ALERT: Teitelbaum to be on DR OZ SHOW this FRIDAY!


Senior Member
Good comments, folks, this a.m.! This is the second time I've snorted coffee out of my nose reading a thread here......

Spit-wads started me off (rats, now I can't even SPIT on people anymore - which WAS my favorite pastime). BAH!:p

You know what has helped me quite a bit these past two weeks? Anyone remember the famous STATEROOM scene in the Marx bros. movie "A Night At The Opera"?

Well, I've been mentally cramming certain people (un-named of course, although I did have to drag Reeves out of the Janitors closet where he's been hiding) into that Stateroom. As I ALWAYS say...all it takes to make an Insane Asylum is a BIG room - and the RIGHT kind of people.......;)

It calms me down to do this. Try it. Hmmmmm? Now what two people can I add today? :rolleyes:



work in progress
N. California
Good comments, folks, this a.m.! This is the second time I've snorted coffee out of my nose reading a thread here......

As I ALWAYS say...all it takes to make an Insane Asylum is a BIG room - and the RIGHT kind of people.......;)

Jackie! I am SO GLAD we are entertaining enough to cause coffee snorts. :p:p:p Thanks for sharing. Now I can rest assured that my objective has been fulfilled.

With a background in psychology, I just assume we ALL fit, somehow, into that "janitor's closet." It's just a matter of choice as to which form of insanity we squeeze the best into. And of course, the craziest ones are the ones who's gots the damn keys to the closet!

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
You know what has helped me quite a bit these past two weeks? Anyone remember the famous STATEROOM scene in the Marx bros. movie "A Night At The Opera"?

Love that movie, Jackie, thanks for the great visual!


Senior Member
You're great Koan! I'm watching the movie clip right now and I can SEE Reeves! (he's the one in the suspenders climbing out of the steamer trunk)....and there's Wessely! (holding a Monkey Wrench)

Move AWAY from the coffee cup - slowly!!!

jackie (am I gonna get sued from these comments?)


Senior Member
Dreambirdie...I think "our" new mantra should be "whose got the keys to the damn closet?" just love that analogy...................tks!:cool:

Dr oz's damage

I did't see the program, but read that they said cfs is curable w/rest and supplements and the other bs... I personally wrote immediately asking them to look into the scientific evidence (xmrv etc ) & have another show in which they can make up for the damage they have just done to us. I know it might be premature, but not to even mention the latest findings, as a possibility, I find, is unacceptable.


Senior Member

I am watching the show right now and can't help but feel sick to my stomach as Dr. Oz goes on and on and on about poor exhausted women. Right now I am laying in my chair with a fever, red blotches all over my neck, face and chest. I am in terrible pain from head to toe and can't hold my head up. All of this because I went and had lunch with two of my kids today. Why dosn't anyone get it? This has nothing to do with having too many kids, or not eating right. Jeez!

I have to agree with some of the others. I can't help but feel sorry for Dr. T. He could of just stayed home. He does mean well but he needs to stop blurring the line between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fatigue.

Not happy with Dr. Oz.........:cool:


Senior Member

I just sent a letter to Dr. Oz expressing the disappointment I experienced while watching his show. I would have rather him do nothing than once again make CFS appear like an "exhaustion disease from life."

I suggested he contact WPI or Dr. Lerner to find accurate information regarding this disease and do a show with the latest discovery.

This started my day, and then a friend called who sees Dr. Lerner. She went to an infectious disease doctor here in central Ohio to have him run IV's on her per Dr. Lerner's request.

He knew of Dr. Lerner and said he is a fine infectious disease doctor and asked her many questions about him.

So far, fine and then:

He told her not to take this wrong but, "If you would just have some grandchildren, you might not be experiencing this fatigue. Your mind needs to be on something else." Ouch!!!!

Okay, not a great CFS day. I know, rechannel this energy. I will, but I need a little time to process all of this today.:eek:

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Hi Frickly,

At least those in THIS community get it - you are not alone. We pay and pay for the simplest things.

Some researchers (and docs) "get it" too, but the Oz show was just something we didn't need.

Please take care of yourself!

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
DB I will not complain about Teitelbaum. I don't watch Oz. I figure the media mostly has it right now. I don't think Teitelbaum's show on Oz will affect the scientific or national dialogue at all.

I'm inordinately pleased with the media coverage. The NY Times--with Klimas' quotes about she'd rather have HIV in 2009 than CFS, and outright damning the CDC for destroyign DeFreitas' work, career, and others' courage--right in print. Printing Hillary's essay. It's all great.

I seriously, myself don't think the media needs my aid now. They've got the story right, mostly. Even WPI doesn't really need us but they could use any donation we can make. That's the best thing we can do. We're in good hands with Mikovits--the best.

I guarantee you, these alt med practitioners will have no influence on the fate of this finding. The next studies will be KEY KEY KEY. I'm sure those are already underway.

Hi Jen,

I hope so!! I am concerned, tho, that a lot more people watch Dr. Oz than those who read the NY Times or listen to NPR.


Senior Member
kc22 I hear you! The tastless crack your friends Dr. made to her, rings a bell!

While I was in an operating room being prepped for Carpel Tunnel surgery (which I probably didnt need) my surgeon told me that there was no such thing as CFS.

He said that apparently I was a middle aged, reasonably intelligent woman with too much time on her hands - he said I just needed a hobby!

Then I had to remain still while the lunatic operated on me! When will this end!?

Take care (You are not alone)................jackie:(


stinky here

This is what I was afraid of. :( What a pisser. The show is not on until 3 pm here, so I won't see it til later.

The thing that I find most disconcerting is that the WPI folks have repeatedly tried to contact the producers at the Oz show for the past THREE DAYS, and got NO response. :eek: THAT IS TRULY PATHETIC. We need to make a big stink about this.

Stinkyfinn here. Thanks for all the info and giggles, snorts and belly laughs - helps prepare me for battle. I haven't seen the show yet but just skimmed thru the posts here. Mz birdie, look what you started. I love avalanches - envisions tens of thousands of emails flooding the oz show.

Love the idea that everyone writes to Oz. Some of the ideas I have so far in my mental draft are:

-express concerns re show confused normal fatigue with ME/CFS, didn't mention xmrv, "expert" is not one, which throws doubt on authority of "experts" in other show segments, most people don't get better.........

-tell some of facts re ME/CFS
-ask for show that shows what ME/CFS is - how different from daily life exhaustion
- with reputable scientists WPI, Dr Donnica Moore, Dr Susan Vernon.........
and maybe authors like Osler, Cort, Hildebrand

anyways - a beginning. If anyone wants to share a letter that us mentally-challenged can either copy (saying so at the top) or piggy-back off of, or some type of petition in addition.........................

olfactorily yours


Senior Member
Thanks Jackie and everyone for keeping up the humour -- hopefully tasteless -- in the aftermath of Dr Whatshisname on the Whatshername Show.

I wish I had been wrong in my prediction about this one...but at least I spared myself actually having to get sick hearing those words out of those...misguided mouths on TV.

Personally I don't think Oz will backtrack on this, even in the face of evidence, as he needs to save face to keep ratings up. It is all business my friends!! Just business as usual! And Dr. T. has the foot of his well-oiled profit machine in the door. Please I do not mean to say Dr. T. has not got good intentions, but, ......evidence speaks for itself.

The media do not care about us. But they do care about who the government gives money too. So I would rather spend my energy supporting the REAL scientists and REAL journalists, not TV people.


Senior Member
Shoot me, but...

I am watching the show right now and can't help but feel sick to my stomach as Dr. Oz goes on and on and on about poor exhausted women. Right now I am laying in my chair with a fever, red blotches all over my neck, face and chest. I am in terrible pain from head to toe and can't hold my head up. All of this because I went and had lunch with two of my kids today. Why dosn't anyone get it? This has nothing to do with having too many kids, or not eating right. Jeez!

I have to agree with some of the others. I can't help but feel sorry for Dr. T. He could of just stayed home. He does mean well but he needs to stop blurring the line between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fatigue.

Not happy with Dr. Oz.........:cool:

Shoot me, but I feel compelled to speak up for Teitelbaum.

Sure, his book has that ridiculous, or as some would say, insulting title, his study was full of loopholes and flaws (take this, if that doesn't work, try this, etc, including both supplements and many drugs).

But this is Oz's show, his production company, and it was HIS lead-in and followup that was so full of errors, including his ridiculous comparison of his 'fact' that 200 million women are exhausted and that some of these cases "may be linked to a 'new' more serious condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". It was Oz that was pandering, and Oz who expressed the most ignorance.

He next introduced his 'good friend' Dr. Teitelbaum (whom he's probably never met), and after asking him a question, Dr. T barely had a chance to finish one sentence before Oz was literally off and running over to another part of the studio, to talk about anemia! They cut over to a shot of Teitelbaum who just sat their smiling politely, but probably wanting to say more.

When he did finally get another chance to speak, he put in a few words about adrenal support (which is important when talking about even XMRV, as the retrovirus is turned on by excess cortisol), and cordyceps, a mushroom-based remedy proven in clinical studies to help restore immune function.

And with the greatest respect to Koan and others, Dr. Teitelbaum did not get rich starting a chain of clinics. The Fatigue and Fibro Centers (or are they the Fibro and Fatigue Centers) were started by Holtorf. T just signed on 2 years ago as a consultant. Plus he does not make a dime off the supplements that have his name on them...he donates everything to charity and research.

People with confirmed CFS/ME (like Martha Kilcoyne) have recovered simply by extreme, disciplined resting. And as others have mentioned in other threads, they recovered up to 85% after being ill for years, but then relapsed after huge multiple stressors in their lives. And in some cases, delayed food sensitivities do play a part, especially with all the Frankenfoods out there. Not in all cases of course, but in some.

I say please take a deep breath and give Dr. T a break, even if it's a small one. He does mean well, and while many of his recommendations may have not helped some of us, he has helped others.

It's Dr. Oz who needs the education.

Just my two pennies,



Senior Member
Awful Dr. Oz show

I agree with you. I am even angrier at Dr. Oz because he DOES know Dr. Teitelbaum. He had him on for the very first edition of his Oprah sponsored radio show to talk about Fibromyalgia, so he should know a lot about FMS/CFS. I have to believe he does know more, after all that contact with Dr. T, and therefore, was deliberately ignoring it, due to some hidden agenda. I missed the radio show, so I have no idea what was said, but I remember being excited that he'd chosen to do his first show about Fibro.

I have gotten Dr. T's newsletter for years, and he has personally answered my questions by email in great detail and for free, something most doctors would not do if you put a gun to their heads. I do think his "cure" is not enough for most of us by a long shot, but I think he is sincere in his beliefs. Though the SHINE cure may be pansy-ass, he does know that this is much more serious than what Dr. Oz was saying today on his show. If I were him, I would be feeling very used right about now.

I was also furious when Dr. Oz did that show about swine flu, totally supporting this hoax and it's dangerous vaccines, taking the vaccine himself and giving it to everyone in the audience as well, while simultaneously pimping Walgreens, who had reps there to give out the free shots on TV.

He has also said some totally erroneous things about nutrition on the Oprah show. I won't be watching him anymore. It's too bad. He is the heart surgeon who invented the new bow-tie surgery that should revolutionize mitral valve repair, making it much safer and cheaper. He is a brilliant heart surgeon and should have stuck with that, IMO.
