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Pain Isn't Always Pain / Increasing Energy Envelope / Night Moves

The night sky is especially black right now, but I cannot say why. Blacker than a black ink pen? Perhaps it is.

I shouldn't be awake right now. And really, nobody should. But I am contending with a particular kind of pain. An old familiar. The Bile Flesh Burn. It's a deep skin erosion trauma that mostly strikes well into the night - after bile has repeatedly run a repeating path across the same real estate.

I awaken. I wipe away. And then I hope the damage isn't extensive enough to keep me awake. Tonight, it is. And I most assuredly am.

The second particular kind of pain is a recent onset event. It only occurs while in my power wheelchair, when I am upright, folded at the waist. And this pain is part of the reason why I found myself in the emergency room yesterday.

This is the Pain of Compression. Or the Pain of Obstruction. Or better yet - the Pain of Occlusion!

This one builds up slowly, but only while seated. And it has much to do with my duodenum not being allowed to empty. Pooling bile released, then immediately stuck, then festering within as a result of this compression.

Intestinal bloating is the biggest factor. I suspect. But I'm not sure on any of this. No doctors will touch my theories. Nor the fact that my transverse colon is equally afflicted. Restricted. Whatever.

Sometimes both types of pain combine, multiplying the effect - and it's time for liquid codeine. Which, of course, exacerbates the bloating issues.

Anyway…. I was at the hospital for an infection of sorts. My stoma area and beyond. And I was given Keflex.

This may also help reduce the sudden swelling within and around my suddenly swollen left eye. Yes, unrelated - yet simultaneously arising.

So, I am taking action, as I'll also temporarily switch feeding formulas, in an effort to reduce the painful bloat. Pending approval from above (and beyond).

Check This Out (Encouraging Stuff)

Dateline: yesterday

I got out of bed by myself. Then I got back into my bed by myself in order to climb onto the stretcher. Then out of the stretcher into the hospital bed. Then out of the hospital bed onto the CT scan platform. Then slid off the CT scan platform back into my bed. And then, onto the stretcher for the return ambulance trip home. And then back into my bed, and then immediately back into my wheelchair… before climbing back into bed late in the evening.

YES! I did all of that without suffering any P.E.M. of any sort.

And my energy levels continue to gradually increase over time, despite losing weight (avoiding 'food'), and not sleeping much. So hooray for intense daily desert sunlight exposure, right?

I've also recently added daily doses of magnesium citrate to my regimen. And really, that's it.

Cut Deep

At long last my muscle biopsy took place. It's the original reason why I came to the nursing home back in October of 2021. And compared to the other pain I've been experiencing of late, the post-surgical pain was absolutely nothing at all. Despite the 3-inch incision, it felt no worse than a bad Charlie Horse. Or like a deep bone bruise. Something like that.

And now I wait for one month. Or two months hence. I await the results - "What's wrong with my muscles?" Perhaps an answer is in the making. A solution. A course of action to be taken.

And Now This

Yesterday at the hospital the guy who did my ultrasound, the one who inserted my IV, remembered me from a previous visit, back in 2019. He remembered most everything about me, and the conversation we had four years ago. I was impressed. And I'm always impressed that so many people at the hospital remember me each time I come in. Even if it's been years since they last saw me.

A Different Me

It was also quite strange going into the hospital feeling like a New Howard. That is, a way different physical specimen versus the last time(s) I was in the emergency room, dating back any number of years - back when I was so weak and unwell that I was barely able to lift my head (or legs). Unable to scoot my body along, or simply twist and turn without exhausting myself. And also, having little hope for recovery.

@Tammy @lenora re: previous blog entry

FYI - I posted images of me being outside late at night watching the traffic move along the highway

There's actually no curfew, nothing formal, but I'm not really supposed to be outside at night either way… Not since they lock the front doors at 8:00 p.m. every night.

It's a new practice. Under the new ownership. But I still wander off on my own, because… that's what I need to do. And much due to the ever-increasing heat, it's the only time to go outdoors and move about the neighborhood.

I mostly keep to the bike trail and stay nearby. Relatively speaking. But there's nothing doing inside the building, nothing at all, inside a nursing home after 8:00 p.m.

Not that there's much happening during the daytime either, but you know what I mean.

Because I was stuck in bed for seven years consecutively, I'm not all that worried about my safety. And really I'm not concerned at all, the fact that I know all the people who everybody fears. My homeless friends. They offer to help me at every turn.

As an example, offering to go up to the store and buy things for me if I need them.

And also, pretty much everybody who utilizes the bike trail knows me by now. Or at least, they are aware of me. The hospital staffers, the folks at the fire station, too. People always ask me if I'm the guy in the bike trail, saying I look quite familiar. Which makes sense.

Oh yeah, as an example, yesterday's ambulance drivers were familiar with me as well.

So yeah. I am relatively safe out and about.

Be well,

Night Lights





The New Howard seems to be managing to both cope and be Man about Town (at least, your local part of town)...

I recall how hard it was for you to be up for any amount of time...you have seen quite an improvement, which we all hope continues.

To what do you attribute these improvements? Do you think its largely your enhanced Vitamin D dosing?

I think for your own sanity, given your an extremely intelligent creative person, this adventure your having provides meaning and rewards and I am so very glad you're not stuck in one room any longer.

Its too bad your Cat cannot visit.

A sort of funny moment took place around here..(apartments, seven units). Pets are not allowed. Nor are babies. Nor are "guests, unauthorized".

So I"ve had illegal guests since the January stroke crisis; and while holding the illegal baby looking out my window, I see Unit 3 is snuggling with their cat, at their window. (as the baby grows larger, I hold baby for shorter intervals)

BUSTED. We both laughed.

Meanwhile, adjacent Unit 2, has a tortoise shell.

Looks like these cats are being "kept in". Probably a good plan, as I really like the little birds, who live around here, and the one mole that appeared, post rainfall.

Local news reported a recent daytime mountain lion siting, a large house cat in its clutches. Another news report, coyote v cat: the cat was having a much more challenging time. Unless you're rooting for coyote.

Any signs of predators in your local area, @Howard?
I guess we'll all be waiting for your muscle biopsy, Howard. No

Yes, when you think about it, being out at night is much easier for you, isn't it? Not the same amount of heat. What time do you head back to the nursing home and hope they'll unlock the door for you.

Yes, hearing about your CAT scan one can see that you're getting plenty of exercise. You're glad to have a few minutes to rest once you're inside the machine.

Well, here's hoping they'll approve a new uh, beverage for you, something that won't bother your stoma as much.

Thanks for the pictures and yes, if you want remarks, your room is in a frazzled looking state. But where do you put things? I know the problem.

Take care, Howard. Any museums lately? Yours, Lenora
To what do you attribute these improvements? Do you think its largely your enhanced Vitamin D dosing?

The only thing I'm really doing much at all is experiencing sunlight directly, and much more intensely, as we head into the summer season. As an example, I was bed bound for four consecutive days (very recently) and by day number four I felt physically weaker, measurably so.

I am convinced it's not a psychosomatic effect. And really, I should check into that Coimbria (spelling?) protocol to see if somehow I can execute a plan along those lines.

In any case, I've got less than two months wait for the results of the muscle biopsy.

Any signs of predators in your local area, @Howard?

No obvious signs of predators of late. Then again, I'm spending less time outside much due to the heat. Mind you, it's been below normal mostly. Below average. Only crossing the 100° barrier a handful of times thus far. Seeing as it's June, we could be 115° easily.

What did they say at the ER? Anything that could be helpful?

The ER doctor was actually engaged, and he supported my decision to try a different feeding formula in order to possibly and potentially reduce bloating. So, with Sunshine44's help, I'm going to try Liquid Hope.

Also, he agreed that my pain is likely positional, which of course I knew already. But it's nice to have someone take a moment and consider the mechanical elements involved. I've been out of bed two days now, and what I'm trying to do is lay flat for dozens of minutes each hour.

To reiterate, what I've come to conclude is that sitting upright in a 90° angle doesn't allow gas to pass, nor anything exiting the duodenum. I suspect this includes bile. So perhaps there's a potential ulceration of sorts, due to the lack of flow and/or the impingement.

Of course, I can't get any gastroenterologists to buy into any of this… and heck, it's not even that. Nobody seems all that interested in my theories or conclusions. But I'm used to that. I've had a lifetime with that sort of lacking of engagement! LOL

Yes, when you think about it, being out at night is much easier for you, isn't it? Not the same amount of heat. What time do you head back to the nursing home and hope they'll unlock the door for you.

As an example, I left the premises this morning around 5:00 a.m. - that was after the CNA loudly and rudely woke me up at 3:30 a.m. while tending to my roommate's diaper. Apparently, her apartment complex finally purchased a new air conditioning unit for her.

Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep under the blaring glaring lights and excessively loud dialogue.

I'm trying to get out as early as humanly possible, then returning before the heat index reaches 90° f. After those kinds of temperatures, I start diminishing in the heat. And then in the evening, I'm pretty much going outside after 8:00 p.m., when it cools reasonably.

I appreciate the responses and the questions. :) I hope each of you is doing well. Or improving. Or something like that!
What an amazing sunrise! Very cool looking. You definitely got yourself in a good spot to be able to view dramatic effects.

To reiterate, what I've come to conclude is that sitting upright in a 90° angle doesn't allow gas to pass, nor anything exiting the duodenum.

This makes considerably sense to me. Sometimes whats wrong with us is, in my view, structural, mechanical, physical in a very physical way.

It makes total sense that you'd need to be concerned about position, and things getting blocked, or some other variation.

We know our own bodies better than these experts who can't possibly know (do they even ask questions?) (Hardly).

I"m spending more and more time down (as opposed to sitting in my chair).

Head, on top of spine, remains a challenge. Neck,weaker. Where is this heading?

wait for the results of the muscle biopsy.
Curious of the testing will tell you about nerves that instruct the muscles to do things like extract oxygen or make energy. Does this test have an official name?
Curious of the testing will tell you about nerves that instruct the muscles to do things like extract oxygen or make energy. Does this test have an official name?

Everyone is calling it a muscle biopsy, but there could be another more medical sounding name, I suppose. :)

And I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. It's especially frustrating not knowing what we're supposed to be doing.

Sometimes sitting upright is impossibly painful. And then miraculously, the pain abates. I simply cannot find an easy way to relive the pressure or reduce the burn without taking codeine.

I almost hope something will rupture / burst, having been unable to convince anyone to dig further into the cause. But y'all know how that goes, right? Well, of course you do.

Anyways - hope you find some physical comfort soon!
It's especially frustrating not knowing what we're supposed to be doing.

And then miraculously, the pain abates. I simply cannot find an easy way to relive the pressure or reduce the burn without taking codeine.

so difficult.... (pain being just a particularly difficult sensation to "cope with" as we all know)

Obviously you've studied the anatomy charts extensively, simply trying to understand how all that MIGHT be working, if it WAS working correctly....

The latest here: I just saw my GP, who warned me to be very very cautious getting anywhere near this rheumatologist I am chatting with virtually, on Monday....

My doctor suggested more garlic instead.
That's rather unfortunate.... but perhaps an office visit will yield unforeseen results. Maybe?
Yes, perhaps. Sort of nothing much to see or inspect, if you know what I mean....but my daughter is here still, so she can take me.

I"m having to pay somebody to drive me to the dentist right now. Medical transport services only exist In Theory.

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