Oh! resting- I am indeed! not so much related to this project, but I am in a big crash nonetheless. I've just been trying to do too much around the house and with friends and stuff. You know, fighting the inevitability of my inability, so to speak . My brain is quite subpar but I really just wanted to stop and say...
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to every single one of you that cheered this on. Without it there is a very good chance that towards the end I would have just dropped off the face of the earth rather than finished giving her all the info. so again, THANK YOU!
I really will get those email addresses up as soon as I feel up to the task. Maybe even write a "sample" letter if I get really into it...but I don't know if that's going to be possible.
I know it's silly, but I've been too nervous and/or shy to show it to my family or close friends thus far. I'm not really sure why? I think I hate pointing out to people that I'm on welfare, even if they know, even if they're not judgmental, etc.etc.
I've always been all about welfare for people who need it and yet, I've felt a lot worse about...for example... people staring me down and looking me over for using food stamps, or even examining my food choices, or taking out a medicaid card (trying to figure out WHY I need them) then I ever have about people judging me for being sick. (even if in the end it's pretty much all the same thing) I guess (lucky or unlucky) I've encountered a lot more welfare hate from people than I have CFS hate.
Ok that was a brainless rant...sorry in advance if it stopped making sense somewhere along the line there.