LTD and stuff
Here is a great article from the CFIDS Chronicle explaining how LTD's rip us off.
I talked to the lawyer who wrote it about my situation when he was doing research for the article. He said that lawmakers think that once UNUM got sued the problem with LTD's was over, but they don't realize it's an industry-wide problem which still exists.
The way health insurance goes is like markmc20001 was saying. My case has some similarities to his and some differences, but I think it's pretty typical.
My case is like this: got sick, my work insurance paid for everything I needed until I was "terminated" for being denied for LTD (WTF?). Like I was lying about being sick???... Then my option for insurance was COBRA which is very expensive. I had COBRA for a few months, then my company went bankrupt and went out of business, so there was no longer an insurance group for me to have COBRA from.
Then I tried to get regular health insurance but nobody would take me. I could have tried for Open Enrollment but by that time, I was too sick, involved in fighting the LTD and SSDI and just gave up. I had no health insurance for 2 years until I got SSDI and Medicare.
As far as finding a diagnosis and a doctor - I went to a dozen doctors and specialists in my city and couldn't get a diagnosis. I had kept notes about my symptoms and noticed a pattern of feeling worse at work and better at home, so I got a working diagnosis of "sick building syndrome" and was referred to an environmental medicine specialist in another city 4 hours away. He was able to diagnose me with CFS and MCS and is still my good CFS doc.
Medicare pays for 80% of doctor visits, generally pays for labs, but not always. Of course, my best treatment is naturopathic treatment which is all out of pocket. Since I was denied for LTD, my only income is SSDI which is 30% of my former income. My family pays for the naturopathic treatment, otherwise I would be unable to afford it, and I would be much sicker and less functional than I am now (probably about 10% instead of 20-25%.)