I was wondering, do you know Dr. Mirza? His comments are intriguing, but I would like to have some case histories of some of his "cfs" patients that he later diagnosed with other problems. I understand he is saying that he does not believe in cfs. I would be very interested to hear some case histories, or patient stories. Particularly, someone who developed "cfs" after mononuclosis. Or EBV/HHV6/CMV. It would be interesting to see if he is finding some common link between these patients in what he later "correctly" diagnosis them with. Also, are these patients he sees who have a cfs (misdiagnosis in his opinion) just "tired"? CFS to some people DOES mean just tired. So many doctors don't even know the pitiful CDC CFS definition, and yet they will say a patient has CFS. That is bizarre, and it means a patient has lazy doctor.
I disagree with his stance on EBV, herpes viruses and the long term effects. He and everyone else are entitled to their own opinion though.
I would still like to know, however, what he is finding in patients who had SUDDEN ONSET VIRAL "cfs symptoms". Sudden onset viral in particular. What is he finding that may provide a clue as to why these "common" infections are causing such problems for a subset of people. Beyond low Vitamin D please. I have already researched Vitamin D for years, and have been tested for years, and know the correct updated ranges
If he is saying "I CAN PROVE IT" (cfs is always a misdiagnosis) and He KNOWS how to test to find out the real cause of his patients "fatigue", then I really wish he would write a book. Or something. So patients will have access to his knowledge.We can't all hop on a plane to go to his clinic. And often if we could, many people could not afford it. I really wish he would spread his knowledge beyond his book review post and the short amount of info you reposted.
If he is an endocrinologist, (think I got that right?!) doesn't that mean that most of his patients already had some endocrine disorder? Endos have a VERY long wait time in the US, probably everywhere, some are booked up for six months, and they usually require a referral and some sort of dx. before they even see a patient. Are most of his patients people with endocrine disorders that were just not being managed properly by other doctors? Like thyroid, adrenals, diabetes, so on? And just happend to have other problems like vitamin defiencies that added to their symptoms? More questions than answers at this point
Thanks. Sorry this was so long.
Does he not believe in M.E.? Or just cfs, or cfs/me being "lumped" together?