AfME gives platform for company peddling "Ancestor Healing"

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Am I right in my memory that it's trustees aren't elected (like the MEA) but appointed?

The MEA's Trustees are elected by the membership. But a few years ago, the MEA Board of Trustees changed its Constitution via its Mem & Arts, to enable the Board to screen prospective election candidates via an interview, before their names are progressed to the membership ballot paper.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
If AFME changed their name to AFCF (Action For Chronic Fatigue) things might be a lot simpler and less confusing for people with life long neurological ME.

They did - around 2002. They inserted "Chronic fatigue" into their logo. A number of us complained to the then CE, Chris Clarke. If memory serves me well, I think some contacted the Charity Commission, as well. They reverted.
'Richard Evans, trustee and company secretary of AfME, said the charity's website made it clear that "being a member of AfME, the organisation, is not the same as being a member of Action for ME, the company limited by guarantee, as a company law matter".
He said the charity's latest AGM had been held in February and that trustees, who are the only legal members, had been invited.'
Sonya Chowdhury's response:

Sonya Chowdhury ‏@SonyaChowdhury Nov 13
Sonya Chowdhury Retweeted Dx Revision Watch

Suzi, my team post tweets. We don't pay for QIW input. They've been at our conferences for yrs & never had any issue


For how many years?

Qi Wellness were not at the AFME Conference in 2010 (remember, 2010 was the first AFME Annual Conference ever which members were allowed to attend)

So who at AFME thought it was a good idea to invite Qi Wellness to attend subsequent Conferences? Hmmm??

Why did AFME not screen the Qi W company before inviting them? It only took a quick google search to discover that the Qi Wellness org is very dodgy indeed, a very unsuitable commercial org for AFME to endorse by having them at the conference. But clearly no one at AFME bothered to check. Or was it enough for AFME that one individual claimed to have recovered from ME by Qi W practices?

What does "never had any issue" mean? That no one up till now had told AFME they should not touch Qi W with a bargepole? It shouldn't be up to ME patients and carers, concerned advocates, to do the screening that AFME neglected to do.

Are AFME going to continue to blandly sweep the subject aside, make excuses, and hope that we all get fed up and worn out with trying to get a statement of accountability from AFME on the matter, and give up? Thats what AFME did about complaints from members and numerous other ME peeps about AFME placing paid-for advertisements for Lightning Process and other NLP/mind method scam 'cures' in their charity magazine Interaction. That ME peeps had been harmed by those intensively marketed 'ME recovery' 'cures' did not stop afme advertising them.

Is it really appropriate that as Secretariat to the CMRC, that afme should 1. get entangled with a pretty obviously dodgy cult. and 2. claim it was all innocent and there is no problem.

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Senior Member
I'm curious which of my ancestors need to be healed first - the ones who were accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 or their accusers? I have both in my ancestry.
Wait... is that the way Ancestor Healing works? Here I was thinking it was the ancestors doing the healing. Ya know, a sort of praying to your ancestors like in ancient ancestor worship religions. Instead I have to go back (how far?) through my ancestors and help them all heal of their traumas before I can become well? :jaw-drop::wide-eyed: That could take a while. It might be easier to get medical treatment. :p

I don't know which is worse, having to involve myself in an ancient, largely primitive religious practice, or having to play psychic psychiatrist for my multitudinous ancestors.


Senior Member
Ooooh, I've got one too! Susannah North Martin, hung at age 71.

Wow! That sounds interesting Valentijn. Do tell! What did she do? I hope it was in your looooooooooooooong distance past.

I have one too: Dr William Horsey who murdered Richard Hunne a merchant taylor in London for irritating the clergy. He rammed a hot wire up his nose into his brain and then staged it to look like you do. However, the Tudor equivalent of the SMC swung into action and ensured he escaped.

So........I wonder if there is anything to this ancestral healing after all??:D


Senior Member
Wow! That sounds interesting Valentijn. Do tell! What did she do? I hope it was in your looooooooooooooong distance past.
Salem with trials, 1692 :p She was a widow, and pretty non-conformist and outspoken. There's been an earlier incident regarding accusations of witchcraft and similar in 1669, but those were dismissed and the accuser was found guilty of making false accusations.

She was not a big one for church, and there was some sort of spat with a neighbor or similar regarding some land. So some people were pretty happy to make a target of her.

A coupe quotes about her:
The Rev. Cotton Mather said about Susanna, "This woman was one of the most impudent, scurrilous, wicked creatures of this world; and she did now throughout her whole trial discover herself to be such a one. Yet when she was asked what she had to say for herself, her chief plea was that she had led a most virtuous and holy life." Mr. Merrill, in his History of Amesbury described Susanna differently---------- "The idea of snatching this hardworking, honest woman from her home to be tried for her life by those who never knew her , and witnesses who were prejudiced against almost too much for belief. ...Allowed no counsel, she was her own lawyer, and her answers are remarkable for independence and clearness. She showed herself to be a woman of more than ordinary talent and resolution."

When family members were having the convictions and resulting loss of inheritance rights overturned 20 years later, her family members did not make a request for that.

A little poem about her death from John Greenleaf Whittier in 1857:
Let Goody Martin rest in peace, I never knew her harm a fly,
And witch or not - God knows - not I?
I know who swore her life away;
And as God lives, I'd not condemn
An Indian dog on word of them.


Senior Member
Salem with trials, 1692 :p She was a widow, and pretty non-conformist and outspoken. There's been an earlier incident regarding accusations of witchcraft and similar in 1669, but those were dismissed and the accuser was found guilty of making false accusations.

She was not a big one for church, and there was some sort of spat with a neighbor or similar regarding some land. So some people were pretty happy to make a target of her.

A coupe quotes about her:

When family members were having the convictions and resulting loss of inheritance rights overturned 20 years later, her family members did not make a request for that.

A little poem about her death from John Greenleaf Whittier in 1857:
Some weird similarities there -- false accusations, turf wars, accusations of impudence and scurriliousness....


Senior Member
Salem with trials, 1692 :p She was a widow, and pretty non-conformist and outspoken. There's been an earlier incident regarding accusations of witchcraft and similar in 1669, but those were dismissed and the accuser was found guilty of making false accusations.

She was not a big one for church, and there was some sort of spat with a neighbor or similar regarding some land. So some people were pretty happy to make a target of her.

A coupe quotes about her:

When family members were having the convictions and resulting loss of inheritance rights overturned 20 years later, her family members did not make a request for that.

A little poem about her death from John Greenleaf Whittier in 1857:

Thanks for the story,Valentijn. Just horrible! Poor woman and all the others who suffered as a result of this hysteria and superstition.

I see from a bit of research that she was exonerated in 2001...........she had a long wait. I read too that she was the gtx4 grandmother of an American president.