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The NIH "hates pwME"


I think they even changed their "about me/cfs" page (them and/or the cdc) to reflect a more generic version since when I posted it last. What they had last year was closer and more accurate to what we suffer. I was giving it to people to at least understand this a little about this disease. :(

Edit: For one thing Brian Walit (sp) needs to go. It makes no sense having someone in there to work on a disease that he doesn't even believe is real.
I think they even changed their "about me/cfs" page (them and/or the cdc) to reflect a more generic version since when I posted it last. What they had last year was closer and more accurate to what we suffer. I was giving it to people to at least understand this a little about this disease. :(

Edit: For one thing Brian Walit (sp) needs to go. It makes no sense having someone in there to work on a disease that he doesn't even believe is real.
Why would they do that? They just don't want this illness to be taken seriously. Which really doesn't make sense now that the NIH has occasionally compared long covid to ME, as Hillary Johnson points out here in the 2nd tweet:
HJ confused messaging me and long covid.png
I guess the answer is that they have since backtracked on ME and long Covid comparisons, as Hillary points out here. This one's from Jan 2024, the previous one's from March 2021

Does anyone know the cdc/nih's recent stance on comparing / linking ME and long COVID? I mean, it's clear which one the are researching, and it's not ME.

HJ fauci buried, lied decades.png
I know. When I read that quote about "only post-Covid" patients previously I thought "we're getting the shaft again." Plus, it means they definitely are not looking at ME research that has already happened. If they coordinated with our researchers they would be that much farther ahead but they don't want to obviously. :meh:
It makes scientific sense to focus appropriate attention on the known trigger COVID 19.

It also makes sense to also focus on the existing research from illnesses which PARALLEL COVID-19.

Both are possible and both needed to happen.

There is a general assertion that somehow it's "the government".

But maybe it's NOT the government so much as the entire medical capitalist industry. Run by Pharma, who write the textbooks and set agendas.

all the NIH folks went to the same Medical schools our doctors who generally know nothing and care less, also attended. They read the same books pass the same tests.
It makes scientific sense to focus appropriate attention on the known trigger COVID 19.

It also makes sense to also focus on the existing research from illnesses which PARALLEL COVID-19.

Both are possible and both needed to happen.

There is a general assertion that somehow it's "the government".

But maybe it's NOT the government so much as the entire medical capitalist industry. Run by Pharma, who write the textbooks and set agendas.

all the NIH folks went to the same Medical schools our doctors who generally know nothing and care less, also attended. They read the same books pass the same tests.
They're all rotten. When HJ wrote 'the gov' she may have been limited by Twitter's character count and referring to governmental public health agencies that have buried ME and called us hysterical middle aged women. And had bulletin boards at the CDC in the 80s with cartoons making fun of us.

you are correct, it's the entire medical capitalist industry. Pharma = NIH and CDC --> control the doctors who are rarely brave or ethical enough to buck the trend. Do the NIH and CDC do *any* good, ever? I legit think they're all evil.

I'm so angry that it took me 14 years to figure out the basics of living with ME because not a single doctor told me to be careful with exertion, because there are so many predatory alt medicine and 'mind-body' healers who see dollar signs when they look at us, and most of all because the NIH never "raised awareness" -- they did the contrary.

Everyone from dental hygienists to neighbors to my parents tell me, if your illness is that bad, why haven't I heard of it? Surely they would research a disease that terrible.

Fauci wanted to "shut us up."

I hope karma exists.

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