stinky finn
dan thx for your cool head and info on Dr T. Well done. The stinky joke is being willing to raise a stink.
jam338 thx for the dr oz contact info! I'm still a dinosaur and don't use facebook or twitter - facebook for security reasons & isn't twitter restricted to 144 characters? Maybe I should try that - as you'll see below, I can go on a bit
dreambirdie, koan, and all other stinkers - I think feedback to Oz is good - still would like to get a good show out of him.
Anyways - below is the letter I spent the day trying to craft. Anyone is welcome to take any parts of it. Might try to be smart like dreambirdie and sleep on it before sending it off
FIRE THAT PRODUCER!The lack of research into ME/CFS that resulted in the Oct 23 ’09 Dr Oz segment is appalling.
Hi Dr Oz
On Oct 23 09 you broke your Hippocraticoath. “I will …..never do harm to anyone …….keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing
When I first heard that you were doing a segment on myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), I was thrilled. I’ve been a huge fan since your 1st days on Oprah and have had high regard for the information you disseminate and the “experts” you bring in. I looked forward to you educating the public on what ME/CFS is.
When I heard that you were bring in Dr Teilebaum as your expert, I grew gravely concerned as he is not a recognized expert in the field. Instead he deals with tiredness. I sent you an email with some of my concerns and suggestions as to how to avoid harming your own credibility and the good work you do and the over 17 million people who have ME/CFS, such as canceling the show, or trying to balance the disinformation with real information by bringing in accredited scientists.
I understand the WPI team tried to reach you all week and that you did not respond. I also understand that you received numerous emails eloquently pleading with you not to make this mistake.
Below are some of the reactions I and my family and friends had on watching the show.
“CFS” references mixed with talking about normal-life, non-medical tiredness was erroneous and misleading
The lack of definition of what ME/CFS is, or any factual information on the disease, was non-professional
Saying that ME/CFS can be cured with supplements is false.
This has definitely harmed your credibility and that of any of “the best” that you bring on your show as experts – if you can be so off base here, what have you been like on other topics?
your fan base has been diminished
most importantly,
your disinformation has potentially harmed the 17,000,000 people who have this devastating debilitating disease. You reach a large audience. You affect how society, the medical profession, colleagues and bosses (for the approximately 40 % of those who have it who are lucky enough to be able to work), and disability companies all see people with ME/CFS. In implying that ME/CFS is similar to normal fatigue, or to something like anemia that has a simple cure, you have led people to think that this disease is not significant or debilitating– or really even real. (sorry - I have no words, nor the emotional fortitude, right now to describe all the negative impacts this will have)
not bringing an expert on the disease onto the show is puzzling – especially in light of the 1st class scientific research on xmrv done by the WPI , NIC and Cleveland Institute, announced on Oct 13 by Science, and since covered internationally by sources such as Reuters, the Wall St Journal, The New York Times, Good Morning America ….
All day Friday I received phone calls and emails from friends and family about your show. All comments were negative about what you had done and everyone was concerned about the impact on the already difficult lives of those stricken by this illness.
I close with a quote from Dr. Nancy G. Klimas, who serves on the board of directors of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and is a director of the department of immunology of the University of Miami School of Medicine and director of research for clinical AIDS/H.I.V. research at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
“I hope you are not saying that C.F.S. patients are not as ill as H.I.V. patients. My H.I.V. patients for the most part are hale and hearty thanks to three decades of intense and excellent research and billions of dollars invested. Many of my C.F.S. patients, on the other hand, are terribly ill and unable to work or participate in the care of their families.
I split my clinical time between the two illnesses, and I can tell you
if I had to choose between the two illnesses (in 2009) I would rather have H.I.V. But C.F.S., which impacts a million people in the United States alone, has had a small fraction of the research dollars directed towards it. “
I believe you are a man of integrity. I haven’t given up on you yet. You have the opportunity now to do a segment on ME/CFS that will show the facts and true face of this nightmarish disease.
Cc to Harpo Productions
Real Age
Rock 30