Sometimes, if the ‘master’ feels the person is gullible enough, the ‘ancestral training’ programme is introduced immediately. The ‘trainee’ will be told that to rid themselves of negative energy which is causing their distress / disease, they should do ‘ancestral training’ which will remove the bad spirit energy and allow them to live comfortably and peacefully.
Some visitors to the centre are immediately attracted to this, as they may be in such a bad state and have tried many other methods to improve their health / well-being, and feel that this is their last hope. Some visitors to the centre are seriously ill and very depressed, and easily convinced that they need to clear bad energy from their ancestors who are ruining their lives.
The cost of the ancestral training? Simply to begin, it costs at least £1300 to do both mother and father’s ‘lines’ (ancestors on both sides). However, it is made very clear that the effect of the training will be felt much more strongly if the ‘trainee’ also does training for ‘related spirits’, the spirits of people who knew their blood-relations and affected their lives in some way. The reasons being that they could be responsible for the bad energy too, as they may have had ‘issues’ with the ancestors. So the cost now is a further £1300, totalling £2600.
s. Qi Wellness is making monkeys of many people, and I strongly suspect that at least 90% of their income is cash. This explains the frequent visits that ‘master oh’ makes to Korea (around 10 a year, maybe more). The organisation’s ‘headquarters’ is in a place they call ‘Daerachun’, in Hongchun, Korea.
Every Sunday they have a ceremony, to which trainees who wish their loved ones and themselves to get better must attend. During this ceremony, wine is offered to the ancestors by trainees doing the ancestral training, then there is an hour or so of chanting, followed by a ‘talk’ by master oh. His command of English is quite poor, however he repeats himself many times, generally saying that the trainees should be grateful to have this ‘opportunity’ of healing their families and themselves, and should always show their ‘beautiful minds’ by giving as much as they can to the organisation. He reminds trainees that the reason for the ‘training’ being costly is that God will only respond to real cries for help, and that God sees the sacrifice of large amounts of money to the organisation as a genuine cry for help.
The reason people keep going to the ‘centre’? Because they are emotionally blackmailed into believing that if they stop, they and their families will suffer.
Trainees are told that the originators of the organisation are ‘divinities’, what they call ‘grand masters’. They also say that they can read people’s minds. When I stopped visiting the centre, I bumped into one of the other ‘trainees’ in London, who advised me to look up ‘Korean Doomsday Cult’ on the internet. He told me this would dissipate any last doubts I had about the verisimilitude of their claims. It turns out that ‘father grandmaster’ is in prison (both mother and father were jailed in 2001 for telling hundreds of Korean ‘trainees’ that the world would end on February 17th 2000), and that they should give huge amounts of money to them to ensure that they and their families would be ‘protected’ by heaven.
When ‘mother grandmaster’ was released from prison, she and ‘master oh’ who now runs the London centre decided that the time was ripe to make monkeys of the British people. It had troubles in the beginning because some people found out who they really were, hence their habit of changing their name.
It must be said that the main reason that no one has ‘blown the whistle’ on these people is that they are afraid to do so. To do the ancestral training, the ‘masters’ take the names and addresses of ‘trainees’ parents. This, to their mind, ensures that no one will risk taking them to court.
The couple who run the centre call themselves master oh and master kim. Oh’s real name is Soon Tak Oh, his ‘wife’ Sung Hee Kim. They have a young daughter. I happen to know their real names because I have a copy of a marriage certificate between Oh and one of the British girls he somehow coerced into joining the organisation with him – her name is Emilie Weston, she now calls herself master jin.
The certificate proves that they were married on 13th June 2002 at Hitchin and Stevenage registry office. The wedding was witnessed by his own wife Kim, and another of the British girls they coerced into forming the organisation with them, a Leigh-Anne Miles, who now calls herself master Park.
Clearly they married so that he could obtain British citizenship. I believe the 4 masters on the marriage certificate are the ringleaders of this cult in London, and I’m sure that all 4 of them – Emilie Weston, Leigh-Anne Miles, Soon Tak Oh and Sung Hee Kim have private accounts of their own into which they are depositing large amounts of money. There are other ‘masters’ in the centre (mostly British citizens who have given everything they own to Oh and his ‘wife’). However, I feel they probably don’t know what’s really going on.
Further proof that the afore-mentioned ‘masters’ are the ringleaders of this cult are the names on the charity commission’s records citing them as directors of the company. Please visit the following link which will show their 4 names as directors, and the amount of money they have declared. Being that ‘trainees’ are asked to pay in cash seems to indicate that the £449,000-00 declared for last year is simply the tip of the iceberg of their true income. As I say, Oh’s oft-repeated trips to Korea suggest that huge amounts of cash are leaving the country with him.
I also have a copy of an email sent from master oh to one of the centre’s first ‘trainees’, who somehow learnt of their rotten history and made attempts to blow the whistle on them. The email in question clearly threatens this person’s life.
Hundreds of Britons are being systematically lied to and relived (sic) of their money day in day out, to the tune of millions. I know of one man who sold his house and gave them £200K. He now lives in a camper-van.
As part of Qi Wellness’ attempts to fulfil their charitable image, they give free ‘treatments’ to members of the metropolitan police ! , ambulance services and fire brigade. They take photos of themselves giving treatments to workers in these professions and plaster them all over the walls within their centre, to show members of the public that they are ‘helping humanity’ and to insinuate themselves into people’s confidence.
It's about time the final whistle was blown on these freaks!