I 'think' (just my thoughts) what Mirza is trying to get across is if you read his 2 papers I've posted:
1. CFS is a waste basket diagnosis and not in his vocabulary because doctors are only spending 10 minutes in a consult and therefore not spending the time to explore other possible causes of unexplained fatigue and in doing so give the diagnosis of CFS and offering, GET, CTB and a prescription for anti-deppressant, pain killers, sleeping tablets that are probably unnecessary and so wrong (how can they help if you have evolving hypothyroidism or diabetes for example) etc..
2. M.E. and C.F.S. are not the same illness/dis-ease (and there is no such illness as ME/CFS in any current WHO-ICD 9 or 10, (my inclusion) and M.E. is not being diagnosed because the various illnesses/dis-eases that makeup M.E. are not being tested for, or are only having the basic tests where the ranges are so out-of-date that illnesses/dis-eases associated with M.E. are being missed until many years later when the suffer become so chronically ill and in crisis, unable to work and often by then the damage has been done and it is too late to reverse the situation to regain a good level of health.
3. Mirza is also saying that for M.E. a suffer will probably have a 'combination' of the illnesses and not necessarily all or at the same time.
4. For others, just a missed diagnosis.
5. In my particular case, the out-of-date ranges is why for 3 years I ran around and tried everything including 'pushing-through' because the so called experts in the field in South Australia, who undertook no tests, diagnosed me with CFS, told me to exercise, take anti-depressants, and CBT.
Not until I found my current integrative doctor who starts with a 90 minute consult and undertook a range of specific tests, history, symptoms etc. did we find that I had, pyroluria, Vitamin D deficiency, pre-dibeties (and nocturia), Vitamin 12 deficiency, adrenal deficiency (Addison's disease) hypothyroidism (Hashimoto Disease). By that time my body was in crisis and I now have cardiac problems, POTS, ankle oedema, PENE, and constant weakness in arms and legs.
Not only during this 3 years did I probably loose some $100,000 in lost wages and another $50,000 in medical costs and treatment over the last 5 years, 12 months ago I became so chronically ill, I was diagnosed with M.E. via the new ICC Primer 2011, I can no longer work and am mostly housebound with my feet above my heart resting to minimise my symptoms for most of the day and night. However, I'm very grateful that I can now care for myself, live independently and have a group of supportive family who are more than willing to help when times are not so grand for me.
As for the information regarding the testing ranges etc. I guess that will need to wait for another 'good' day of internet searching which is how I came across the 2 articles that I have posted in the first instance (As a newie I wanted to get the testing information out so yes, I did duplicate but I think that has now been corrected).
Who knows, had I had access to this information for testing 5 years ago, maybe my health and life may have had a different outcome than today and if this information can minimise the suffering and confusion and assist in a better outcome for another, then my work is done! My very best regards to all, as always!