.

In the first post of this thread, there is a list of online pharmacies where you can buy amisulpride without needing a prescription.

For irritability symptoms, see also this thread: List of Biochemical Causes for Irritability
Is a farmacy from begin of this tread wo send from a Europe Country (EU) ? Because I am in a Europe country and if they send too from a EU country, i have not problems with custom office.
Thx, normal they must say from where they send because is very important for the receiver in Europa, when they doesn`t send from a EU country, is problem for the receiver to custom office, when they send from a EU country, the receiver receive the packet home without problems.
Yes, they send from India, i asked.
Have someone ideea which prescriptionfree parhmacy sells Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex) ? For me is very good in very low doses for depression.
Or Pentobarbital (Nembutal) 100 mg pills who sell.
I'm going to be starting on amisulpride very soon, i'm very excited after reading how effective it can be as an antidepressant. However, i've also read about the infamous "poop out". I'm wondering if anyone here has managed to stay on amisulpride for a long time without experiencing it pooping out. If so, how did you do it? Do you take it every day, every other day?


Senior Member
However, i've also read about the infamous "poop out". I'm wondering if anyone here has managed to stay on amisulpride for a long time without experiencing it pooping out.

I have used very low dose amisulpride daily for several years without any loss of effect.

Remember that very low dose amisulpride can almost be thought of as a different drug to amisulpride: the former activates dopamine D2 and D3 receptors, whereas the latter does the reverse and inhibits these same receptors.
I have used very low dose amisulpride daily for several years without any loss of effect.

Remember that very low dose amisulpride can almost be thought of as a different drug to amisulpride: the former activates dopamine D2 and D3 receptors, whereas the latter does the reverse and inhibits these same receptors.

Did you start amisulpride by taking 12,5 mg daily? Or did you taper down? From what i've read, a lot of people experience a massive improvement within the first few days on amisulpride. Which then fades, but comes back again after a couple of weeks. Did you experience this?
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Senior Member
I have only ever taken 12.5 mg, and I also experimented with 25 mg, but found that reduced motivation, and increased mental inertia.

When you refer to people's experiences of amisulpride, are you talking about the very low dose regimen, the lower dose regimen, or the normal dose regimen?
I have only ever taken 12.5 mg, and I also experimented with 25 mg, but found that reduced motivation, and increased mental inertia.

When you refer to people's experiences of amisulpride, are you talking about the very low dose regimen, the lower dose regimen, or the normal dose regimen?

I don't know what dose they were taking exactly, i think between 12,5 mg and 50 mg. They said it takes like 3 or 4 weeks for the improvements to come back after it fades within the first days of starting it. This makes me wonder if i should stay on 12,5 mg for at least 6 weeks before i try a higher dose. When did amisulpride kick in for you?

By the way, are the amisulpride pills easy to split? Or do you have to use some clipper of sort?


Senior Member
For me 12.5 mg of amisulpride kicks in quickly: I feel the antidepressant, etc, effects of this drug appear within 2 hours or so of taking it. These effects then last for a good 24 to 36 hours.

Thus I could if I wanted to just take this drug on the days I feel I need it. However, because I find this drug so beneficial, I end up taking it every day. It works as well for me now as it did the very first time I took it. Never notice any tolerance build-up.
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reeeal interested in this stuff. thanks for mentioning it hip.
seems like it would cause similar mood-enhancing effects as dopaminergics w/o the habituation and down-regulation. sweet.


Senior Member
I received some amisulpride in the mail this morning along with several other drugs I plan on experimenting with. Typically, before I try a drug, I add all the drugs I'm taking into an online drug interaction checker so I don't accidentally kill myself. But since this drug isn't available in Canada or the US yet, I can't find an interaction checker that recognizes the drug.

I suppose I could add another atypical antipsychotic, but I'm not sure if they behave the same way. So my question is, do you think this medication will interact negatively with Wellbutrin? Amisulpride is a dopamine antagonist and Wellbutrin plays with the dopamine system as well. I also take the occasional stimulant like Modafinil and very rarely a lick of amphetamine.

@Hip I assume you take this medication in the daytime?


Senior Member
I take it first thing in the morning, once daily, at a dose of 12.5 mg (a quarter of a 50 mg tablet).

Some of amisulpride's drug interactions are listed here.

There is a drug interactions checker here that recognizes amisulpride.

There is a major drug interaction between risperidone (another atypical anti-psychotic) and bupropion. But could not find any interaction between bupropion and amisulpride.

Note also that 12.5 mg daily is a very low dose amisulpride protocol. The maximum dose of amisulpride is 1200 mg, so any interactions at 12.5 mg daily will likely be a lot less significant than at the max dose.


Senior Member
I take it first thing in the morning, once daily, at a dose of 12.5 mg (a quarter of a 50 mg tablet).

Some of amisulpride's drug interactions are listed here.

There is a drug interactions checker here that recognizes amisulpride.

There is a major drug interaction between risperidone (another atypical anti-psychotic) and bupropion. But could not find any interaction between bupropion and amisulpride.

Note also that 12.5 mg daily is a very low dose amisulpride protocol. The maximum dose of amisulpride is 1200 mg, so any interactions at 12.5 mg daily will likely be a lot less significant than at the max dose.
Cheers, thanks Hip. I'm going to save that interaction checker. I have a few Goldstein meds to try first, but should get around to the Amisulpride shortly. Thanks again.
I take it first thing in the morning, once daily, at a dose of 12.5 mg (a quarter of a 50 mg tablet).

Some of amisulpride's drug interactions are listed here.

There is a drug interactions checker here that recognizes amisulpride.

There is a major drug interaction between risperidone (another atypical anti-psychotic) and bupropion. But could not find any interaction between bupropion and amisulpride.

Note also that 12.5 mg daily is a very low dose amisulpride protocol. The maximum dose of amisulpride is 1200 mg, so any interactions at 12.5 mg daily will likely be a lot less significant than at the max dose.
Any opinions whether amisulpride or ability works better for anxiety (accompanies other chronic fatigue symptoms)
I am using Abilify but wonder if amisulpride would work better.

Which online site did you purchase amisulpride from?