Just generally... I've been pacing with a polar H7 heart monitor and the sweetbeat app which (as well as heart rate variability) shows low frequency (sympathetic/stress) and high frequency (parasympathetic/relaxation) activity.
I have severe ME. just to stay below my AT I need to stay in bed, not sit up, not type, pee crouched, not move too much, Etc etc. I have OI as well. Anyway what I have noticed is that when I am reading, writing, listening, watching, even thinking, my HR drops a bit but not fully, and my stress levels stay dominant/hardly changes. Only when I successfully meditate, sit and pay full attention to my monitor, or receive a gentle but deep massage on painful spots (hips, arm pits, calves) does the parasympathetic activity come up. I think this explains what people are talking about here
On a more personal note, yes, this is driving me absolute bonkers. I know I need to lay still and think calm and safe thoughts but honestly I feel like I am on an enforced and seemingly permanent vipassna (Buddhist retreat). Like a freaking monk. I get so frustrated, my body hurts, I am bored and have lots of sad and frustrated thoughts to try and avoid.
When I do successfully get my body to stop and relax, I often fall asleep. (Is it the chicken before the egg, though?)
My ME/CFS specialist put me onto herbal adrenal adaptagens for adrenal support. Doing aggressive rest therapy will also aid your adrenals (during enforced rest period use it for complete rest, no tv or computer if you want it to be also resting adrenals).
Just wondering who your specialist was? I was taking adrenal herbs right before I standard crashing caput, I stopped them for cortisol testing and also because I was worried they were masking an underlying serious condition- which they were. I want to start them again but am a lot worse and more complicated now...