I've been taking 300mg of NAD+ in sublingual form (
https://realnad.com/) and it's hard to say if it's doing anything.
I did have a hellish week towards the beginning of the month which didn't totally incapacitate me (I am still out of it but not as bad as last time I had such a week)...so maybe it helped?
Doesn't seem to have any building effect either.
The hype for the product above is incorrect. I can't figure out what the ingredients are from their site, but there are at least 3 other real NAD+ products on the market and you don't have to buy them from your doctor.
- The 125mg Alive by Nature product
- The 100mg Nadovim product, which they recommend taking 2 pills of
- The LIAS research product, which comes in 25 and 100mg lozenges
My experience with all 3 is they are interchangeable, if you take into account the dosage. I need about 150mg a day, and feel a rush of energy in about 15 minutes. It eventually wears off, I don't find it builds up or sticks around for more than a day.
All the other products are some form of niacin, or a precursor, like nicotinamide riboside (NR) or NMN or NADH. The NMN works for me, but the NR doesn't do anything, nor does niacinamide. The NADH comes in 20mg, so I can get through a couple of hours, but it's be expensive to take higher doses compared to the NAD+ or NMN.
According to my doctors, they all may reverse methylation, so you may need more MB12, etc. to compensate.
And I can take 2 of the 300mg tabs without really noticing a difference.
600mg is a truckload. If it's not working, I'd guess it's either not your problem, or the product isnt effective. I have tried some of these products side by side with friends and family, and some work on some people but not on others, or not at all.
I find that my fatigue is driven by different factors... I need thyroid and hydrocortisone and MB12 as a foundation, then the NAD+ for energy, and then glutathione and BCAAs to manage PEM. I've found I can guess wrong, and my tool of choice doesnt work, but there are some subtle differences to the character of the fatigue, so, with practice, its been easier to figure out what my body needs
I'm going to try a 250mg NAD IV later this week. It's so expensive... I'll let y'all know how it goes.
The IVs are a different animal. I get 200 mg NAD+ in an IV, along with carnitine, vitamin C, minerals, pantethine, and the other B's. The pharmacy insisted on teaching my doctor about it and gave safety instructions and warned about doing a slow drip speed.
It hits me like rocket fuel. I cannot tolerate anything faster thsn a very slow drip, or I get a headache, nausea, and my intestines emphatically want to empty. But, then I get another IV bag with glutathione and molybdenum, and from the moment it starts, I feel sharp and awake, and i feel like a normal person, full of energy, for about 36 hours.
The IV should tell you if it works for you. I have also heard very positive things about AMP, adenosine monophosphate, a precursor of ATP, which is available as an IV in Canada, but not the U.S.