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The Paleo Diet (for those interested in diet)

What is the Paleo Diet ?

The paleo diet is simply the hunter-gatherer diet of the Paleolithic era (ie before the Neolithic age when man became agriculturalists).

Our Paleolithic ancestors were lean, fit and free from heart disease and the other ailments that plague Western countries. They were healthy, strong and active.

Then abandoned this lifestyle and turned to agriculture.

Loren Cordain, PH.D. in his book The Paleo Diet gives a clear guide as to the research & theory behind why our bodies need the nutrition determined by our genetic make up.

The principles follow the theme of high protein/low carb. Obviously, modern man does not have the active lifestyle of the Paleolithic era, so we need to be careful to ensure that high protein is the right kind of protein low fat.

Remember, lean protein is the most effective nutrient in reducing your appetite and boosting your metabolism to help you burn stored fat.

Summary as follows:

Lean pasture fed beef
Wild game meats
Free-range chickens
Liver (which I dont fancy as I had it a lot as a teenager)
Eggs enriched with omega 3 (not keen on eggs either but try to eat about 3 each week much better if organic free-range ie no growth hormones or antibiotics)
Fish & Seafood, particularly cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and halibut
Salt free walnuts and macadamia nuts (which are also tasty in salads)
Raw un-salted seeds (pumpkin seeds more so than sunflower seeds which are quite high in omega 6 & omega 9s)
Flaxseed oil and/or freshly ground flaxseeds
Leafy green vegetables and herbs
Fruits (preferably berries which are high in antioxidants & low sugar fruits)

Plant foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, are rich in healthful fats. Eating these in moderate amounts will help you get the calories you need for a balanced diet.

Also, except for walnuts & macadamia nuts, almost all nuts have high levels of omega 6 fats, and if eaten excessively, they can unbalance the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats in your diet.

For ideal health, then, you should eat fruits and vegetables with every meal, along with moderate amounts of healthful oils. However, just because its a vegetable doesnt mean its good. High carbohydrate, starchy tubers potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams are restricted on the Paleo Diet. Also dried fruit should be eaten only in small amounts because it, too, can produce a high glycemic load (causing a rapid increase in the blood glucose level), particularly when you eat too much of it.

You will probably (in fact definitely, if over 40 when bone density reduces & it is vital in both men & women to stop osteoporosis) need a calcium supplement, as we dont eat enough calcium rich food & exercise outdoors all day, to absorb both the calcium & vitamin D which our ancestors would have taken in.

Dairy & grains were not in the Paleolithic age; which suits me fine as I dont thrive on either.

I think youll find that most people with CFS/FM dont tolerate grains or dairy particularly well.

Aim for organic/biodynamic fresh produce where ever possible, especially for people with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities).


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