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microsilica--powerful chelator


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Well I hope there is some evidence for that if it's being said(not talking about the posters here) What a way to deter people from getting mercury out of their system if there's no evidence for it.

Maybe it's not as easy as I think..but you'd think they'd be able to tell by measuring the amounts prior to chelating/detox'n and then after.. if there's no change or one can't seem to get below a certain level.. then one could assume the mercury is being pulled from your fillings.

On MicroSilica again...is there a best time to take it? I was thinking right before bed.

Thanks :cool:


I took microsilica before bed too.

Re: chelating mercury, the problem is that there is no really reliable way to test your mercury load. It can "hide" in viruses and biofilms (see the biofilm thread) and not show on provoked heavy metal tests or hair samples. It is a tricky business!

I see my doc tomorrow and I'll post an update. I may have to go offline for a day if he does an LED, but I'll be back!



So how do we know the fillings aren't actually attracting more mercury that you might get from fish etc? They could actually be a good thing :D

It looks like OSR#1 could help get the mercury out of the brain...

Oh..almost forgot. One other quick question on MicroSilica. Anybody know if a msm/vit c combination would be ok to take with it? And why don't they just add the Vit C to the product? Sorry..that was two questions.


Senior Member
Good luck for your appointment tomorrow Sushi :Retro smile:
Look forward to hearing about it when you're able!



I took microsilica before bed too.

Re: chelating mercury, the problem is that there is no really reliable way to test your mercury load. It can "hide" in viruses and biofilms (see the biofilm thread) and not show on provoked heavy metal tests or hair samples. It is a tricky business!

I see my doc tomorrow and I'll post an update. I may have to go offline for a day if he does an LED, but I'll be back!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
So how do we know the fillings aren't actually attracting more mercury that you might get from fish etc? They could actually be a good thing :D

It looks like OSR#1 could help get the mercury out of the brain....

Hi O.N.,

Sorry, I don't understand the question about fillings attracting mercury....?:innocent1: How would that work?

And, my doc also tests to see if OSR#1 tests well for me as a chelator. So far, it hasn't been the one for me, but I know that some people have success with it.

I'll let you know...


Senior Member
Hey O N just a thought on why they haven't added Vit C to the product.

I'm guessing maybe Microsilica has a very long shelf life, and Vit C powder has generally only a year or so I think, and tends to attract moisture. Also, unless the two are similar in weight and size there will be a lot of settling in the jar and it would be difficult to measure out the ideal quantity of Microsilica.

Sorry I can't advise you on the msm/vit c combination.

I've never heard of fillings attracting mercury! (Only slowly losing it.) - What kind of fillings have you got there? ;)


Nah..I'm not saying it actually does that. I'm just saying that since things are so "tricky"..no one seems to know for sure what is doing what etc..then anything is possible. I was being a bit sarcastic.

I've asked around..some other "experts"..on the- waiting until you get the fillings out first issue..or not having to worry about that. I don't know if I'll get any responses, but will post them here if I do.

Good point on the Vit C Anne. I guess for the price they could at least include a separate container of Vit C crystals or something.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Good luck for your appointment tomorrow Sushi :Retro smile:
Look forward to hearing about it when you're able!


Hi Anne and others,

Well, I saw my doc yesterday and he did do another LED for mercury so I couldn't be on the computer for 25 hours. It is fascinating--I feel the effect within an hour! For the first few hours I felt headachey, yucky...then for the rest of the 25 hours I felt fine except for very little energy.

Again, when my doc tested me for chelators, DMSA was no longer working and I now tested well for zeolite. He did say that many brands of zeolite are contaminated and you have to choose carefully. I asked him more about why it was necessary to rotate chelators. If I understood his answer it is because mercury hides in the cells very well and different chelators use different biochemical pathways to get the stuff out of hiding. After a while, all the mercury "available" through that biochemical pathwasy has been "found," and you have to use another chelator with another biochemical pathways to find some more.

Later, you may well be able to go back and use a chelator you have used before, but testing is necessary to find the one that will be most efficacious at the moment. This does match my experience. When the chelator is working well, I feel great the next day. Then after a while, this effect tapers off.

And as far as chelating with amalgam fillings is not a good idea according to my doctor. Mercury will enter the saliva and move to places that could be dangerous. And, the teeth are close to the brain.

I'll mention this on the KPU thread too, but as I raise the levels of the KPU supplements (particularly zinc) it displaces and releases mercury as mercury has bonded with other molecules that would normally use zinc--if you had enough zinc available. When you give your body an ample supply of zinc, this mercury will be displaced. This makes the KPU protocol tricky to balance. He also suggested taking some apple cider vinegar with the zinc to reduce any nausea you may get.

Also, as some may remember, initially I tested positive for Lyme and XMRV. Since being treated, I have not tested positive :D (3 months for Lyme, 2 months for XMRV).

That's a snapshot of my doc's appointment.



But mercury already enters the saliva and moves around. When you're chelating you're then moving it out of the body. In fact couldn't you say you're helping to prevent the mercury from getting to the brain that way? Absorb it before it can attach itself. If mercury attaches :confused:

I guess if there was more proof either way..it'd be nice.

So far the responses I've got are- OSR is fine if you still have the fillings. Waiting for a response from another. But have to send out the others yet..

BTW..congrats on your progress!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
When you're chelating you're then moving it out of the body.

The thing is, chelating doesn't necessarily move heavy metals out of the body--it is more like stirring them up out of their hidey-holes and grabbing hold of them with a strong or less strong grip. Apparently the strength of the grip has to do with the number of thiols the chelator has. (biochemisty!) Chelators can sometimes lose their grip on mercury and it can migrate to other parts of the body. OSR was invented (I believe--Rich Van K is the one who knows about this) as a two thiol chelator and they are oriented to have a very strong grip, so if the theory behind Dr. Haley's invention works, OSR should hold the mercury and carry it out of the body. However many chelators lose their grip and redistribute some of the mercury.

Thus there is some danger in using heavy duty chelators when you have a high mercury burden (from amalgams or other sources). I have not heard anything specifically about this and OSR, so it is good that you have some good "sources." I know of a couple of people whose condition really deteriorated after chelation without enough precautions being taken. Generally it is necessary to use a binder to catch the heavy metals and move them out of the body. Different substances are used as binders--such as clay and psyllium.

Chelation is a tricky business also because some chelators can deplete you of minerals. I have had some hard times with other chelators in the past so I am glad to have good guidance here.

Hope OSR works well for you.


The thing is, chelating doesn't necessarily move heavy metals out of the body--it is more like stirring them up out of their hidey-holes and grabbing hold of them with a strong or less strong grip.

Chelators can sometimes lose their grip on mercury and it can migrate to other parts of the body.

But that's the part that doesn't make sense when it comes to deciding whether or not to chelate with the fillings still intact. You could have all the fillings out..still have a mercury problem(or have the problem w/out amalgams to begin with)...so those same issues apply. If one isn't going to have them removed- might as well try to get it out of the rest of your body.

The precautions make sense though..there probably should be more warnings out there with some of this stuff.


Senior Member
Can anyone explain what microsilica is and why it is safe?

Someone mentioned horsetail. I think horsetail has silica which is not the same as microsilica. I think microsilica is not a plant based product.


Senior Member
But that's the part that doesn't make sense when it comes to deciding whether or not to chelate with the fillings still intact. You could have all the fillings out..still have a mercury problem(or have the problem w/out amalgams to begin with)...so those same issues apply. If one isn't going to have them removed- might as well try to get it out of the rest of your body.

The precautions make sense though..there probably should be more warnings out there with some of this stuff.


According to Andrew Cutler, PhD, one should NEVER, EVER chelate when they still have mercury (or almalgam) fillings in the mouth, for the reasons Sushi mentions. I think he recommends at least three months before starting chelation, and then he follows a very strict (and somewhat controversial) protocol. He uses mostly oral alpha-lipoic acid and DMSA, but only if taken every 3-4 hours..for 3 days 2 nights, and then a 10 day break, and says that ALA should never be taken once or twice a day if one has a heavy metal problem. A google search will turn up more info.

Thanks Sushi...I didn't know that about the OSN product (which I'm not sure, but I believe is a Klinghardt product?)


p.s. Still have to reply on the parasite thread...but my eyes are worn out right now.


Senior Member
OSR and MicroSilica

OSR was developed by Boyd Haley, U of Kentucky. It's a sulfhydral complexing complexing agent like DMSA only many times "stronger" according to Klinghardt, and very effective - and expensive of course! As far as I can tell it's only recommended in some cases.

Robin, Microsilica is engineered in a lab. I'm not sure what they start with but the end result doesn't sound like the natural (shard type) stuff that people use for pest control.

MicroSilica is a proprietary product that consists of highly purified functionalized silica with covalently attached metal-binding groups.

Directions for use: MicroSilica can be mixed with liquids to create a suspension; drink quickly to avoid settling of the particles. The best liquid for the suspension is a soluble Vitamin C liquid as this protects the anti-oxidant qualities of the product. Alternately, a bit of lemon juice in water or a fruit juice will work. MicroSilica may be taken on an empty stomach or with food.

Dosage: The basic adult dose is 100mg (one level scoop) one a day. Length of treatment: The general course of use is 4-6 months as a basic detox, up to a year for a deeper cleaning. Periodic use after the main cleanse (one month two times per year) is helpful for two reasons: 1) to remove new accumulations, and 2) because deeper deposits that may not be accessible during the first cleanse can move out and become more available after the body adjusts to the first cleanse.

http://www.biopureus.com/ (They also sell OSR)

I can't explain why it's safe because I don't know that it is (no studies yet as far as I know).

Anne :Retro smile:


Senior Member

I had 18 amalgams out about a year ago by a dentist who uses the Huggins protocol (oxygen, charcoal, dam etc). I sill have about 3 or 4 under crowns though - these teeth have root canal fillings and I couldn't face messing about with them as well.

After the removal I had 6 months of feeling very well (but I'd been feeling better just before anyway). I had no problems with the removals.

But last October I went into a severe relapse and I've been in bed most of the time since. I don't think that was anything to do with amalgam removal - it's just the natural course of my illness .

I just have to conclude that the removal has made no difference. Of course I haven't done any real chelation, apart from zeolite and citrus pectin.



Senior Member
Austin, TX
Thank you so much! I'm sorry to hear you relapsed. May I ask why no chelation (because of relapse?)? I am hoping you begin to feel better very soon. My best to you,


Senior Member
Thanks very much for your kind words, Margaret.

I haven't done chelation because I've still got amalgams under some crowns. Many say it's dangerous to do chelation if you have any amalgam left.

But if all the other things I've got on my list to try don't work out, I may do it anyway - I'm getting old....



Senior Member
I did :)

Hi Margib :Retro smile:

I had 7 amalgams out - apart from one they were small and uncomplicated fillings.

I had it done over 2 days in 1999 with a dam, oxygen mask etc.

An integrative doctor worked with my dentist. She prescribed DMSA - I can't rememeber the exact dose or for how many weeks but I took it 8 hourly. Also prescibed CoQ10, and a vitamin and mineral compound formulated for my specific case. I took extra Vit C too.

My health didn't improve as a result, but I'm pleased to be without amalgams now anyway!

My regular GP (MD, family doctor) referred me to the integrative doctor because his wife had MS and had been helped a LOT by amalgam removal and chelation. She's remained well all this time :Retro smile:.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I had 13 amalgams taken out. But...this is not a success story! It was done in the 80's before anyone knew how to take precautions, so I'm sure I increased my mercury load and am paying for it now.

That said, I still felt improvements. Perhaps it was relief from the electrical circuits set up by the combo of leaking amalgams and saliva. My improvement was a significant reduction in joint pain.

But, I'd never recommend getting amalgams removed by the "cheap and easy" method. It was just one of those dumb things I did without knowing better. :ashamed:




According to Andrew Cutler, PhD, one should NEVER, EVER chelate when they still have mercury (or almalgam) fillings in the mouth, for the reasons Sushi mentions. I think he recommends at least three months before starting chelation, and then he follows a very strict (and somewhat controversial) protocol. He uses mostly oral alpha-lipoic acid and DMSA, but only if taken every 3-4 hours..for 3 days 2 nights, and then a 10 day break, and says that ALA should never be taken once or twice a day if one has a heavy metal problem. A google search will turn up more info.

But what I said before the "precautions" comment addresses the worrying about doing anything before having fillings removed. I understand Cutler's protocol..and others- I think they just want to stress- get those fillings out, period. But unless there's something else out there that shows it really is a big no no to do something like this with the fillings still intact, I just don't see how it's any different than worrying about the mercury floating around other parts of your body. See Sushi's quotes and my response.

I'm open to seeing the evidence. But unless it's there it makes no sense to scare people away from chelating heavy metals from their body just because they still have their fillings. And can't afford to get them out, or whatever.

OSR is also called OSR#1, for those wanting to Google it.