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Years ago, I attended a holiday work party at a nice little Italian restaurant in town. There was good company, good food, and the wine was flowing. About halfway through dinner, and after glass after glass of wine, I decided it was time to use the bathroom. Like any good drunk person, I brought my glass of wine with me. Upon returning to the party moments later, I went to take a sip of the glass of wine I had been holding on to on my way back from the restroom. Except nothing came out. And suddenly everyone was laughing at me. When I looked down, I discovered that it was not, in fact, my glass of wine but rather a can of aerosol bathroom spray in my hand. What a jerk. Sheepishly, I scurried back to the bathroom with the aerosol spray in tow, where my precious glass of wine awaited me.


Uh, you truly were drunk....I won't argue with you on that one. I'm sure you had quite a hangover, especially if the aerosol was pine scented. Yours, Lenora.

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