Got no relief from
FMN/coenzymated B-2,
rutin or
Mangosteen, tried various dosages at different times, isolated and together.
Started taking
cetirizine again to the point that it don`t work anymore. At the beginning, some/great relief from
10mg. Now I dont get any relief from even
50 mg. Seems like tolerance build up rapidly over only a couple of nights. Also tried some
Loratadine but got absolutely no effect from this med.
Been reading some of the links and watched some videos.
I just cant figure out the connection to H1 receptors other than that I have used the first generation antihistamine
Hydroxyzine(Vistaril/Atarax) extensively in the past. This was for far less severe insomnia problems. Could it be some permanently deregulated histamine receptors? I was on
Mirtazapine last year for around 6-7 months, maybe I still suffer some withdrawal from this??
So without any way to lower symptoms that seemingly are getting worse(rebound from newly antihistamine use?)
I am even more desperate. The same type of hot flashes even come sometimes during the morning/day now.
Body temperature is normal(measured orally numerous times) but skin feels extremely hot and I`am sweating in addition to headache, palpitations and a generally feeling of restlessness/anxiousness. If I manage to get to sleep when its going on I feel like a total disaster when I wake up. I generally feel better with no sleep at all than after sleep with these hot flashes.
Also have periods I urinate and feel thirsty all the time but I don't know if this is related or a completely separate condition.
Last weeks I have slept in average 2-4 hours but feel absolutely horrible anyway.
I have managed to get
one night with some restful sleep lately after being constantly awake for over 50 hours. The next night however was back to normal/awful. I
One thing that helps me a little is cold baths/showers, but this is very unpleasant and the "effect" is short lived.
My doctor has been very helpful and I think he have checked everything, he says all is fine.
Thyroid, cortisol(blood, urine and saliva), testosterone, other hormones, diabetes, liver, kidney, brain MRI, spinal tap, sleep apnea, HIV, hepatitis and borrelia -tests, ALL HAVE BEEN FINE.
If interested, most of my tests results can be found
I have been off work for almost a year now and have had the time to focus all remnants of energy to getting well. Despite doing most of "the right things" I still feel like the opposite is happening and that I am in an accelerated state of degeneration.
For the last year I have(on better days) been doing long walks and yoga(five rites). Also the last months I have been doing a lot of mindfulness and some CBT, this generally helps a lot but not so much on the worst days and nothing at all to the physical symptoms.
I have been taking a strong SSRI for a time now, I dont think I would have managed any longer without.
Going to see a psychiatrist thursday next week after waiting a half year.
Considering to take a histamine blood test, is this any point?
Sorry for all the whining but felt like I needed to write down some of this. I hope to use it for future reference.
I am very grateful for all input until now and any new suggestions are also greatly appreciated.